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Knight & Play

“Honestly?” she breathed, her mind back on her earlier fantasy of a shirtless Lucien. “It makes me want sex… to know how it would feel between my legs.” She dragged her eyes open and realised with horror that she’d actually just said that out loud. Lucien stared at her with barely controlled lust, his breathing almost as shallow as her own.

“That’s excellent, Sophie.”

He cleared his throat and snapped the vibrations off, giving Sophie a couple of seconds to gather herself together as he returned to his seat. “I think we can send this one to production,” he said, dropping the Lick’n’Love toy into his drawer. “It seems to hit the spot perfectly.”

Sophie stayed at her desk until well after five o clock, waiting for Lucien to leave before she passed through his office. She couldn’t believe what had happened out there earlier, and she couldn’t blame him because she’d willingly let it happen. From the moment she’d set eyes on Lucien Knight, she’d fallen.

She should resign, run for her life and her marriage before anything more serious happened.

Because it would.

The computer screen lit up as the instant messaging box popped up.

“I’m done for the evening, Ms. Black. I hope you’ve enjoyed your first day as much as I have.”

Sophie read his words, and any thoughts of resignation melted away. “Yes, thank you. It’s been very… illuminating.”

“I hope that’s a good thing. I’ve left some homework on my desk for you.  Pick it up on your way out.”

And with that, he called out goodnight and she heard his door close behind him a second or two later.

She dropped her head in her hands. What the hell was she doing? In the space of twenty-four hours, her life had gone from humdrum to something straight out of a top shelf movie. She picked up her bag and jacket and went out through Lucien’s office, where the Lick’n’Love sex toy lay on top of a piece of paper with her name scrawled across the top.


Keep this. You seemed to like it.

I don’t need you to start until 2pm tomorrow, expect it to be a late one.


A little after one the following afternoon, Lucien put the phone down and drummed his fingers on the desk. As far as he was concerned, the information he’d just learned about Sophie Black changed everything. Or the information about her husband, to be precise.

The man obviously didn’t expect Sophie to check up on him, because he’d barely even bothered to cover the tracks of his two year affair. As Lucien sat and digested the information, an email pinged in from his head of security confirming the details he’d just outlined over the telephone. Lucien had learned over the years that his industry attracted more than its fair share of wacko job applicants, so any new staff were routinely vetted. Quite why he’d ordered checks to be carried out on Daniel Black as well as Sophie he couldn’t easily explain, but it turned out that his instincts had been right on the money.

A series of photographs accompanied the written report on the screen. Lucien’s mouth twisted in distaste at the sight of the man Sophie was apparently married to walking through Heraklion airport with his arm around a dark haired, elfin woman.

She was very different from Sophie. The man had diverse tastes. This woman was small and tanned, with severely cropped dark hair. Sophie was taller, and fairer, with curves that would no doubt be soft and full in Lucien’s hands. She reminded him of a young horse: coltish, jittering between nerves and spirit, ready to be taken in hand. He’d deliberately pushed her yesterday. He could easily have read that report and drawn his own conclusions, but it was much more fun to see how far she was willing to go.

She’d surprised him, just as she had at her interview. Beneath the cool, professional exterior that he could see she was working hard to project, Lucien detected a sensual woman waiting in the wings. She was like a ripe peach that no one had bothered to pick, and he wanted to sink his teeth right in.

“Loser,” he muttered under his breath as he scrolled down through pictures of the couple taken yesterday. Yesterday. Laughing in a bar, their heads close together. Reading by a pool, his head resting on her stomach. A nighttime shot of them wrapped around each other on their hotel balcony, and if Lucien’s eyes didn’t deceive him, the woman was naked.

There was no question.

Sophie’s husband was cheating on her.

As far as Lucien was concerned, that rendered Sophie Black a free agent, even if she didn’t know it herself.


Sophie emerged from the elevator onto the top floor at just before two, dressed today in a bottle green dress that clung to her every curve. It was a dress she wouldn’t have dared to wear for her old job, and for that matter wouldn’t have wanted to. Being Derek’s PA had been all about fending off his wandering hands, but being Lucien’s PA brought with it a whole new set of parameters.

What would she do if Lucien’s hands started to wander? In truth, she was starting to feel more worried that her own hands might be the ones to stray. She’d tossed and turned in her big, empty bed most of last night, her head full of fantasies of Lucien Knight giving her a personal demonstration of the Lick’n’Love toy. Although it was just as well she’d had something to concentrate her mind on, because Dan had once again proved elusive aside from a message on the answer phone waiting for her when she’d arrived home yesterday. What was the point of calling her at home when he knew she’d be at work? The idea that he’d done it for precisely that reason lurked in the back of her head, but she refused to allow it to come to the fore. She didn’t want to have that conversation, even with herself. Dan was a busy man, and since yesterday, she’d become an extremely busy woman, too.

Sophie bypassed the reception desk today with a polite nod towards the receptionist, and a small thrill of belonging rippled low in her belly when she rapped her knuckles softly against Lucien’s door.

“You don’t need to knock.” He was right there and opened the door wide for her to pass. Sophie stepped inside the lush office, feeling rather like a lion had opened the door of his lair and beckoned her in.

“Good afternoon, Lucien.” She raised her eyes and gave him the benefit of a megawatt smile. She’d made a pact with herself as she’d applied her eye make up carefully that lunchtime. From the moment she stepped foot inside Knight Inc. today, she was going to let the other Sophie take over, and she was damn well going to enjoy it.
