Read Books Novel

Lost in Distraction

Lost in Distraction (Lost #1)(21)
Author: B.J. Harvey

“Mmm hmm,” he hums, shifting his good hand to cup my face while he continues to plunge my mouth with his tongue. After what seems like an eternity we pull apart, grinning at each other.

“I’m glad to hear that,” he says. “Now you go have a long hot bath and by the time you’re finished, I’ll have dinner ready for us.” He kisses me again softly before tapping my butt as I turn to leave.

“It smells great by the way,” I state as I walk out of the room.

“You do too.”

I shut the bathroom door, a smile spreading across my face. Even after a long day at school, he still compliments me on how I smell.

I walk back into the kitchen after a long hot bath, wearing only a dressing gown. Brax looks me over and raises his eyebrow at me.

“If you insist on wearing that for dinner, we’ll never eat,” he says huskily, giving away the effect my near nakedness is having on him.

I giggle and give him a naughty grin. “Maybe that’s what I had in mind,” I reply with a wink.

He chokes on his beer, spluttering to catch his breath.

“I see,” he says, his voice dropping lower. “Well we better start eating before I lose my appetite for food.”

“And if I’m not hungry? For food, that is…”

“Elle, sit down and eat,” he growls.

We both sit down at the dining table and begin our meal. Just as Brax is finishing his second helping of lasagna, he looks over at me and catches me staring at him. I bite my lip, trying to quell the growing need that has me ready to forget about dinner completely.

“I’ve looked into what movies are on for us to watch tonight too. I want to say thank you for caring for me over the last few days. Although, I’m still waiting for the sexy nurse uniform,” he says, breaking the spell and making me laugh.

“Brax, I wanted to look after you. You were hurt, and I wanted to make you feel better,” I explain, hoping he hears the sincerity in my voice. He leans over the table and grabs my hand, stroking his thumb over my knuckles, knowing exactly what he is doing to me.

“And I’m eternally grateful for that, more than you could ever know. Maybe I could show you my gratitude in other ways?” he asks with a grin which tells me he has already thought of a few. I feel my cheeks get hot at his suggestion. Two can play this game.

“Maybe you could,” I reply, calling his bluff. His mouth drops open. I’ve surprised him with my inner vixen. Not waiting a minute longer, he stands and takes my hand as I lead him towards my bedroom.

Having told Brax all about my past, I’ve decided it is time to take things with him to the next level. We’ve been doing a lot of touching and kissing, like we’re horny teenagers who can’t get enough, but not once has he pressured me to take things further than I am ready for. I know he must be frustrated as all hell, because God knows I am! When I got home and saw that he had made dinner for me and then his sincerity when he thanked me for looking after him…well, the decision was set in stone.

Once we I reach the bed I turn to face him, looking up at his beautiful face.

“Are you sure about this?” he asks me, his eyes full of sincerity. I place my hands on his hips and inch closer to him.

“Very sure,” I reply as he moves his head down to kiss me. I curl my hands up around his back, moving our bodies as close as I can without hurting him. He gives a small laugh when we pull our lips apart.

“You’re not gonna hurt me, Elle. Don’t be scared.”

I grin back at him.

“I’m not scared of this. I’ve never been more sure about anything in my whole life.”

The look of adoration on his face melts my heart. He gently traces his hand down my body, skimming my side before moving to loosen the tie of my robe. My breathing picks up as he pulls the tie in one swift move, leaving the robe to fall open, baring my naked body beneath. He looks down at me and back up to in my eyes.

“Beautiful,” he whispers as his hand slowly delves inside the robe, fingers gently dragging against my skin, like he’s marking me.

He eases one side of the robe slowly over one shoulder and then the other until it pools at my feet. I’m now standing in front of him, completely naked, trembling with anticipation.

I go to help him with his clothes, but he shakes his head at me.

“Not yet, babe. This is all about you,” he says quietly as he moves to the skin behind my ear and gently kisses my neck, slowly moving down the line of my jaw until he reaches my mouth, dragging his tongue gently across my lips, encouraging them to open. As soon as I do, he pulls me in tight against his body and runs his fingers through my hair, gripping it as he kisses me with fervor. I move myself back onto the bed and lie down in front of him, lifting my arms above my head in a gesture of submission, showing him I’m ready.

The sexiest groan I’ve ever heard escapes his mouth as he kneels on the bed beside me. He lightly runs his fingers up my leg, caressing my skin as he makes his way up my body, leaving a line of fire under his touch and I arch my back when his hand reaches my breast. Lying down beside me, he stares into my eyes and resumes his exploration of my body, bringing his mouth down to my skin to join his hand in his ministrations.

I can’t hide my love for this man any longer. As he continues to worship my body, I move my mouth to whisper in his ear. “I love you, Brax.”

He stills, pulling back his head to look down at me with those gorgeous blue eyes of his.

“Oh, Elle. I love you more than you could ever know. Now I want to show you.”

I gasp as he moves his hand deeper between my legs, his palm rubbing against me as he claims my mouth.

The moment Elle says she loves me, my heart explodes. I have known for a while now that I was head over heels for her, but I didn’t want to freak her out by telling her too quickly. She’s come so far and I didn’t want her retreating back into her shell. I’ve never been in love like this before and I wanted to be sure that we were in the right place before telling her.

My mouth is unrelenting as I move down her body, kissing and tasting every inch I can see. I curse the fact I can’t use both of my hands. I wish I could use my whole body to show her my love and having the sling between us is frustrating as hell. I position myself between her legs, alternating between touching and tasting her, I can’t get enough of this. When she finally lets herself go, she falls apart against my mouth.

I honestly can’t think of a better moment in my entire life.
