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Lost in Distraction

Lost in Distraction (Lost #1)(38)
Author: B.J. Harvey

He turns around with the vase and flowers just as I reach him in the kitchen, splashing water all up my top. I shriek at the sudden coldness down my front. He apologizes, but as soon as he sees that my white singlet top is saturated, a sexy smirk grows on his face.

“Well, my dear, I think you might need some help getting out of that wet top,” he says, putting the vase down on the counter and stalking towards me.

I can’t help the giggle that escapes my mouth as I try to run into the bedroom. He catches me around the waist before I reach the door, backing me into the doorway, pressing his hard firm body into mine. I want to be closer, I need him to be closer. He pierces me with his eyes, staring straight into mine, full of love and adoration. I didn’t think it is possible to love anyone this much.

He grabs the hem of my camisole and slowly peels the wet, see-through tank off me in one fluid motion. I fist my hands in his shirt, pulling him down to me as he begins kissing me, starting at my forehead and moving painstakingly slow down my face. When he reaches my ear, he nips it with his teeth gently.

“I’ve never seen anyone look as beautiful as you, baby,” he whispers, making me melt into him even more as he trails his mouth down my neck, tracing small circles with his tongue as he tastes me.

“Brax, I need you,” I moan as he continues his downward trail.

“I know you do, and do you know how hot that makes me?”

His lips brush across my skin as he peppers me with feather light kisses while he rolls his hips into mine.

“Make love to me, baby,” I gasp as he reaches up and rolls his fingers over my hard ni**les.

“I intend to darlin.”

Wrapping his arms around my waist, he lifts me up, encouraging me as I instinctively wrap my legs around his hips. We stand against the doorway, our bodies grinding against each other. I move one hand down between us and start stroking, following the shape of him through his straining jeans. The groan that escapes his mouth is so erotic, I almost fall apart right there.

“Take me to bed,” I whisper huskily in his ear.

“Gladly,” he replies as he carries me towards our bedroom and proceeds to show me exactly how hot I’ve made him.

We lie in bed after making love, Elle’s naked body draped over mine. Her hand is gently caressing my chest and damn, the afterglow feels good with her. I feel her head move and I look down into her eyes.

“Do you ever think about the future, Brax? Like where you will be in five, ten, twenty years?” she asks, absentmindedly tracing shapes through chest hair.

“Of course, but I also like taking each day as it comes. I learned a long time ago that expectations only lead to disappointments,” I reply, my thoughts trailing off to my screwed up family dynamic.

“Oh…okay,” she says, sounding disappointed in my answer. I can tell that my comment was not what she was expecting. I roll over so that I’m lying above her, my hips between her legs, my weight held up on one elbow now resting by her head as I look down at her. I grab her chin as she tries to look away.

“What I do know, sweetheart, is that you are my world. Before I met you I was simply going through the motions. Now I have a purpose, I have a reason to be here. My job was to make you feel again and to open you up to the world. I’ve never seen you more alive than you are now. You are a vibrant, shining star to behold. You are who I want to hold in my arms at night and who I want to open my eyes to in the morning. Nobody has ever touched my heart like you do, nobody ever will.” I lower my mouth to hers and I pour all of my love for her into this kiss. I’m desperate to make her feel the way I see her. I want her to believe deep down in her soul that there is nowhere else I want to be, and no one else in this world that I want to be with

She returns the kiss with fervor, eagerly wrestling her tongue with mine until we have to pull apart to breathe.

“I guess that answers my question then,” she says breathlessly. “I love you, Braxton James,” she whispers against my lips.

“I love you too, Elise Halliwell.”

Chapter Seventeen

Brax and I are getting ready for Shay’s birthday party at Stages, a bar downtown that Shay has hired out for the night. He’s turning twenty-seven which is apparently a big deal. He’s even booked a photo booth and DJ for the night. After the events of the past few days, I’m really looking forward to having a few drinks and letting loose for the night.

While I’m in the bathroom making some final touches to my make-up and hair, Brax is already dressed and waiting in the living room, having a beer while I get ready. I’m wearing my hair down in a sea of loose brown curls with sexy smoky eyes and wet look lipstick, Brax is definitely in for a surprise tonight.

After yesterday’s teasing episode, where he left me all worked up before he went out, I went shopping with one purpose. To buy an outfit that would leave him speechless. I’m not just talking about an open mouth kind of speechless, either. I’m going for a drooling mess, mouth gaping, barely able to breathe reaction. I searched through Victoria’s Secret and a few major department stores until I found exactly what I wanted.

The dress I’m wearing is a navy v-neck jersey dress with a plunging neck line that even made Shay blush. It gathers into a crystal adornment just below my cle**age then falls into a drapey skirt, finishing just above the knee. To go with it, I’m wearing a pair of Christian Louboutin chain-maille red sole wedges with my ultimate weapon underneath. A black mesh corset covered in silver eyelets from Victoria’s Secret. It is almost a waste to cover it up; it is truly stunning. I finish the look off with a pair of silky black thigh-highs, held up with silver garters.

The whole outfit makes me feel so sexy and wanton. I don’t know how long I’ll last tonight without needing Brax to touch me. I hope I’ll be able to outlast him. Well, I damn hope I can. I want to see pure unadulterated lust in his eyes and for his mind to be spinning so damn fast that he won’t have anything but me on his mind.

I dab some perfume on my wrists and chest, before taking one last look in the mirror and opening the bedroom door. As I walk in to the living room I see Brax standing by the window with a beer in his hand, looking out into the night. I stand in the doorway, taking in the view of the sexy man before me. He’s wearing a gorgeous navy blue shirt I bought for him yesterday which fits him perfectly, nicely hugging the lines of his chest. He’s matched it with some black linen pants and his freshly polished black dress shoes. He may not dress up often but damn, I’m glad he has tonight. That man is switching the tables on me and he doesn’t even know it yet.
