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He paused. “It sounds like the Temple District.”

“Am I supposed to thank you for that insight?” Tella snarled.

“I’m attempting to save you time.” His tone took on more of a bite. “I might have delayed the full power of my kiss, but you will still experience some of its effects. The game ends at dawn on Elantine’s Day, giving you five more nights to find the remaining clues. I’m the only one who can free your mother. If you lose the game and fail to bring me Legend, she will remain trapped inside this card forever, and you will die—”

He cut off as the coach landed heavily on the ground.

Tella reached for the door.

“One more thing.” Jacks nodded toward the card with her mother. “Keep her safe. If anything happens to this card, not even I will be able to save her. When you win the game, make sure you have the luckless coin I gave you and I’ll find you before Legend arrives. Until then, my love, try not to die.”

Jacks blew Tella a kiss as she stepped out into the biting night.


Death visited Tella while she slept. The tips of his claws stroked the back of her neck, while his shadow followed her into pristine dreams, poisoning all the colors until everything tasted of dust and withered to ash.

Soon you will be mine once more.

The rasp of Death’s rotting voice woke Tella with a start. She shot up in bed, her tongue heavy, wet hair clinging to her scalp. Yet her heart didn’t pound. If anything, it felt as though it worked a touch more slowly than it had the night before.

Beat … beat … beat.


Beat … beat … beat.


Beat … beat … beat.


Damn Jacks and his cursed lips.

Tella clutched her damp sheets with one hand and the card imprisoning her mother with the other. She’d bent its edges during her nightmarish sleep, wrinkling the corner right above her mother’s dark head. Clearly it was not indestructible like the Aracle. Tella would have to be more protective of it.

“I’m so sorry,” she whispered to her mother. She didn’t want to part with the card, but it felt a little too risky to keep on her person.

Tella shuffled to the tiny chest where she stored the Aracle and slipped the card with her captive mother inside. Then she pulled out the Aracle.

So much had happened, Tella needed to see if the new deal she’d made had changed her mother’s future yet.

The Aracle felt hotter than usual. But the future it showed had not shifted. The vision of her mother’s empty eyes stared back at Tella, as dead as they’d been the last time.

But her mother wasn’t dead yet. For now she was only trapped. Tella refused to be discouraged. She would win Caraval, and she would fix this. “No matter what it costs.”

As soon as the words left Tella’s lips the Aracle burned the tips of her fingers. Magic. Tella felt it, heating her entire hand as the Aracle’s image flickered and shifted from Paloma lying dead, to Scarlett and Tella embracing their mother with the same abandon they had as little girls.

It looked so real, Tella could almost feel her mother’s arms, strong and soft and warm. A soft sob bubbled up in Tella’s throat.

Then, almost as quickly as it appeared, the image returned to her mother’s corpse.

“No!” Tella screamed.

The vision shifted once more, returning to Scarlett and Tella reuniting with their mother.

“Miss Dragna!” A guard knocked heavily on her door. “Is everything all right in there?”

“Yes,” Tella said distractedly as the card continued to shift. Tella had never seen it do anything like this before. It transformed from death to delight, as if showing Tella that what happened next was all up to her, and whether she managed to win this game for Jacks.

Tella put the Aracle back inside the trunk and, with renewed resolve, she pulled out the first clue.

* * *







* * *

During the last Caraval, Scarlett had received one card with hints about all five clues at the start of the game, but it seemed this game would follow another pattern. According to this clue, and what Dante had said in the carriage, a different district of the city would hide a new clue each night. Tella would need to find them all to win, and then she would come face-to-face with Legend.

Unfortunately, since Caraval was only played at night, Tella could not begin to search until that evening. And it seemed Jacks already had plans for her during the day.

At the end of her bed rested a familiar box. It looked exactly like the one Jacks had sent the day before, only this time it was wrapped with a golden bow instead of a white one.


Tucked inside with the message was a small card with a thorny purple border.

* * *

Minerva’s ModernWear

Clothing the progressive half of Valenda,since before the Elantine Dynasty—and we’ll be dressing them after as well.

By appointment only.

* * *

On the back of the card someone had scrawled the words Satine District, along with a time, which had been crossed out and rewritten:

The order was almost laughable, given how little Jacks seemed to care about his own appearance. But Tella imagined Jacks’s directive to appear wasn’t so much about appearance as it was about possession: he wanted to make it clear that she now belonged to him.

Demon was too appealing a word for him.

If this engagement had been real, this note alone would have convinced Tella to break it off. But that wasn’t currently an option.

Inside the box, Tella found a pair of elbow-length nude gloves with blue-pearl buttons. She tossed them to the side and pulled out the matching dress beneath. She hated how lovely it was. How the neckline was off the shoulders—a style her father never let her wear. He’d have turned absolutely purple at the sight of this dress. Covered in sapphire-blue lace that clung to a nude shell, the gown was delicate and feminine and a little scandalous all at once.

Tella still wanted to ignore the appointment and throw the dress aside along with the gloves; she didn’t like the idea of Jacks dressing her up like his doll. But her trunks still hadn’t arrived. And Jacks had made it clear that to save her mother and her life Tella not only needed to win the game, she needed to be a convincing fiancée.

Beat … beat … beat.


Beat … beat … beat.


Beat … beat … beat.


Her heart wasn’t slower than when she’d woken up, but it wasn’t faster, either. She tried to eat a rushed breakfast and then hurry to the carriage house, but her everything was slightly sluggish.

It took more effort than it should have to keep alert as her coach landed. Perhaps that’s why Tella found herself standing on a street teeming with bloated shadows, searching for Minerva’s ModernWear.

Though Tella had yet to explore the city, she knew all about the different regions of Valenda, the illicit Spice Quarter, the brazen Temple District, the imperious University Circle, and the elegant Satine District. The last was where Tella was supposed to have been. One of the more glamorous parts of the city, the Satine District was said to be a labyrinth of glistening dress shops, hat shops, and sweet shops, all soaked in petal-fresh colors.
