Read Books Novel

Lost in Distraction

Lost in Distraction (Lost #1)(28)
Author: B.J. Harvey

Once we’re settled in our room, I head into the bathroom to have a shower before we head out and find somewhere to eat. Brax is lying on the bed, playing with his phone and I wonder if he has heard anything back from Shay about that car. It has been bothering me ever since we saw it and the fact that someone may have followed us is unsettling. I’ll have to ask him after my shower.

I get a text from Shay confirming what I suspect, the number plate for the car at the diner was another stolen plate. I almost throw my phone against the wall when I read it.

Brax: What should our next move be? This is too much of a coincidence.

Shay: I’m with ya there. What do you want to do?

Brax: I’m not sure, if he found us there he can find us anywhere on this trip. I didn’t even tell Gibbons where I was going, and you’ve blocked my GPS.

Shay: Haha. Yup, he called me asking to look into it too. I just gave him some bullshit about not being able to do anything without the tracking device in front of me. He bought it, I think.

Brax: Good one. He sounded a bit suspicious on the phone yesterday. He doesn’t like not knowing where we are.

Shay: He asked me and I plead the fifth. He sounded pissed.

Brax: Any word on Brimstone or Evans?

Shay: Actually, yeah. Brimstone is stuck in LA and hasn’t moved for the last few weeks. Evans has been hanging around the New York area and the big boss man is still in ATL but did fly out to New York last week for a quick day trip.

Brax: Any idea why? He doesn’t go to New York unless it’s for business.

Shay: Yeah, well without raising any eyebrows I don’t know how to find out.

Brax: I can’t see the boss and Evans working together, Evans hates us all.

Shay: Yeah, but stranger things have happened.

From what I know of Evans, anything is possible.

Elle comes out of the bathroom wearing nothing but a lacy pink bra and matching panties. My breathing stops when I see her. Goddamn that is a fine sight to see! Putting my phone down, I shuffle down the bed and move towards her, the smile on my face and the growing hardness in my pants giving away my intentions. She giggles and tries to move past me to get to her bag, but I’m too quick and grab her around her waist, bringing her square between my legs. She leans into my arms, a soft moan escaping her lips as I touch my lips to hers. She’s the perfect distraction to take my mind off of everything running through my head.

I turn her over and lay her on the bed beside me as she starts to pull my shirt up, slipping her warm hands underneath and causing a shiver to run straight through me. She begins to drag her nails up my chest to my shoulders. Taking her lips again, I growl into her mouth as she digs her nails into my back and arches her body into mine. Wrapping her legs around mine, I slam my body down onto hers. She moves her mouth down my jaw and over my neck, peppering my skin with soft kisses and nipping my skin. She moves up and grazes the skin behind my ear with her teeth, knowing that it drives me crazy, then I hear her whisper the four words that always make me snap.

“I need you, Brax.”

Those four words are like an electric shock to my brain. Suddenly there are clothes flying off me and I rip open her robe as I start worshipping her body from head to toe, starting at her mouth and working my way down, nipping and sucking my way towards the place I really want to be. As I lick and taste my way down her beautiful body, I hear her moan a sound that reverberates through my body, lust streaming through me, bringing us close to climax. That is all the encouragement I need. I lap at her, increasing my pace as I feel her legs tighten around my legs, cocooning me as she moans, telling me how close she is. I speed up until I feel her body tighten around me like a vice, screaming out my name as she writhes around me. When she finally relaxes I roll over and collapse beside her, gently stroking her stomach as she comes back down to earth.

“I love it when you say my name like that,” I say huskily.

Without warning she rolls over on top of me, positioning her legs either side of my hips as she slowly inches her way down to take my deep inside her. Moving my hands to her hips, I look deep into her eyes and the look she gives me is all the encouragement I need and the fire in her eyes spurs me on as I push my hips up in rhythm with hers. Soon we are both in the moment, climaxing around each other, collapsing together. She lies down on top of me, totally spent, as we enjoy blissful silence. This is how making love is supposed to be, effortless and totally mind blowing.

Elle rolls off me and snuggles into my side as she starts to doze off. It has been a long day for both of us, but I know we have to get some food soon. I ease my arm out from underneath her and put some clothes on before stepping outside the door. I head downstairs and speak to the proprietor who recommends a local Chinese takeout before stepping outside to call through our dinner order. Purely out of habit I scan the street for the black car, but I can’t see anything untoward, until I look over to my car and see a white note stuck on the front window of the Mustang.

I rush down the steps, two at a time, until I reach my car. I grab the note with my heart pounding out of my chest. This is not good. I open it straight away, pulling out a page of lined paper that looks like it has been ripped out of a notebook of some kind. I hold my breath as I unfold it, reading the words I never wanted to read.

‘You can run but you can’t hide little one. I will finish what I started’.

Chapter Thirteen

I wake up, after dozing for about half an hour, to an empty bed and Brax nowhere to be found. I start panicking and sit up quickly, taking a few deep breaths to calm myself down. How stupid. I know Brax loves me. I don’t know why I panicked, he said he would never leave me and I believe him. There is actually no one else I trust more in my life.

I hear the door handle rattle and look up to see Brax walking in with a couple of bags of takeout. It smells so good and I realize that we haven’t eaten since the diner. Looking at his face I can tell something is up, and just when I thought I’d gotten rid of his bad mood. I hope he’ll tell me about it after dinner.

With a huge smile on my face I get up and walk across the room to put a t shirt and my panties back on, purposefully bending over in front of him in the process. I can’t help but grin when I notice Brax watching me with a hungry look on his face—and not for food. He’s a typical male, this one.

I look up at him with a smirk. “Enjoying the view, babe?” He just stares at me with that sexy grin of his.

“You are such a tease, you know that?” he says, making me giggle as he puts the food down and rushes me, pushing me back onto the bed as he starts ravishing me.
