Read Books Novel

Living Dead in Dallas

Living Dead in Dallas (Sookie Stackhouse #2)(49)
Author: Charlaine Harris

I was home in bed by early morning.

I didn’t start crying until the next day.

Chapter 9

We’d fought before, Bill and I. I’d gotten fed up before, tired of the vampirey stuff I had to learn to accommodate, frightened of getting in deeper. Sometimes, I just wanted to see humans for a while.

So for over three weeks, that was what I did. I didn’t call Bill; he didn’t call me. I knew he was back from Dallas because he left my suitcase on my front porch. When I unpacked it, I found a black velvet jeweler’s box tucked in the side pocket. I wish I’d had the strength to keep from opening it, but I didn’t. Inside was a pair of topaz earrings, and a note that said, "To go with your brown dress." Which meant the taupe knit thing I’d worn to the vampires’ headquarters. I stuck my tongue out at the box, and drove over to his house that afternoon to leave it in his mailbox. He’d finally gone out and bought me a present, and here I had to return it.

I didn’t even try to "think things through." I figured my brain would clear up in a while, and then I would know what to do.

I did read the papers. The vampires of Dallas and their human friends were now martyrs, which probably suited Stan down to the ground. The Dallas Midnight Massacre was being touted in all the newsmagazines as the perfect example of a hate crime. Legislatures were being pressured to pass all kinds of laws that would never make it onto the books, but it made people feel better to think they might; laws that would provide vampire-owned buildings with federal protection, laws that would permit vampires to hold certain elected positions (though no one yet suggested a vampire could run for the U.S. Senate or serve as a representative). There was even a motion in the Texas legislature to appoint a vampire as legal executioner of the state. After all, a Senator Garza was quoted as saying, "Death by vampire bite is at least supposed to be painless, and the vampire receives nutrition from it."

I had news for Senator Garza. Vampire bites were only pleasant by the will of the vampire. If the vampire didn’t glamour you first, a serious vampire bite (as opposed to a love nip) hurt like hell.

I wondered if Senator Garza was related to Luna, but Sam told me that "Garza" was as common among Americans of Mexican descent as "Smith" was among Americans of English stock.

Sam didn’t ask why I wanted to know. That made me feel a little forlorn, because I was used to feeling important to Sam. But he was preoccupied these days, on the job and off. Arlene said she thought he was dating someone, which was a first, as far as any of us could remember. Whoever she was, none of us got to see her, which was strange in and of itself. I tried to tell him about the shapeshifters of Dallas, but he just smiled and found an excuse to go do something else.

My brother, Jason, dropped by the house for lunch one day. It wasn’t like it had been when my grandmother was alive. Gran would have a huge meal on the table at lunchtime, and then we’d just eat sandwiches at night. Jason had come by pretty frequently then; Gran had been an excellent cook. I managed to serve him meatloaf sandwiches and potato salad (though I didn’t tell him it was from the store), and I had some peach tea fixed, which was lucky.

"What’s with you and Bill?" he asked bluntly, when he was through. He’d been real good about not asking on the drive back from the airport.

"I got mad at him," I said.


"He broke a promise to me," I said. Jason was trying hard to act like a big brother, and I should try to accept his concern instead of getting mad. It occurred to me, not for the first time, that possibly I had a pretty hot temper. Under some circumstances. I locked my sixth sense down firmly, so I would only hear what Jason was actually saying.

"He’s been seen over in Monroe."

I took a deep breath. "With someone else?"



"You’re not going to believe this. Portia Bellefleur."

I couldn’t have been more surprised if Jason had told me Bill had been dating Hillary Clinton (though Bill was a Democrat). I stared at my brother as if he’d suddenly announced he was Satan. The only things Portia Bellefleur and I had in common were a birthplace, female organs, and long hair. "Well," I said blankly. "I don’t know whether to pitch a fit or laugh. What do you make of that?"

Because if anyone knew about man-woman stuff, it was Jason. At least, he knew about it from the man’s point of view.

"She’s your opposite," he said, with undue thoughtfulness. "In every way that I can think of. She’s real educated, she comes from an, I guess you’d call it, aristocratic background, and she’s a lawyer. Plus, her brother’s a cop. And they go to symphonies and shit."

Tears prickled at my eyes. I would have gone to a symphony with Bill, if he’d ever asked me.

"On the other hand, you’re smart, you’re pretty, and you’re willing to put up with his little ways." I wasn’t exactly sure what Jason meant by that, and thought it better not to ask. "But we sure ain’t aristocracy. You work in a bar, and your brother works on a road crew." Jason smiled at me lopsidedly.

"We’ve been here as long as the Bellefleurs," I said, trying not to sound sullen.

"I know that, and you know that. And Bill sure knows that, because he was alive then." True enough.

"What’s happening about the case against Andy?" I asked.

"No charges brought against him yet, but the rumors are flying around town thick and fast about this sex club thing. Lafayette was so pleased to have been asked; evidently he mentioned it to quite a few people. They say that since the first rule of the club is Keep Silent, Lafayette got whacked for his enthusiasm."

"What do you think?"

"I think if anyone was forming a sex club around Bon Temps, they woulda called me," he said, dead serious.

"You’re right," I said, struck again by how sensible Jason could be. "You’d be number one on the list." Why hadn’t I thought of that before? Not only did Jason have a reputation as a guy who’d heated up many a bed, he was both very attractive and unmarried.

"The only thing I can think of," I said slowly, "Lafayette was g*y, as you well know."


"And maybe this club, if it exists, only accepts people who are all right with that."

"You might have a point there," Jason said.

"Yes, Mr. Homophobe."

Jason smiled and shrugged. "Everybody’s got a weak point," he said. "Plus, as you know, I’ve been going out with Liz pretty steady. I think anyone with a brain would see Liz ain’t about to share a napkin, much less a boyfriend."
