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Love Unscripted

“Ryan, I can’t get a permit for that until I update the fire suppression system for over the stoves,” I muttered privately. “All the water lines need to be replaced. That alone was over twenty grand.”

He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and whispered in my ear. “Let’s figure out what it will cost and we’ll talk about it.”

It sort of bothered me that he was so willing to part with his money. He reminded me of some kid who had twenty dollars burning a hole in his pocket.

Pete and Tammy left shortly after Ryan gave him a new sketch of the construction, and Cory and Marie were well in control of the bar, so I stayed in my apartment with Ryan.

“So Ms. Mitchell, since we’ve come to new agreements, are you ready to renegotiate the terms of your contract?” Ryan raised a questioning brow, smirking hopefully on our way to the bedroom.

“That all depends on what you’re offering.”

“How about two for the price of one on Tuesdays?” he snickered, pushing the door closed with his fingers.

Ryan was so sound asleep he didn’t even budge the first time the alarm clock chimed. He was lying flat on his back, spread out on the bed in the same position he was after our incredible night. I figured I’d give him a few more minutes, so I went out to the kitchen to start a pot of coffee.

“Ouch,” I muttered walking to the door with a slight limp; my hip was hurting from how he maneuvered me last night. I smiled inside, remembering how I got in this much pain.

“Babe, time to wake up.” I rubbed my hand across his chest.

Our morning felt like it could quickly become routine. While he showered, I made his coffee – poured in one of those Styrofoam to-go cups that looks like you got it at the convenience store, and then brushed my teeth while he informed me of his schedule.

We were just like any other normal couple getting ready to go to work. I set out a new pack of gum next to his keys and organized his blue papers so he wouldn’t forget them. His cell phone was plugged into the charger so I readied that for him too.

“You are the best assistant I could have ever hoped for!” He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me goodbye at the back door. “I

love you. I’ll call you later.”

I trudged up my steps, now wide-awake in the wee hours of the morning. Bored, I turned my computer on with the original excuse of checking on my bank statements, but instead I searched his name.

After I checked his one fan-made blog site, I returned to the news results.

Today’s news headlines showed the following:

Ryan Christensen autograph signing Fans make Ryan’s new love jealous!

“What the?” I clicked on the link that referred to my jealousy.

Beware ladies! Fans make Ryan’s new girlfriend see Red!

Fans lined up inside his new hangout, the rustic Mitchell’s Pub in Seaport, RI to see their favorite star as he held an impromptu meet and greet Tuesday night. A few lucky ladies who happened to be at the right place at the right time got to meet the sexy actor as he posed for pictures and signed autographs for his die-hard fans.

A few ladies who happened to be there when he arrived shortly before 7:00 p.m. said that he was happy and friendly as he greeted his fans.

“We only had to wait for twenty minutes, so it wasn’t too bad. It was worth every second!” one lady reported. Other women who waited over an hour reported that Ryan’s supposed new love, bar owner Taryn Mitchell, was furious as she watched him sign autographs. “She told women to get out and then she yelled at everyone inside – we just laughed.”

But a friend of the actor isn’t surprised, reporting that Ryan’s new girlfriend seems like the jealous, controlling type. It won’t take him long to get tired of her. She even tells him who he can hang out with. He has cut off most of his friends from the set and is only allowed to socialize with her friends. Ryan doesn’t stay on set any longer than he has to. He’s always sneaking off to check in with her when he is there. It’s like he has to tell her everything he’s doing.

Another insider reports that Ryan has been completely controlled by Taryn. She’s even insisting that he move in with her, pushing the relationship into fast-forward. “His luggage was removed from the hotel on Monday.”

I felt like I could pass out. This report took everything out of context, and now the entire world thinks I’m a controlling hell-bitch!

Would he ever get tired of me like the story said? Does he want someone tending to his needs or will he think I’m crowding him one day? I remembered what happened when I dated Dean. He didn’t want someone to take care of him. Every time I tried to be a doting girlfriend, he pulled further and further away.
