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Knight & Play

His hands slid into her hair as he drew her face up to his, tilting her mouth to take his kiss. His lips went from gentle to insistent to a full on sensual assault in seconds, leaving her reeling when he lifted his head. His eyes burned into hers and his hands stole up to pull her bra cups down. He pinched her nipples into hard nubs.

“See? Isn’t that better?”

Frankly, Sophie wasn’t sure she felt any more relaxed, but she didn’t want him to stop, so she pushed her arms together and reached down to massage Lucien’s crotch. She looked down at her cleavage, her exposed pink nipples erect and begging for his attention. Lucien eyes closed momentarily as her hands circled his erection, then snapped open and locked with hers. He rocked his denim-clad cock forward into her hands.

“I’m going to fuck you until you can’t stand up,” he said softly.

Excitement pooled between Sophie’s legs as she popped the top button of his jeans. Lucien shook his head and stepped away. “But not yet.”

He picked up the blindfold from the table.

“I’m guessing this was the first thing you picked.”

Sophie nodded and swallowed hard.

“Because you thought it was the safest choice.” It was a statement rather than a question.

She lifted one shoulder, unable to argue, because he was right. It had felt like the tamest choice compared to most of the items she’d seen that afternoon.

“You didn’t think this through at all, Princess,” he murmured as he stepped in front of her again. “Blindfolds are all about control. Or loss of it.” He placed the black silk over her eyes and tied it lightly behind her head. Sophie closed her eyes behind the material, disoriented by the darkness. She could hear Lucien moving, but couldn’t get a fix on where he was without her vision to help her.

“Lucien, please. I don’t think I’m ready yet…” she murmured, anxiety spiking through her body. She wanted to reach up and adjust her bra. And then she didn’t want to, because his hot mouth fastened around one nipple and sucked, and his fingers rolled the other hard tip. The shock of not realising he’d been so close made her cry out, and a bolt of lust slashed suddenly through her insides.

She reached out for him, but he caught her arms and put them back at her sides. “When you’re blindfolded, you don’t touch me unless I say so.”

What? Dan had never been a dominant lover, and Lucien’s authority thrilled her far more than she liked to admit.

“This is how it has to be when you’re blindfolded, Sophie.” He whispered, behind her now, and he pushed his hand unexpectedly down the front of her knickers.

“Fuck, Lucien!” Sophie gasped, beyond turned on by his erotic game.

“That’s not very polite, is it, Ms. Black?” His fingers delved deeper until his hand cupped her sex. “The second rule of being blindfolded,” he whispered as he parted her and pushed two fingers inside her, “is that you must be polite at all times.”

Sophie nodded. “Yes, Mr. Knight.” Christ, his fingers felt amazing. She couldn’t help but rock herself against him, and she yelped in shock when his other hand smacked her bottom really quite hard.

“Did I give you permission to enjoy it?”

Sophie couldn’t get her breath. When he’d smacked her it had forced his fingers deeper inside her, and all she could think was do it again, do it again, do it again. “No, Mr. Knight.”

“That’s better.” His hand fondled her bottom to soothe away the sting, then he eased his other hand out of her knickers. “I’m going to take the blindfold off for now. When I put it on again later, I want you to remember the rules. Can you do that, Sophie?”

Sophie nodded.

His palm slapped her bottom again. “Out loud, if you please, Ms. Black.”

Sophie deliberated for a second as he massaged her again. Did she please? If she didn’t say it out loud, it was becoming apparent that there would be consequences. It appeared that hesitation was another forbidden sin, because Lucien tutted under his breath with clear impatience. Sophie braced herself.

“You have much to learn, Princess.” His voice was silk against her ear as his palm stung the cheek of her bottom for a third time. Zings of pain and pleasure fired between Sophie’s legs. It felt wrong to want him to do it again, but every nerve in her body screamed out for more.

She almost grumbled out loud in frustration when his fingers slipped the knot on the blindfold open. Sophie blinked as her eyes readjusted to the light, and her body mourned the loss of his touch.

When she turned around, she saw Lucien standing with his arms folded across his bare chest and the gleam of triumph in his eyes.

“It would seem that blindfolds aren’t quite as innocent as you thought, Sophie.”

“I don’t think there were any innocent choices on that video, Lucien.”

“Maybe not. Take your bra off.”

“Lucien…” Embarrassed, Sophie looked down at her half exposed breasts, wanting to pull the material back into place rather than take it off. He reached out and pulled her against him, shockingly warm, skin to skin, his evident erection hard against her stomach.

He looked down at her. “You feel what you do to me?”

He traced a slow finger from one puckered nipple to the other, then reached behind her and unclipped her bra. The material fell away, leaving Sophie almost naked and vulnerable in his arms. He dipped his head to claim her mouth, his lips warm and gentle on hers. Slow. Sensual.

His arms moved to hold her against him, her breasts crushed against the wall of his chest. Sophie clung to him, wiped out by the tenderness of his kiss. “Princess,” he whispered against her lips, his hands between their bodies to cradle the fullness of her breasts.

“Lucien…” she breathed, swept away by how good his hands made her feel. He reached down and lifted her clean off her feet, and she wrapped her legs around his waist as his hands cupped her bottom. She revelled in the sensation of his strength around her softness. They both groaned in response to the way her sex cradled his erection, and he moved her slightly to accommodate him fully between her legs. His mouth never left hers as he crossed the room to lay her down on the plump cushions of the sofa. He covered her body with his own, and Sophie sighed with primal satisfaction at his weight over hers.

From the moment she’d met Lucien he’d radiated danger and lust, but right at that moment, cocooned beneath the warmth of his chest, he gave her the last thing she expected, and it turned out to be the thing she needed most of all. He gave her safe harbour. She felt protected in his arms.
