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Liam's Mate

Liam’s Mate (The Vampire Coalition #4)(12)
Author: J.S. Scott

“It’s getting close to sunrise, so I will go over it with you quickly. I will take you to him at sunset. Until then, I will make sure you are guarded from the mage,” he informed her, his expression and tone telling her not to argue. “This won’t be an easy task for you, little one. Liam can be stubborn when it comes to doing the right thing, even if it brings harm or death to him.”

Regan didn’t need easy, she just needed Liam. “Tell me something I don’t know. Believe me, I’ve dealt with his stubborn butt many times and I can be just as cranky as he can. I’m ready.”

Daric cocked his head and he gave her a mysterious smile as he answered, “Yes, I believe you are.”

By the time the sun began to rise over the mountains, Daric was gone and Regan was armed and ready with information.

She crawled into her bed and breathed in the residual scent of Liam with a small, happy smile before she fell into an uninterrupted slumber.

Chapter 6

Liam’s eyes popped open the minute the sun descended behind the surrounding mountains, surprised to find himself in his own bed.

Trapped. Can’t get out. Can’t kill the mage who tried to harm my mate.

Recognition dawned and Liam remembered the entire incident clearly, remembered his mate throwing herself over the mage to protect.

Daric had confined him to his own bedroom, in his own house. Liam sat back against the headboard. He was still seeing red…literally.

“Good. You’re awake,” Liam’s angry eyes looked up at Daric as he strolled into the room, wanting to kill him for confining him.

“Lift the confinement,” Liam demanded, fists clenched and body tense.

“After the mating, my friend.”

“There will be no mating. Regan will never accept me now and she’s been through more than she should have to bear. I practically raped her. She went through hell just because she wears my mark and wanted to protect me. She threw herself on top of the mage to protect him from me while I was in a mating rage. I’m nothing more than an animal to her.” Liam’s voice shook with anger and resentment.

Liam had no more finished his statement when a large crack rang through the air and his head jerked sideways from a powerful blow. What the hell? He rubbed his hand over the side of his face, wincing as he poked at his jaw.

Eyes wide, Liam jerked his head up to his prince, stating with fascinated surprise, “You just bitch slapped me.” Daric had always been a stern but wise teacher, but he had never resorted to violence.

“Boy, I’ll bitch slap you into next week if you don’t change your attitude. Now!” Daric thundered as he towered over Liam with a scowl. “Regan jumped on that slimy mage to keep you from killing him, but not for his benefit. She didn’t want you to suffer the backlash.”

“No, Liam. He’s not worth it.”

Liam heard her cry clearly, as if she were standing right next to him. Was it possible that she had been protecting him? He shook his head in denial as he replied flatly, “There’s no way she could forgive me. I hurt her. She told me. Hell…I can’t even forgive myself. And the torture she went through at the hands of the mage because she wore my mark-”

“She wants to be your mate,” Daric interrupted, crossing his arms over his chest. “You will mate.”

“No.” Liam crossed his arms and glared at Daric. “She hates me. It would make her miserable. It would be better if I were removed from her life permanently.”

“Then refuse her.”

“I can’t.” Oh, hell no. Liam loved and wanted Regan so much that he could never force the words from his mouth that would release her. It wasn’t physically possible. He could only refuse her if he truly didn’t want her.

“You’ll die.”

“I don’t care. That way her problem would be solved.”

“Gah…I give up. Stubborn idiot vampire healer,” Daric threw his hands in the air and stalked out of the room, easily able to breach the invisible barrier that held Liam prisoner. Of course…Daric had created it – no surprise that he could walk right through his own magic.

Liam flopped back against the pillows, waiting for the inevitable. There was no way he was going to tie Regan to him and he couldn’t refuse her. His fate was sealed. Now all he had to do was wait.



The soft, gentle voice of his mate surprised Liam enough for him to quickly glance toward the entrance of his bedroom…a move that he instantly regretted. Vampire healer matings did not require witnesses and he understood why as soon he looked at Regan. He would kill any male that looked at his mate in the silvery silk gown that she was wearing. It hugged her body, hiding nothing as she walked slowly toward the bed. Slithering over her body like a second skin, the light silk outlined every incredible inch of her feminine form.

Take. Possess. Mine.

Fuck! Liam jerked his head away. He should demand that she leave, but he deserved the torture after the way he had treated Regan and the pain that she had gone through on his behalf. He would give her a chance to berate him if she needed it. He’d always give her anything she needed.

“Look at me, Liam. Please,” her request was compelling, but he wasn’t sure that he could look at her and not jump her like a rampant wild animal. It was difficult enough to just be in the same room, hearing her voice.

“I can’t, Regan. I’ll want to touch you.” Yeah, like he didn’t want that already?

He felt the bed dip slightly as she replied, “I think it will be difficult to mate if you don’t touch me, Liam.”

“No mating.” Liam clenched his jaw and tightened his fists. “I would think your first experience would have been enough to convince you that you don’t want me for a mate.”

“My only regret is that I couldn’t touch you that time. I want to do that now. Can I touch you, Liam?” Her wistful voice socked Liam in the gut. His mouth as dry as a desert, he couldn’t have answered, even if he knew what to say.

Regan was already in the bed and moving slowly toward him. Her tiny hand slid to his bicep and stroked lightly, caressing up and down his tense muscles before moving hesitantly toward his chest.

Oh, Fuck. Just shoot me now and get it over with!

As Regan’s hand got bolder and her nails lightly trailed through the dusting of hair on his chest, Liam decided right then and there that he would rather deal with the backlash of killing a dozen fallen than with the light caresses and incredible scent of this one tiny woman.
