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Kiss of Frost

Kiss of Frost (Mythos Academy #2)(28)
Author: Jennifer Estep

"Oh? Where were you going?" Logan asked. "Maybe I’l tag along. This party’s getting a little tame. Al the beer is gone already."

I frowned. Why would Logan want to go with Preston and me? I mean, hel o, the two of us had been about to disappear into the shadows and total y make out. Logan had to have guessed that.

He had plenty of experience in that area. Maybe it was the way the Spartan stared at Preston, with icy, narrowed eyes, but suddenly, the strangest thought fil ed my mind. Logan wasn’t-he couldn’t be-there was no way that he was jealous. Was he?

Preston looked at Logan, then back at me. His eyebrows shot up in his face. He realized something was going on between Logan and me. I wish he’d clue me in on exactly what it was, because I had no idea.

"Actual y, I should go check on my friends. They’re over at another party across the vil age." Preston turned to me and grinned. "But I’d love to see you tomorrow. Maybe we can have lunch?"

My heart lifted, and a matching grin curved my lips. He wanted to see me again. Maybe he real y did like me after al . I felt like doing a happy dance, but of course, I was way too cool for that. I’d at least wait until I got back to my hotel room, alone, where no one would see.

"It’s a date," I said.

We pul ed out our cel phones and swapped numbers.

"Just text me when you want to hook up, okay?" I told Preston.

He nodded, then gave me another kil er smile. "I wil . I had fun tonight, Gwen."

I smiled back at him. "Me, too."

For a second, Preston hesitated, like he was going to lean forward and kiss me on the cheek, but then his gaze cut to Logan, and he thought better of it. Preston nodded at me, stuffed his gloved hands into his jacket pockets, and set off across the alpine vil age.

As soon as he was out of sight, I whirled around and stabbed my finger at Logan, not quite poking him in the chest. "What the hel was that about?"

"What are you doing, Gypsy girl?" Logan asked in a soft voice, instead of answering my question. "You don’t even know that guy."

My mouth dropped open, and anger burned through my veins, chasing away the chil of the fal ing snow. "Oh, cut the double-standard bul shit. I’d say I know just as much about Preston as you do about al the girls you’ve slept with. How many mattresses have you signed at Mythos, anyway? I’m wil ing to bet it’s more than Preston has up in New York." Logan’s jaw tightened, but he didn’t deny any of it. We both knew he had a reputation as a man-whore, whether or not it was actual y true.

"What was I doing? I was trying to have some fun, " I snapped. "That’s what we’re al here for this weekend, remember?

To get total y drunk, wasted, and hook up with random kids from the other academy. According to Daphne, it’s a yearly tradition.

Besides, what do you care?

You came here with Savannah tonight-not me." Logan stared at me, emotions flickering in his bright blue gaze. "I do-I do care," he final y said, running his hand through his dark hair and melting the flakes of snow that had gathered there. "More than I should. Way more than I should."

These were the words I’d wanted him to say to me for weeks now, ever since I’d asked him out back in the fal .

Even now, they made my whole body quiver with happiness.

But I was so angry at him for coming between Preston and me-

for butting in when he shouldn’t have and ruining the moment.

Who I talked to was none of his damn business. Ditto for who I made out with.

The happiness and anger battled for control in my chest like a pair of ancient Greco-Roman wrestlers. It didn’t take long for the anger to put the happiness in a headlock.

"You care? Real y? It sure doesn’t seem like it to me, since every time I turn around, you’re sticking your tongue down Savannah Warren’s throat-right in front of me." Logan grimaced. "You don’t understand. I like Savannah just fine, but you’re-you’re different, Gypsy girl. Special.

You always have been, ever since that first day when you ran into me out on the quad and gave me a piece of your mind."

I arched an eyebrow. "Different? Special? Real y? If I’m so special, if I matter so much to you, then why did you turn me down when I wanted to go out? Huh, Logan? Why would you do that if you were so into me?" He didn’t answer, but I could see the anguish flickering in his eyes. The hurt in his face made me want to reach out, to comfort him somehow, but I pushed away the feeling and made my heart as cold as the snow fal ing around us. I had to be ruthless right now, just like he’d been when he told me that we couldn’t be together, that we couldn’t even go out on one simple date.

"Let me guess. You’re stil keeping that big, big secret from me. The one you think I can’t handle. The one that wil make me not like you anymore." I rol ed my eyes.

"Whatever. I don’t want to understand you and your stupid, twisted logic anyway. Just leave me alone, Spartan, and I’l do the same to you."

I whirled around and stalked away, heading toward the hotel.

"Gwen. Stop. Please."

He cal ed me by my name, which meant he was serious.

That was the only time he used my name, instead of jokingly referring to me as "Gypsy girl," the nickname he’d given me the first day we’d met. For once, I was too pissed to care. I kept walking.

But Logan had other ideas. I hadn’t taken three steps before he grabbed my arms and turned me around. Stupid Spartan reflexes. He was so much quicker than I was. It just wasn’t fair, and his grip was too strong for me to easily break. Before I knew it, Logan had backed me up against the corner of the building. We stood in the shadows, out of sight of the windows and the bright glow of lights spil ing out of the coffee shop.

Logan’s face was close to mine-so close that his hot breath caressed my cheek. So close that I could see the silvery flecks in his ice blue eyes. So close that I could smel his faint, spicy scent.

So close that I could feel the strength of him pressing against me, making me ache for something I knew would be scary and wonderful and heartbreaking al at the same time. Something that made me long to be alone in the dark with him, touching him skin to skin-with no secrets of any kind between us. Just feelings-al these feelings.

The flakes of snow kept pouring down, and clouds of frost fil ed the air between us, our breaths kissing back and forth. Looking at us from a distance, you would have probably thought we were a couple who’d snuck out of the party early to have a little quiet time together. But we weren’t a couple, we weren’t those happy people at al , and that realization made me miserable.

Because even now, I wanted him to kiss me-wanted him to want me just as much as I did him.
