Read Books Novel

Joy Ride

She wiggles her eyebrows, standing her ground in the kitchen doorway. “Yes.”

I’m guessing she won’t join me until I give in, so I might as well. “I’m jealous. You win.”

I sink down on the couch, and she struts over, plops down next to me, and runs one fingernail down my bare arm, over my bicep, along my forearm to my wrist. Inside, I shiver. Outside, I reveal nothing.

She brings her face to my neck and licks me. The tip of her tongue traces a path to my ear, and it sets my blood on fire. I breathe out hard, saying her name like a warning. “Henley.”

She says mine, too, in that sexy purr. “Max. I take dance classes at the Hudson.”

I smirk. “You do?”

She nods, a shy little smile on her lips. “I do.”


“Is that so hard to believe? Is it easier to believe that I’m screwing someone or seeing someone?” she asks, affronted.

“I don’t want you screwing or seeing someone else.”

She scoffs. “You’re insane if you think I’d let you do what you did to me on the car if I were screwing someone else.”

My heart squeezes, and it feels like happiness and relief all at once. I’m so damn glad I was wrong. “I’m either insane or insanely jealous. Tell me about this class.”

I reach for her calves and slide off her black shoes, letting the heels fall to the floor. She tucks her feet under her as she answers. “It’s salsa, and it’s sexy, and I’m terrible at dancing. But I love it. My friend Olivia tried it and told me to give it a shot.”

“I doubt you’re terrible.”

She shakes her head. “I’m the worst student in the class.”

Somehow, this makes me laugh. “There’s no way you’re the worst. And even if you are, it’s awesome that you love it anyway.”

“Taking apart an engine is so easy compared to dancing,” she says as she takes another sip of her hot chocolate then wraps both hands around the mug. It’s so cute the way she clutches it. I want to take a picture of how she holds that cup. It’s yet another side of Henley—the girlie side.

“Why do you say it’s hard for you?”

“You have to get your feet right. You have to remember the steps. You have to move in time to the music. And you have to have a good partner. I had one, but he dropped out.”


“Did you think I danced with a woman?”

“I didn’t think about you dancing at all till two minutes ago.”

“And what do you think now that you know?” she asks as she sets the cup on the coffee table.

“That the thought of you dancing salsa with some guy the night after I made you come hard on the hood of a car makes me crazy.”

“A lot of things make you crazy. You should get that head of yours checked out. Maybe you’re going mad.”

“So who’d you dance with tonight, Miss Salsa Girl?”

“The instructor.” She arches an eyebrow. “He’s this tall, gorgeous, Latin-lover type, and he can dance like you’ve never seen.”

I narrow my eyes and breathe fire. “When’s your next class?”


“At the Hudson?”


“I’ll be there.”


“I’m going with you,” I tell her as I rope my hand in her hair, tugging it back. She gasps, that sexy, needy sound she makes when I get rough with her. “You’re going with me?” She knits her brow in question.

“You need a partner. I need to not have anyone else’s hands on you while I’m fucking you.”

She shoves her palms against my chest, and I let go of her locks. “What makes you think you’re screwing me?”

“The fact that you like making me jealous. The fact that you’re here at this hour. The fact that I’m wearing nothing but a towel, and I’m rock-hard, and you haven’t left. That’s why.”

“That’s presumptuous.”

I shrug. “This is presumptuous.” I lift my hips, take off the towel, and toss it on the floor.

Her breath hitches. “That’s not fair. I mean, seriously.” She flings her arm in the general direction of my lap. “How did that happen?”

I chuckle. “How did what happen?”

She pushes my chest again, her eyes straying to my crotch. “How do you get to be six foot three, with these arms, and have a gigantic dick, too? It’s ridiculous.” She crosses her arms. “It’s a completely unfair distribution of male assets. It’s like you got the portion reserved for three other guys. It all went to you.”

I smirk. “I was good in a past life?”

She stares at me and shakes her head. “And those eyes,” she says softly as she gazes at me. Then, her voice is even more faint. “Those eyes.”

My skin warms. I press my forehead to hers, slowing down. “I could say the same about your eyes.”

The moment speeds up again. She darts out a hand, surprising me as she wraps it around my dick. I hiss in pleasure. I do like this kind of surprise. A lot.

“I can’t help it,” she says with a shrug. “It’s like a stick shift calling out to me.”

“A joystick.”

She laughs and strokes my hard-on, and then I stop laughing. I sink back into the couch, spreading my arms over the cushions behind me, stretching my right arm around her. I grip her shoulder, drawing her near, as she busies herself with fondling me. I shudder on an upstroke. “Fuck, that’s good.”

“It was so good last night,” she murmurs.

“So fucking good.”

She licks me again, sliding her tongue along my neck, flicking it against my earlobe. Her hand glides down my shaft, and she cups my balls. I open my legs wider, giving her access to the goods. “Sleeping with you again would be a terrible idea,” she says as she explores my erection.

Her actions say it would be anything but terrible.

“It’s the worst thing we could do,” I say, holding back a groan.

“Sleeping with the competition is foolish,” she adds. “We might be working together now, but you’re still my rival.”

“You’re still mine, too.”

“It’s too risky. I’d be”—she nibbles on my earlobe—“distracted.” She drops her face between my legs and licks the head of my cock.

My whole body jerks in pleasure. “Jesus. That’s fucking distracting for sure.”

“Is this, too?” She paints a line down to the base with her tongue.

“Yeah,” I grunt.

“Then we should just get this out of our system.”

I nod. I’d agree to anything right now. “Yeah, we definitely need to get this out of our system.”

“One more time,” she suggests, then licks her way back up. I’ve become her ice-cream cone.

“That’s all we need,” I say on a broken breath.

“Then we’re done.”

“Completely done.”

“So done.” She moans as her mouth travels, and that sound sends a dark thrill through me. I brush her lush hair away from her gorgeous face and watch her play with my dick. This is the side of Henley that messes with me. That teases. That flirts.

Right now, she’s flirting with my dick.
