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Love Unrehearsed

Love Unrehearsed (Love #2)(18)
Author: Tina Reber

Ryan held me at his side, always within inches of him, even when he stopped to greet more adoring fans.

“Ryan, we have Access Hollywood and the ReelzChannel up first,” Trish informed.

“Taryn, you stay back here. Focus on Ryan as he speaks because you will be on camera. I need extra security right here.” She pulled Ryan along by the elbow to keep him moving.

I stood off to the side, proudly beaming at my fiancé as he gave brief interviews. His smile, charm, and humbled enthusiasm never faltered even when Trish guided him from microphone to microphone.

Time and time again each reporter asked when we were getting married, to which he happily and repeatedly replied, “I don’t know. We just got engaged. We haven’t discussed it yet.”

Just like that, with three simple sentences, our engagement became officially confirmed news.

After congratulating us on our pending nuptials, the Entertainment Tonight interviewer asked for my thoughts about the film.

The intimidating microphone tilted in my direction and somehow my mouth turned into the Sahara and all of the saliva inconveniently disappeared from my mouth. I felt Ryan reassuringly squeeze my hand.

“I haven’t had an opportunity to see it yet.

Tonight will be my first screening,” I answered with a smile, relieved that I didn’t sound like an idiot.

“And I’m just looking forward to seeing her reaction.” Ryan beamed proudly at me.

Fortunately that was the only question she asked before we had to move on to the next microphone.

As we walked the gauntlet of reporters, it became blatantly obvious why Ryan had freaked out earlier. Stand, pose, smile, turn, look, interview, sign this—all accompanied by excited screams and shrieks from thousands of enamored fans.

Seeing Ryan interact with his fans was both fascinating and scary. I feared for his safety as one after another reached for him.

A moment of reprieve couldn’t have come sooner. I was escorted by two hulking bodyguards over to Ryan’s family, where I waited while he conducted more interviews and posed for photographers. The VIP area, where I tried to look like I belonged while a few very well-known celebrities passed through, seemed to be a safe place. It was also the place where I was able to catch up with some other familiar faces, namely Call Reynolds and his wife, Kelly Gael. I was so happy to see that they came out to support Ryan’s premiere.

While we were talking, a well-dressed woman with stick-straight, shoulder-length brown hair approached me. She looked to be in her forties, very fit, but true age was deceiving in ll.A. As I took in the sight of her, I noticed that she had the most fetching smile and the rosiest cheeks I had ever seen.

“Excuse me. Hi! You must be Taryn?” she asked.

“Yes! Hello!” I returned her cheery greeting.

She held out her hand. “I’m Anna—Anna Garrett. I’m one of the film’s executive producers. A bit overwhelming, isn’t it?”

“Yes. Yes it is!” I said, glancing around.

“And spectacular and amazing as well.”

“I’ve heard so much about you; it’s nice to finally meet you. Oh, I believe you’ve already met my husband?” she said in a very distinct British accent. One tiny tinge of panic crept up my throat as I hoped not to get falsely accused of anything. She tugged on a man’s suit coat and the moment he turned around I immediately recognized him. He was the only film director I knew personally.

“Oh, yes! Yes of course. Mr. Follweiler. It’s so nice to see you again!”

“Taryn my dear!” Jonathan Follweiler smiled, hugging me awkwardly. His rough gray beard pricked my cheek. “Oh, it’s good to see you, too! How have you been? Well, I hope?”

I nodded quickly.

“You look absolutely radiant,” he complimented, admiring me sincerely.

“You look quite dashing yourself, sir,” I replied. His sapphire hankie and necktie suited him well.

“‘Sir’? No, no, Taryn, please call me Jonathan. So how’s our boy doing these days?” he asked, craning his neck in Ryan’s direction.

“He’s great.” It was the most benign answer I could give, considering the earlier circumstances. “And he’s anxious to get back to work.”

And away from this insanity.

“Good! So am I,” he admitted on the sly.

“Are you coming to Vancouver with Ryan?”

“Yes. As soon as we come back from the European press junket,” I said.

Jonathan smiled warmly. “That’s wonderful news. Then you and Anna can keep each other company.”

I felt a hand touch my shoulder. It was Trish. “Excuse me. Sorry to interrupt. Taryn, we’re ready for your photo op with Ryan,” she said.

“Right. No worries,” Anna said with a wink. “We can catch up later.”

“I look forward to seeing you at the after-party,” I said, reaching to give them both a hug goodbye. It was almost pure elation to finally feel accepted by some of the influential people in my new life—in our new life.

Ryan smiled and seemed relieved to see me again, but as soon as I was next to him, his brow furrowed and he appeared wary.

“You ready for this?”

I gave him a reassuring smile and a quick nod. “I’m ready.”

Ryan led me by the hand to stand in front of a huge wall emblazoned with the Reparation movie logo. He quickly stepped behind me, standing on my right side instead of my left.

“Okay,” I giggled nervously, confused as to why he repositioned himself.

Ryan placed his lips right next to my ear.

“Put your hand on my chest.” He laughed lightly to make it look like we were sharing a private joke. “I want everyone to see your ring,” he said emphatically, gazing into my eyes with a certain tenderness that was mesmerizing. “It’s time to go big or go home. I want everyone to know you’re mine, Taryn.” We smiled and posed while the press took our picture a million times. The photographers were yelling our names so often that I didn’t know which camera I was supposed to look at.

Ryan’s grin was infectious. “Did I tell you how exceptionally beautiful you look tonight?”

As I gazed up into his eyes, personal van-ity was low on my emotion chart. Instead, I said what I truly felt. “I am so proud of you.” My smile broadened as he rested his forehead on mine.

“I love you,” he whispered, his fingertips gently holding my raised chin. “Never doubt that.” And then, in front of hundreds of cameras—softly, adoringly—he kissed me.
