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Knight & Day

He read her signs and swirled harder, tighter, fast little circles that made her hips rock into his face. He answered by lifting her against his mouth and clamping her there, giving her so much stimulation that her orgasm erupted through her body like a firework, spangling every nerve ending with hot glitter. He loved her through it with his mouth and his hands, and when it was over he lowered her down onto her knees and gathered her into him.

Sophie wound her arms around him, clinging to his strength, and his warmth. “I love you,” she mouthed against his shoulder, feeling him say it back against her hair. And she did, she really did. He was the owner of her heart, the father of her child. They shared everything.

Except for one final thing. A thing she mostly tried not to think about. But the moment was too perfect. She was brave enough. She would say it today. She looked up at him, connecting with his gaze, her eyes steady and intimate.

“You know what I’d really like for my birthday, Lucien?”

“Anything,” he murmured, and she knew that he meant it. He’d move mountains to give her what she wanted. She paused for a few seconds, but her eyes didn’t waver.

“I want to be your wife.”

She felt him still. It was the only thing that they didn’t talk about. When she’d met Lucien, she’d been unhappily married to someone else and his opinion on matrimony was in the gutter. So much had happened over the intervening years to heal both of their wounds, yet still it was not an easy subject to raise. It was their last taboo.

Lucien reached for her hand and moved it between their bodies until it settled over his heart. “I’m already yours, in here.”

“I know that,” she said, easing back to look him in the eyes again.

“Then why?” It wasn’t a confrontational question, more of a genuine need to know. Marriage just wasn’t Lucien’s idea of an expression of love.

Sophie placed her hand on his cheek. Her man. Her beautiful, beautiful man.

“Because I want to be your wife. I want to take your name. I want to wear your ring. I want to call you my husband.”

She watched his eyes as she spoke, saw them soften with each new declaration.

“I don’t care where, or when, or who else is there, Lucien. I don’t need a big party or a flashy diamond.” Sophie’s voice cracked. “I just want to marry you.”

Lucien looked at the woman he loved, kneeling before him on her birthday, asking to become his wife. He’d always known that marriage held more relevance for Sophie than for him, but hearing her say that she wanted to take his name, to wear his ring… it stirred feelings in him that he didn’t even know he possessed. He hadn’t possessed them before Sophie. ‘I want to be your wife,’ she’d said, catching him unawares, as ever the girl who surprised him.

“Stand up, Princess.”

A flicker of apprehension crossed her brow as she took his hand to steady herself as she stood.

That was better. His girl wanted to be his wife, and she was going to get the proposal she deserved. She was not the one who should be on her knees.

“I’m not down on one knee, Sophie. I’m on both.” He held her hands, and could feel them shaking. “I’m kneeling because you humble me. I’m kneeling because you light up my life from the inside out. I’m kneeling because you’re the most fucking beautiful woman in this whole world, and an amazing mother to our amazing child. You’re the love of my lifetime.”

She gripped his fingers hard, damp cheeked and shiny eyed in the candlelight.

“Every now and then I forget how spectacular you are, Sophie.” He brought her hand to his mouth and kissed it, her skin warm, her scent familiar beneath his lips. “You just reminded me.”

And then he said the words that he’d never once imagined he’d say.

“Marry me. Please?”

Chapter Fourteen

“Oh my God!” Kara shot off her stool, her cereal forgotten as she scooted around the breakfast bar to hug Sophie, almost lifting her off her feet in her delight. “What took you so long, Mr. K?” she laughed, turning to kiss Lucien on the cheek too.

“Who said I did the asking?” he said, lifting his eyebrows as he slithered off his stool and picked up his car keys. Sophie brushed toast crumbs from her hands and put her arms around his neck as he leaned in close to kiss her goodbye.

“We both did the asking,” she murmured, smiling as his lips touched hers. He tasted of fresh coffee and of lazy weekend mornings in bed, and she suddenly wished they were back there right now. His hand massaged her hip for a few seconds when she held him close and let her tongue flick against his, lingering. His low sigh told her he appreciated her giving him more than he’d expected.

She smiled softly when he lifted his head.

“I think you’re going to like having me as your wife.” She ran her thumb over his bottom lip then let him go with a gentle push. “Go to work. We’ll be in soon.”

Lucien straightened reluctantly, tugging Kara’s ponytail as he passed her on the way out of the kitchen.

“Don’t fill Sophie’s head with crazy wedding plans,” he said, knowing full well that she was going to.

“So. Tell me everything,” Kara poured them both a fresh mug of coffee and sat down again opposite Sophie. “When, where, how. I need details.” She sipped her drink. “Unless you were actually shagging and he yelled it when he blew his load, in which case feel free to lie.”

Sophie grinned. Kara’s directness always amused her.

“Okay… we were in the secret alcove at the bottom of the garden…”

“What alcove?”

“It’s… well, it’s kind of a secret… like an outdoor bedroom in the cliff.”

“Whoa!” Kara held up her hand, banging her mug down on the breakfast bar. “We have a secret sex alcove at the bottom of the garden?”

“Who knew? I was as surprised as you,” Sophie said mildly. “Anyway, I said that what I’d really like for my birthday was a husband, so he got down on his knees and asked me to marry him.”

Kara shook her head. “Wow. I don’t think there’s another person in this world who that man would get on his knees for.”

They paused in silence for a second, then both spoke at the same time.


It was true. The tiny child had her daddy wrapped around her chubby little finger.

“She is going to be the most adorable flower girl,” Kara said, reaching out and covering Sophie’s hand with her own.
