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Knight & Play

“Behave yourself.” Lucien laughed into her mouth. “I’m fucking you with my fingers. You’re fingering your own clit. Now I’m going to touch your ass, and you’re going to love it.”

His wet fingers stroked their way up to play around her anus just like before as his fingers pumped harder into her sex. Sophie moaned. It was filthy erotic, and he bit her lip when she started to lose control of her ability to be silent.             

“You’re so fucking sexy, Sophie,’ he murmured. He knew how close she was and urged her on with whispered sex words and deeper thrusts of his fingers. Sophie sunk her nails into his shoulders and ground her teeth as her orgasm started to build. Lucien sensed it and pounded his fingers faster into her, dripping words in her ears that embarrassed her with their crudeness and pushed her climax further over the boundaries.

It wasn’t lovemaking. It was pure fucking. Sophie stiffened, and Lucien pushed his tongue into her mouth at the same time as he crooked his finger gently into her bottom. Sophie arched violently, full in every orifice, and her entire body shook with the effort of controlling her urge to scream out in dark, sublime ecstasy as she came in his hands. It went on, and on… wave after wave… she ground down on him and held on through the storm.

“Aren’t you glad you aren’t wearing knickers now?” he whispered as she stilled. Sophie rested her forehead against his. Yes. Yes, she was. Lucien eased his fingers out of her and straightened her dress over her thighs gently and deliberately. A smile played at the corners of his mouth.

“Shame you didn’t bring that clip board. We could have crossed ‘make Sophie orgasm in a sex club,’ off my list.” Lucien raised his eyebrows at her. “Top of the class, Ms. Black. You’re progressing nicely.”

Sophie stood up and smoothed her dress down, unsteady on her high heels. On the huge screen in front of her, a guy had some naked woman bent double over the bonnet of his car, and the camera zoomed in on his cock buried deep between her legs. Sophie’s sex still throbbed from her orgasm, and she glanced back at Lucien behind her. She wanted his cock inside her, wanted him to fill her just like that woman on the screen.

“Can we go back upstairs?” she whispered croakily, running her hand over his crotch.

A low laugh rumbled in his throat.

“Easy, Princess.” He put his hand on her bottom to propel her out of the cinema.

Back in the club, Sophie followed close behind Lucien to the staircase at the side of the dance floor. She was aware of other women’s eyes on him as he passed them, and a feather of pride danced down her spine.

Hands off, girls. This one’s mine. For this week, anyway.

After what had just happened in the cinema, Sophie felt a strange thread of connection to these people, and the beginnings of understanding of why they were there.

It was oddly liberating, a sense of belonging.

Whoa! What was she thinking? She didn’t belong with these people. Did she? Was Lucien right? Was there a degenerate sex goddess lurking beneath her innocent skin?

She was already sure of one thing. She couldn’t go back to her barely -there, suburban sex life with Dan.

She physically pushed any thoughts of him out of her head. They hurt too much. He was somewhere else, probably screwing someone else at that very moment, and just for this week, she wasn’t going to feel guilty about doing exactly the same thing.


Lucien led Sophie through the club. Through rooms full of strangers fucking each other. Past the hot tub, a tangle of naked limbs, a nude blonde woman with three men on her. One behind her. One in front of her between her spread thighs. The third standing over her, his cock in her mouth. She caught Sophie’s eye as they passed through, a silent but unmistakable invitation to join in that had Sophie hurriedly averting her gaze. She might have let Lucien touch her here, but she had no desire to let anyone else.

Upstairs, Lucien opened door after door, and a kaleidoscope of x-rated images burned themselves on Sophie’s retinas. The music from downstairs was up here too, a low sexual pulse that underpinned the action. If downstairs had seemed lewd, up here was downright obscene. Couples. Threesomes. Orgies. Lucien opened the door to the room containing the bed Sophie had tested, and this time around it wasn’t empty. Three naked women were twined around each other in a Sapphic triangle.

A redhead stood at the end of the bed watching proceedings, one spike-heeled foot propped up on the mattress to give the woman kneeling on the floor between her legs better access. Lucien’s hand massaged Sophie’s behind as she stood rooted to the spot. She could clearly see the woman’s tongue working its magic between the other’s legs… flicking her clitoris… unlike most of the women in the club, she wasn’t fully shaved. A triangle of soft red curls covered her sex, and somehow rendered the oral act more intimate, like watching wild animals.

“Fucking beautiful, isn’t it?” Lucien whispered, and he moved her hand behind her to cover his bulging erection. Sophie’s throat was parched. She didn’t want to be turned on by lesbians. She didn’t want to enjoy the sensation of Lucien’s cock in her hand while she watched some woman get off on another woman’s face. She wanted to leave, but Lucien was behind her blocking the way, and the woman started to gyrate. She was going to come, right here in front of Sophie. She stepped backwards, but only succeeded in being closer against the hardness of Lucien’s body.

“No running. Watch her come. Can you see how close she is, Sophie?” Lucien rocked his cock into her hand against her backside.

“See how pink she is. Christ…” Lucien whispered. “You’re even more beautiful, Sophie.”

The woman was really moaning now, and splayed herself even wider with her fingers. Sophie couldn’t take her eyes off her glistening sex, her lips spread for that greedy mouth.

“So wet…” Lucien breathed. “Are you wet, too Sophie?”

Sophie clutched his cock harder. Yes.

“Imagine how you’re going to feel when I lick your clitoris like that.”

Sophie tensed, too lost in animalistic sensation to feel embarrassed. The woman’s tongue dipped inside her lover.

“Imagine how it’s going to feel…” he pushed himself hot and hard against her hand, “when I fuck you, Sophie.”

The woman’s hips bucked against her lover’s face, and Lucien’s teeth sank into Sophie’s ear.
