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Lost for You

Lost for You (Lost #2)(29)
Author: B.J. Harvey

“Brax,” she breathes out. “Inside me. Now. I need you.”

Never one to leave my girl wanting, I move up as she spreads her legs apart further, cradling my hard length up against her core as I kiss the shit out of her. I know she can taste herself on my lips, and she groans in pleasure as I plunder her mouth, her hands wrapping around my neck, bringing me as close as I can to her. I pull my hips back, pushing inside of her until I’m sheathed to the hilt.

“Ah, baby, you feel like home,” I growl out as I pull back and thrust deep again. Damn, she feels good. Anytime of the day is the right time to be inside of Elle. I can feel my climax building already, and I know I’m not going to last much longer. Sensing that I’m close, Elle reaches down to where our bodies are joined, wrapping her fingers around me and stroking herself with her thumb. I feel her tighten around me, and that’s me done for. Elle pulls her hands around my head and pulls me down for a deep kiss while we both come apart together.

This is bliss.

Early yesterday morning, Devon and I met with our contact from Brightlight. At the end of our last phone call, Victor asked me to take care of something for him. That something was to meet with our contact and arrange to look for evidence that Harry Brimstone had been embezzling from Brightlight.

I don’t want to know how Victor knew about it, and I know that even if I’d asked, he wouldn’t have told me. But this was obviously the ace he had up his sleeve, his trump card. And, wouldn’t you know it, our insider rang me two hours later to say that she had found ten million dollars worth of phony contractor payments being paid to a foreign company with accounts in the Cayman Islands. All it took was one call to the Feds, and four hours later at 5 p.m. LA time, Harry Brimstone was arrested and taken into custody on suspicion of embezzlement. I haven’t had a chance to talk to Brax about it, but Devon and I definitely had a few drinks last night to celebrate. That is one threat against Elle taken care of.

I’m not sure what this will mean for Elle and Brightlight, but I’m glad that it happened because it means that D and I can head back to the East Coast and get back to Elle and Brax. You never know, maybe now that Brimstone has been taken out of the equation the threat to Elle will have disappeared. That would mean that Brax and Elle could start their lives together, with no secrets, and no more lies.

But somehow I think that is wishful thinking on my part.

I don’t know why, but I have a bad feeling that Brimstone, despite his threats to take Brightlight one way or another, is not the main suspect in Elle’s shooting. And if so, we’re back to square one.


All is well in my world. Well, as good as can be expected considering Brimstone is in jail, I’ve just come face to face with my birth mother for the first time in twenty-five years, and we still don’t know who shot Elle, who ordered the hit, or what the hell is the deal with the guy in the black Honda.

He is the unknown variable in all of this. All of the dots are starting to connect except him. Who the hell is he? And where the hell has he been for the past six weeks since the shooting?

I no longer have to lie to Elle. She’s taken me back and forgiven me for leaving and lying to her, and we’ve vowed to face whatever is thrown at us together. I will spend the rest of my life making it up to her. Whatever it takes, I will do it.

Once I recover from my hangover, I decide to surprise Elle. I crouch down next to the couch where she has curled up to watch Storage Wars. God knows what she sees in this program, but she’s got Shay hooked on it too.

“Since there are a lot of camera crews outside, I’m gonna pop out to get some food. and then when I get back, I want to surprise you with something.” That gets her attention. Her head snaps up as she looks at me, her eyes dancing with excitement.

“Surprise me? You know I love surprises, Brax. What is it? Please tell me,” she pleads, pulling out her pouting puppy dog look and trying to make me cave.

“Not gonna work, sweetheart, but you do look damn cute,” I say, gently tapping her nose with my finger as I get back up on my feet. “Any requests?”

“You? Naked?” she asks with the sexy ass smirk she’s perfected since knowing me.

“Now that I can arrange later, but until then a deli lunch will have to suffice. Lock the door after me and stay where you are. Call me if you need me and I’ll come straight back, okay?”

“Okay. Stay here. Don’t move. Call if I need you. Check!” she says in a robotic voice, then erupting in a fit of giggles. I open the front door shaking my head, quietly laughing as I close the door behind me, ready to face the throng of reporters outside.

After getting out the door pretty much unhindered, I race down to the campus café where I order a picnic hamper to pick up. I grab a bottle of wine from the liquor store and head back to our building to set up Elle’s surprise.

I find Elle on the phone when I get back.

“Mmm hmm,” she murmurs, looking up and smiling when I walk in. “I see.”

Dammit! I hate one sided conversations.

“I see……. Cool……..Yup, I’ll tell him………Miss you too, smartass. Drive safe,” she adds before ending the call and looking over at me with a sly grin. “Where did you get to? And where’s my dinner?”

“Just had a few errands to run, and dinner is part of your surprise,” I answer, walking over to her and lightly kissing her forehead while I circle my arms around her waist.

“Well, that was Shay. They’re finished in LA, so they are heading back. Should be here in a few days.”

“Good news,” I murmur, nuzzling my nose into her soft hair, my senses being filled with her apple scented shampoo. “Did he say what happened?”

“Not really. You think they had something to do with Uncle Harry being arrested?”

Shit, why didn’t I think of that?

“I’d say they had everything to do with it. Victor has been waiting for an opportunity like this to bring Harry Brimstone down.” It all makes sense now. I need to talk to Shay.

“And before you think of ringing him, Shay said that he’d give you a full debrief when they get back, but to keep alert because it’s not all squared away yet,” she says with a frown, retelling the conversation to me.

“All good, sweetheart. Now, are you still hungry?” I smirk at her, knowing full well what I’m starting.

She raises herself up on her toes, gently brushing my lips and scraping her teeth against my bottom lip as she moves away from me. I growl as she releases my lip.
