Read Books Novel

Knight & Play

“And Sophie? I want you to listen carefully to the product descriptions and pick your three favourites.”

Sophie frowned. “Lucien, honestly, please don’t rely on my input to choose stock. I’ve no clue with this stuff.”

“I know that. You’re not choosing stock.” He shook his head, that dirty gleam still in his eyes. “You’re choosing tonight’s entertainment.”

Sophie’s mouth dropped in a perfect O, and she turned on her heel and scooted back to her desk before he could see the blush on her cheeks.

An hour later, Sophie gulped hard and clicked open the file that Lucien had forwarded. She wasn’t sure what to expect, but how bad could it be? It was a corporate presentation, after all. She turned the sound down in the hope that he wouldn’t realise that she was watching it, close as he sat outside her office door. The idea of him knowing she was in here looking at sex toy videos felt wrong, as if she were watching porn at her desk when she should be adding up spreadsheets. Except for the fact that she was paid to do precisely this stuff. She needed to get over her hang-ups, and fast, or she might as well give up and go home. She clicked the volume back up to normal levels and pressed play.

The screen went black, then a second or two later the sensuous silhouette of a couple having sex appeared. She glanced sharply towards the door, and then back at the screen. She could do this. It was pretty tame stuff, really. And it was, at least for the first few minutes. Sophie relaxed a little as she watched the managing director of the company talk about reducing their carbon footprint and the natural qualities of their products. Sophie had been expecting lurid neon plastic, so she was pleasantly surprised by the attention that the company had paid to making their toys appealing to the eye and conscience as well as the body.

The screen faded to black again, and then three words materialised. Chris and Jeannie.

Sophie tipped her head to the side as a different, hotter guy appeared on screen with something pale turquoise and oval shaped in his hand. What was it? Smooth and curved, it lay innocuously along the length of his palm.

A woman slipped onto the seat next to him and slid a finger along the blue petal with a smile, and then leaned in to kiss him on the mouth. She broke away after a few seconds and sat up slightly on the bench to bunch her skirt up around her waist, revealing to the camera that she wore no knickers, and also that she was completely shaved.

The guy moved to straddle behind her and dropped a tender kiss on her neck, then looked up at the camera again with a smile.

“I love to use the petal with my wife. It looks pretty innocent, doesn’t it?”

Jeannie laughed and opened her legs a little wider. “It might look it, but it feels anything but innocent when Chris uses it on me.”

Chris’s arms slid around his wife, the petal in one hand, the other hand coming to rest on her inner thigh.

Jeannie leaned her head back against her husband’s shoulder and closed her eyes, and Chris looked up at the camera again.

“To switch it on, just apply pressure to the centre of the petal.”

A low buzzing hummed from the speakers of Sophie’s computer as he turned it on, and Jeannie smiled with a low moan of anticipation. He turned his hand up to the screen to show the petal vibrating lightly, a gentle heart shape that stretched along his palm. Jeannie reached an arm up around her husband’s neck, opening her body fully for his touch.

Chris turned his head to kiss her arm, and then touched the tip of the petal between her legs. Jeannie moaned with pleasure as Chris moved the petal down the length of her sex, his other hand fondling her breasts. Jeannie arched into his hands, and he responded, flattening the petal between her lips and covering it with his palm.

Sophie watched, mesmerised. Chris rocked the petal with two fingers, the wider paddle top vibrating on Jeannie’s clitoris as the lower tip dipped inside her with every nudge of Chris’s middle finger. He kissed Jeannie’s ear, slowly and tenderly, then glanced up at the camera. “See how the petal fits perfectly over Jeannie? The vibrations are more intense here,” he pushed his index finger against the top of the petal and held it hard against Jeannie’s clitoris, making her gasp and moan. “And here.” He pushed his middle finger against the lower tip instead and the camera tracked in to show a detailed shot of the petal as it slipped inside Jeannie’s vagina. Chris’s fingers rocked the petal expertly against his wife, making her groans heavier and her body arch.

“She’s almost there,” Chris murmured, and the camera panned out to show Jeannie with her eyes tight shut and her bottom lip snagged between her teeth. Chris palmed the petal and held it hard between Jeannie’s legs, and she cried out as her body jerked for several moments with the intensity of her orgasm. Chris held his wife fast until she eventually opened her eyes and smiled languidly at the camera, every inch the cat that got the cream.

“The petal does it for me every time,” she purred. “It’s good when I’m alone, and even better with Chris.”

The camera shot moved out to show the couple content in their embrace, his hand still holding the petal flat against her sex.

“Open your drawer.”

The message from Lucien popped up in the instant chat box in the corner of the screen, making Sophie start with guilt. She looked at her closed drawer. Then opened it. Pale blue and pretty, the petal sat nestled in its tissue wrapping.

“A gift for you.”

Sophie swallowed and picked up the petal. It felt even better than she’d imagined. Substantial, but tactile.

“Do you like it?”

Sophie found she couldn’t breathe as easily as usual.


“I’m imagining you using it on yourself right now.”

Dear God. Sophie swallowed, because she’d been imagining the same thing.            


“Naughty Sophie. You’re at work.”

Sophie nodded, more to herself than him.

“If I came in there right now and slipped my hand up your skirt, I think you’d be wet and ready for me.”

Sophie froze with her fingers above the keyboard. She couldn’t think of a single word to type in response. She heard his low, dirty laugh and had to fight the urge to go through there right now and straddle him at his desk.

He continued the exchange without waiting for her to respond.

“Hold that thought for later and watch the rest of the video.”
