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Love Bites

Marguerite gave a wide smile to Bastien's secretary as she passed her desk and sailed into his office unhindered. "I received a postcard from Etienne and Rachel. They're having a wonderful honeymoon in Hawaii."

Her serious son glanced up from the report he'd been reading to eye her with resignation as she crossed the large room toward him. "They are, are they?"

"Yes." She bent to press an affectionate kiss to his forehead and handed over the postcard in question. While he read, Marguerite walked back around his desk and dropped into the chair positioned in front of it.

"I don't know why they chose Hawaii," Bastien said with a wry smile. He finished the postcard. Standing, he leaned over his large desk to hand it back.

"Balmy breezes and moonlit beaches." Marguerite took the card and tucked it into her purse. "Besides, Rachel had planned a trip there before she was changed. She'd never been."

"And Etienne wanted to please her," Bastien finished as he reclaimed his seat. "They'll be happy."

Marguerite heard the wistful note in Bastien's voice and eyed him speculatively. At over four hundred years old, Bastien was her second oldest son. He was also the most serious. Too serious at times. He always had been. Even as a boy he'd been the more responsible of her four children. It hadn't been terribly surprising to anyone when he had taken over as head of the family after Claude's death. Lucern would have been capable of the task but would have hated every minute. Bastien relished the challenges and enjoyed solving problems and helping people. He was a good man. He needed a good woman.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

His wary question made Marguerite relax and shrug. "I was just thinking that perhaps it's catching. Lissianna and Etienne are now both married and settled down. I have great hopes for Lucern and his little Kate... if they don't kill each other at that conference she's dragged him to. Perhaps you'll find someone soon too."

Bastien fell silent as he thought of Lucern and Kate.

His oldest brother had managed to be tricked into attending a romance conference with his editor. He hadn't wanted to go, but Kate was a persuasive little bundle, and once she'd teamed up with their mother, Lucern hadn't stood a chance.

On the other hand, Bastien thought, perhaps his brother hadn't ever stood a chance against Kate, with or without their mother's help. Having seen the two of them together at Etienne and Rachel's wedding, Bastien suspected his mother's hopes for the pair weren't misplaced. Lucern was in love. Whether he knew it or not, the man had found his life mate. Bastien hoped for his sake that he didn't mess it up.

His gaze drifted to his mother, who watched him with interest. Knowing she could read his thoughts, he didn't bother to deny a desire for a life mate of his own. He would like a partner to stand at his side to meet life's trials. But he had been alive for over four hundred years and met only one woman he had thought he might love in that time. Unfortunately, she had not reacted well to learning what he was and had refused outright to join him. Despite that, Bastien had never stopped loving her. He had watched over her throughout her short life, always from a distance. He had watched her age, fall in love with someone else, have children, then grandchildren, and finally he had watched helplessly as she died.

Those had been the most painful years of his life. They had taught him that, thanks to what he was, he would always be the child standing alone on one side of the fence, watching all the other children laughing and having fun at the party taking place on the other.

Aware that his mother was still watching him, he shrugged and looked at his report. He said simply, "Some people aren't meant to find love and keep it."

"Hmmm." She was silent for a moment, then apparently decided to change the subject. "Oh, by the way, Bastien, Dr. Bobby wants to talk to members of my family, and since Etienne and Rachel are on their honeymoon, Lissianna and Gregory are vacationing in Europe, and Lucern is at that writers conference, the only one available is you. Can I say you'll come?"

"Hmm? What?" He glanced up with bewilderment. "Who is Dr. Bobby?"

"My therapist, dear."

"Therapist," he echoed with shock. Then alarm quivered through him. "You're seeing a therapist?"

"Yes, dear. It's all the rage right now. Besides, Gregory was so helpful with Lissianna's phobia, I thought I might benefit from a little counseling myself."

"Why? You don't have any phobias."

"No. But I do have some issues--one in particular I wanted to address."

She wouldn't meet his gaze. Bastien couldn't help but wonder. "And this therapist wants to talk to members of your family? Why?"

Marguerite shrugged. "I'm not sure. Dr. Bobby just mentioned wanting to talk to members of the family. You will come, won't you?"

Bastien frowned, but finally nodded his assent. It seemed a good idea to go find out just what issue his mother was dealing with and how much of their lives--not to mention what they were--she had revealed to this Dr. Bobby.

"Good. I'll leave you to your work then." Marguerite beamed at him and stood to leave.

Bastien started to relax but then stiffened as she added, "Don't worry, son. There's a woman out there for you too. And I intend to help you find her."

He gaped in horror as the door she closed behind her. Those words had sounded suspiciously like a threat.