Read Books Novel

Knight & Day

Then, "fuck," he muttered, scrubbing his hand over the three day stubble he’d left to its own devices since he’d quit the States. Even from inside the kitchen he could see that the rails around the boat had just lit up like a Christmas tree, and not one of those tasteful minimalist ones with designer white lights, either.

Stepping cautiously onto the deck, he squinted as he took in the extent of the illuminations. Multi-coloured fairy lights twined all around the chromed rails of both decks, bright winks of pink, lime, turquoise and lemon against the darkening skies.

He should have known better than to expect understated. Nothing about this boat was understated.

Dylan didn’t glance back towards the beach, for fear that the sun watchers had changed focus to watch his one man light show instead. He headed up onto the roof deck and opened out one of the low-slung, brightly striped deckchairs stacked up there.

He was just in time to catch the sun before it slipped down below the horizon, a golden peach blaze that cast ethereal shades of pink across the sea.

Watching nature’s light show, he could feel his heartbeat slowing to the tranquil pace of the island around him.

He had a new name.

He had a new home.

He had a new job.

Maybe, just maybe, with the right wind behind him, this was going to work out.

Chapter Three

"Lucien?" Sophie’s voice was eager and hopeful as she dropped her handbag on the stone table just inside the front door of the villa.

She called out his name even though she half expected that he wouldn’t be there. He wasn’t expecting her until tomorrow, but she’d rearranged earlier flights to surprise him.

“Lucien?” She called again, disappointment blooming in her chest at the answering silence.

“Wow.” Kara followed Sophie a few seconds later, the heels of her beloved cowboy boots clicking against the polished marble floor of the entrance hall. “You didn’t tell me we were renting from the royals!” she laughed, wide eyed as she lifted her shades to survey the villa. “This place is frickin’ amazing!”

Sophie nodded. Kara was right, it was fit for a king. “Lucien found it.” She couldn’t keep the tint of pride out of her voice. Life with Lucien seemed to gild everything slightly brighter, due mostly to the fact that he put a whole lot of energy into making her happy. They’d stayed here for the first time a few months ago, back when Lucien had initially purchased this latest club. She’d been just as stunned as Kara by it, so Lucien had leased the villa for the summer, and the idea of living in it for the next few months was nothing short of blissful.

It undulated across the cliff top in complete seclusion, glistening white with more curves than Marilyn Monroe. Built on several levels into the rocks, the property meandered down towards the Mediterranean like the most glamorous tree house in the world. Private nooks and crannies scattered the grounds; secret hideaways waiting to be discovered. The underground master suite came complete with an outdoor bathroom for starlit bathing, and the sunbathing deck elevated in the trees was accessible only via a rope bridge. It was a magical place designed with hedonism and unadulterated luxury in mind, and, knowing Lucien, this was destined to be a work-hard, play-hard summer.

“Of course he did. Good old Mr. K,” Kara grinned, kicking off her boots as she wandered into the huge sunken lounge, her fingers trailing over the backs of the deep suede sofas piled high with pillows. She paused by the floor-to-ceiling glass doors offering a panoramic view out over the turquoise sea. “I think I’ve died and gone to heaven, Soph.”

Sophie thanked their driver for bringing in the cases and closed the front door, smiling at Kara, whilst thinking privately that beautiful as it was, it wouldn’t be quite perfect until Lucien came home.

He’d flown out to Ibiza ten days previously, and every day without him was one too many. She missed his presence beside her in the day, and she missed his body on hers in bed at night.

Theirs had been an unconventional and emotionally fraught road to love, and the last five years together had served only to deepen the bond between them. The arrival of baby Tilly had cemented their relationship, and the little girl had very soon become Sophie’s main rival for Lucien’s affections. Not that she minded; it did odd and beautiful things to her heart to see her big, handsome Viking twisted around the little finger of his infant daughter.

For the next couple of weeks though, she’d have Lucien to herself whilst the baby was thoroughly spoiled by her grandparents back in the UK. Then she would join them in Ibiza along with Esther, their live-in nanny.

“Important question coming up Soph, so stop mooning over that man and pay attention,” Kara said, with insight born of long experience, peeling off her t-shirt and frayed denim shorts to reveal a red and white striped bikini. Her eyes scanned the fully stocked bar. “Mimosa or mojito?”

Kara loaded the drinks tray in the kitchen ready to head out to where Sophie had set up camp beside the pool. Her friend’s life had altered beyond recognition from the first moment she’d encountered Lucien Knight, and Kara’s had changed right along with it. She hadn’t needed to think twice when Sophie had asked her if she’d like to go into business with her, and their lingerie and adult toy boutiques were going from strength to strength. They’d established one in each of Lucien’s clubs, and they were here in Ibiza to oversee the launch of boutique number ten.

Becoming a mother had necessitated Sophie taking a step back over the last year, and Kara had gladly stepped up, especially after the soap opera style drama she’d unwillingly played out with Richard last summer. Dick the Prick, Lucien had christened him, after he’d stood her up at the altar. “Should I have him killed?” he’d asked as he hugged her, and for a few long seconds Kara had actually considered it. He’d shrugged when she’d finally declined, murmuring coolly that the offer was always there if she changed her mind. Kara harboured no doubt that he was a man of his word.

She’d hit rock bottom for a while back there, and now the idea of some time away from the overwhelming support of her outraged family and sympathetic friends was one of the reasons that Sophie’s suggestion of spending the summer in Ibiza had been such a welcome escape.

Sun, sand and no sex. Perfect.

Sophie was at the front door before the engine of Lucien’s Ferrari had even stilled in the driveway, and she had the joy of watching the expression on his face slide from bland to unadulterated pleasure in a heartbeat. He was out of the car and in front of her in seconds.
