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Love Unscripted

I took a deep breath through my nose while he kissed her. It was harder than I thought it would be to see the man I was in love with kiss another woman. I knew it was pretend but the burn of jealousy still pulsed through me. I unconsciously curled my fingers into fists by my sides; my fingernails dug into my palms. His mother placed her hand on my shoulder as reassurance that it was going to be all right.

When I couldn’t take it anymore, I looked down to the ground then turned my gaze to the opposite wall. Something struck me as odd – why is that man over there taking pictures of Ryan kissing Suzanne? He didn’t use a flash on his camera.

“How are you doing?” Kat whispered to me. I could hear the tension and concern in her tone.

Suzanne really played it up; my presence was encouraging her Oscar-worthy performance for sure.

“I want to peel her off of him and set her on fire, but I’ll get through it.”

The director yelled, “Cut.”

Kat laughed, amused by my comment. “It will get easier with time. You at least have the satisfaction of knowing that he’s hating this part of his job.”“

Is he really?” I wasn’t so sure by the looks of it.

“See, Ellen! Taryn wants to crack Suzanne in half. This girl is definitely in love with your son.” Kat wistfully danced in place.

“I don’t want to crack anyone,” I quickly replied. I didn’t want his parents to think I was obsessive or controlling.

Their kissing scene had halted and the director was talking to both of them. They nodded at him as he gave his direction. Apparently they had to do it again. I watched as they ran through their dialogue again, he had her by the arms again, and once again he grabbed her by the back of the neck. This time she fought him a little longer before surrendering.

The second time wasn’t as bad as the first, although it still bothered me to see him kissing someone else. My mind scanned over all the various movies I had seen in my lifetime and all the kisses that were exchanged on film. All those kisses had to look believable to sell the feel of the movie. I thought about one of my favorite actors and how he had to kiss the actress in one of his movies. But yet at night he went home to his lovely wife and their children.

I can do this, I told myself. His lips belong to me – he even told me so. It’s just pretend; I’m his – he’s mine.

I was in mid discussion with Kat and his parents about some of the background story to this movie when Ryan slipped his hands around my waist. I wasn’t expecting it, so I jumped slightly from his touch.

“What did you think?” he whispered in my ear.

“I think you looked pretty tough fighting that guy. I thought you actually punched him! It looked real from this angle.” I giggled as he held his hands to my stomach.

“That’s movie magic!” he snickered.

“I think you have a cool job,” I murmured back to him.

“And what about the other part?” Ryan asked tentatively. He whispered his words on my neck.

I knew what he was referring to – kissing the… Suzanne.

“First time was very difficult but the second, um, take? That was slightly easier. She seemed to put more effort into it though, probably because I’m here.”

“I have to agree. Her performance was definitely for your benefit,” he said. “Maybe you should be here every day? Did you see how nice she was to me?”

We took a walk around the area and Ryan showed us his trailer. It was really nice inside; like a mini apartment on wheels. He made sure to show me the large bed in the back where he naps sometimes when he isn’t needed on set. The bedroom in his trailer had a large television built into the wall and his refrigerator was stocked with his favorite soda.

I was in Ryan’s trailer when Tammy called.

“Taryn, my brother called me. He has some information on that girl. You may want to go to the police. Taryn, she’s not well.”

Ryan was watching me; his eyebrows were pulled together in confusion, trying to figure out my conversation.

“Can you be more specific,” I asked her.

“You have to realize that Tony isn’t supposed to do this kind of stuff. You can’t tell anyone, especially when you talk to the police, okay?”

I had a lot of questions I wanted to ask her, but since I had an audience I had to be cryptic. I was instantly concerned when she said that.

“I understand. Please… go on.”

“I’m going to read you the report he gave me. Angelica Staunton, age 31, former addresses are Bridgeport, NJ, Brooklyn, NY, and there’s one address on her in Los Angeles. She’s been arrested three times; once for prostitution in New York and twice for other offenses in California. Taryn, ten years ago she had a restraining order put out on her. When she was in L.A. she was accused of stalking another celebrity. Her second was for a violation of a court order. Her third arrest was for breaking and entering – she was found at three in the morning, bathing naked in the swimming pool at the celebrity’s home. I can’t tell you the celebrity’s name because Tony wouldn’t give that to me.”
