Read Books Novel

Love Unscripted

“Tonight’s exclusive: Ryan takes on New York. The hot, young star was spotted today as he was leaving the Good Morning New York show in Manhattan. The busy actor was caught multi-tasking, talking on his cell phone while signing autographs for fans. When asked how long he’d be in Manhattan, the sexy star replied ‘just one day.’ Ryan is in town to promote his latest film, Reparation, due to be released in April.

“Later today he was spotted entering The Diamond Exchange on trendy Park Avenue where he reportedly purchased several gifts. Look out, ladies! There’s no denying his on-screen chemistry and reported hook-ups with his leading ladies. Rumors have been circulating that he’s romantically involved with Suzanne Strass who is starring again with Ryan on the second installment in the Seaside franchise. Insiders have reported that the two have been quite friendly between takes. Perhaps things are getting steamy between them off-camera? We will keep you posted as this story develops.”

There he was - captured in moving pictures on my television. I noticed a tall, thin woman with short black hair hovering around Ryan while he signed autographs and then I saw him sign the violin. I presumed the woman was Marla. She got into the sedan with Ryan.

While the world wanted any tidbit of news on his life, he was recorded while on the phone that very moment talking to me. A big grin flashed across my lips. Oh how I loved my little secret.

“What are you smiling about?” Marie asked, breaking me from my private reverie.

“He was on the phone with me when that was filmed.” I smiled, nodding to the television.

It was appalling how the gossip and news shows embellished flat-out lies about him and his co-stars. No wonder he had to be so careful. Any slip was fodder for the media, which was spread like wildfire and believed by millions.

I had my reasons for being hesitant, but now I had another reminder why he had to be hesitant too. He was a constant moving target.

Chapter 14 - Date

“So what are you up to?” Ryan asked when he called me on his lunch break on Friday.

“I’m… shopping.” My tone was definitely mischievous.

He laughed lightly. “You sound like you’re up to no good.”

“Maybe. I’m hoping I have a date this weekend and I wanted to get something nice to wear. Hey, you’re a guy. Let me ask you… do guys like really short dresses or will a new pair of jeans work?”

“That depends. Where is your date taking you?” he snickered in my ear.

“Nowhere. He’s kind of shy and very private. I’m happy to just stay home and keep him warm and safe. Maybe spoil him a little? I could probably get away with a little tank top and stilettos but I’d really like to impress him. Do you have any suggestions?” I was thoroughly enjoying toying with him.

“How about a very small towel? I know most guys like when women wear towels. Something about the convenience of it that’s appealing – you always have a place to dry your hands.”

“Towels? Hmm.” He definitely caught me off-guard with that one, but I was glad he was playing along.

“Oh look – Victoria’s Secret is having a towel sale today! Imagine that! So in your expert opinion, what color towels do men prefer?”

“Color isn’t important. The less snaps and fasteners the better. Towels should not be complicated,” he said casually.

“You have a good point. This man I’m hoping to see lives a very hectic life. I’d hate to add to his stress level with additional complications.

Maybe I’ll just buy this snap-less black towel here. Top it off with some thigh-high nylons, thong perhaps, although panties are optional… and heels.

How does that sound?”

“So what night is this date? I don’t want to call you at an inconvenient time.” I heard him laugh under his breath.

“I’m not sure,” I replied. “He’s a very busy man. But I’m going to get a variety of towels just in case he’s dirty and needs to be washed. I’m thinking that might help reduce his stress level.”

“You realize I’m due back on set in like twenty minutes? Do you have any idea of the damage you have caused?” he growled at me. “I have half a mind to leave here and break down your back door, but I’m afraid I can’t go anywhere in public in my current state.”

“I’m sorry. Did I raise your stress level?” I asked. “I just want to be clear about your current state.”

“Very much so!” he confirmed.

“Then I guess we’re even.” My fingers drifted over several lacy bras, imagining his reaction to seeing me wear something like this.
