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Hanna tossed her hair over her shoulder. “So. If you want to go out with me, you can’t go out with anyone else. Including Kate.”

Mike let out a grunt. His biceps started to wobble. He looked at her pleadingly. “Please. I’m going to drop this on my chest.” His face began to turn red.

Hanna made a tsk sound. “I thought you were stronger than that.”

“Please,” Mike begged.

“Promise me first,” Hanna urged. She leaned over a little farther, offering him more of a view down her dress.

Mike’s eyes slid to the right. The tendons in his neck popped out. “Kate asked me to go to the Radley party before I knew you wanted to be exclusive and whatever. I can’t uninvite her.”

“Yes, you can,” Hanna growled. “It’s easy.”

“I have an idea,” Mike gasped. “Let me put this down, and I’ll tell you.”

Hanna stepped aside and let him return the bar. He let out a huge sigh, sat up, and stretched. Hanna was surprised to see how defined his arms were. She’d been right the other day when she’d guessed that Mike would look way better post-shower than Officer Wilden.

She laid down a towel on an empty leg-press bench next to him and sat down. “Okay. Spill it.”

Mike grabbed a towel that was sitting on the floor next to the bench press and mopped off his face. “I can be bought, if you’re interested. If you do something for me, I’ll uninvite Kate.”

“What do you want?”

“Your flag.”

“No way.” She shook her head.

“Okay, then take me to prom,” Mike said.

Hanna’s mouth hung open, temporarily stunned. “The prom’s four months away.”

“Hey, a guy needs to lock down his date early.” Mike shrugged. “It’ll give me time to find the perfect pair of shoes.” He fluttered his eyelashes girlishly.

Hanna ran her hands over the back of her neck, trying to tune out the other lax players, who were catcalling her from the weight circuit. If Mike wanted Hanna to take him to her prom, that meant that he liked Hanna best, right? And that meant she had won. A smile spread across her lips. Take that, bitch. She couldn’t wait to see Kate’s face when she told her.

“Okay,” she said. “I’ll take you to my prom.”

“Nice,” Mike said. He glanced at his wet T-shirt. “I’d feel you up right now to celebrate, but I don’t want to get you all sweaty.”

“Gracias,” Hanna simpered, rolling her eyes. She sauntered out of the weight room, making exaggerated movements with her hips. “I’ll pick you up tonight at eight,” she called over her shoulder. “Alone.”

Tickle Me Elmo girl was waiting for Hanna by the snack bar. A bald man with tattooed biceps and a handlebar mustache loomed behind her. “Miss, if you want to use this gym, you’re going to have to pay a guest fee,” the girl said haltingly. Her cheeks matched the bright red sweatband on her forehead. “And if you don’t want to do that, then–”

“I’m done here,” Hanna cut her off, skirting around both of them. The girl and her bouncer whirled around, watching her go. Neither moved. Neither stepped forward to apprehend her. And that, of course, was because she was Hanna Marin. And she was unstoppably, unbelievably fabulous.



That afternoon, a UPS truck pulled up to the curb of Aria’s father’s new house. The deliveryman, wearing blue long underwear under his short-sleeved brown UPS shirt and shorts, handed Aria a box. Aria thanked him and looked at the mailing label. Organic Baby Booties. The return address was from Santa Fe, New Mexico. Who knew such little baby booties could leave such an adult-size carbon footprint?

Her phone beeped, and she reached into the pocket of her bulky-knit sweater coat to grab it. She’d received a text from Ella. Are you coming to the Radley party tonight? Another text quickly followed. I hope you can…. I’ve missed you! And then another. It would mean so much!

Aria sighed. Ella had been texting Aria like this all morning, begging her for an answer. If Aria said she didn’t want to go to the Radley party, Ella would inevitably ask why, and then what would Aria do? Tell her that she didn’t want to be within six feet of her creepy boyfriend? Concoct a lie, which might make her mom think she didn’t want to support her art career? It was bad enough that Aria hadn’t been to Ella’s house even once this week. There was no way out of it—she’d have to suck it up and deal with Xavier as best she could. If only Jason were coming with her.

Her phone beeped again. Aria clicked on the new message, expecting it to be another missive from Ella. Instead, it was an e-mail. The sender’s name was Jason DiLaurentis.

Aria’s heart leapt. She opened the note fast. Listen. I’ve been thinking, Jason wrote. I overreacted at Rocks and Ropes yesterday. I want to explain. Want to meet me at my house in an hour?

Beneath it was his address in Yarmouth. Don’t go in the regular entrance, Jason explained. I’m up the steps in the apartment above the garage.

Sounds good, Aria wrote back. She hugged herself, giddy and relieved. So there was an explanation for this. Maybe Jason didn’t hate her.

Her phone rang once more. Aria glanced at the screen. It was Emily. After a reluctant pause, Aria answered.

“I need to talk to you,” Emily said in an urgent voice. “It’s about Jason.”

Aria groaned. “You’re jumping to conclusions. Ali lied to Jenna about him.”
