Read Books Novel

Love Unscripted

“I’m not taking them back, so you might as well wear them!” He put the box in my hand. “Listen, they are a gift, from my heart to you. You do nice and thoughtful things for me; I do nice and thoughtful things for you. Equal partners,” he stressed.

I couldn’t argue, even though I felt awkward for accepting them.

The restaurant was very accommodating, even blocking off an entire room for us to dine in private. Several customers gasped when Ryan walked through the main dining area, and I noticed it was the ladies who immediately recognized him. Mike and our driver, who was also a bodyguard, blocked the entrance to our section of the restaurant so no one would bother us during our dinner.

“Mom.” Ryan raised his glass to offer a toast. “To the best mother in the world! Happy Birthday!” He leaned over to her and gave her a hug and kiss. “We have gifts for you, but I thought it best to save those until later when you can open them in private.” He looked around the restaurant.

I knew that people were watching; any of them capable of reporting the details of our evening to the tabloids. I was catching on to Ryan’s hesitations and reasons behind each of his actions. We could not help but be paranoid.

“Taryn made you a birthday cake. After dinner we’ll go back to our place.”

A wave of elation surged through me when he said ‘our place’ to his parents.

“I hope you like chocolate,” I said in happy response.

We were about an hour into our dinner when a new wave of female patrons entered the restaurant. We could hear their giggling and commotion in our private room.

“Guess the word’s out.” Ryan smirked. I couldn’t tell if he was bothered by it or in some way liked the attention.

“That’s something your mother and I wanted to talk to you about, Son. We’re very concerned about all these fans and their behavior.”

Ryan opened his mouth to speak but his father cut him off.

“Now before you start reassuring me that you have it all under control, I saw some of those letters that these girls are leaving for you in Taryn’s door and I must say that their forward behavior is alarming.” Bill rubbed his forehead, just like Ryan does when he’s stressed.

“You know your mother and I will support you in your decisions but when your decisions put you and your family in danger, well I have to speak my mind about that.”

“Anyone who is in the public eye has fans, Dad.” Ryan tried to dismiss his father’s concern. “I don’t think you and mom are in any danger.”

“I realize that, Son, but these fans of yours are leaving their perverted notes for you in this young lady’s front door.” Bill motioned his hand in my direction. “I see how much you care for her so I’m including her in our family when I speak.”

“I know.” Ryan rubbed his forehead now. “I’m having extra alarms put on her apartment and I’m thinking about hiring personal security to watch over her when I can’t.” He looked at me; his expression waited for my reaction. I sighed and held my tongue.

“Son, this is exactly what I’m talking about! Your brother, your mother and me, we don’t need bodyguards to go to work every day. There’s a reason why you have these men surrounding you, protecting you. If there was no danger, then you wouldn’t need protection! You know we are proud of you and we want you to be successful but not if it’s going to put you in harms way.” Bill shook his head fiercely.

My mind immediately flashed to Angelica sitting in her car, watching our every move. Waiting for… what? An opportunity? To find a weak spot in our armor?

“Dad, no one is going to hurt us,” Ryan said quite confidently. Funny how two hours ago he made phone calls about our gap-toothed stalker. I squeezed his thigh with my hand. I didn’t care for him lying like that to his parents either.

“I won’t let anything happen to you.” He patted my hand to reassure me.

“I just wish you would give some thought to what else you could do with your life that doesn’t affect your safety. We’d be just as proud of you if you did something else,” Bill informed.

“I know. I’ve been thinking about it, actually. Taryn’s been giving me some good ideas.” He winked at me.

I had no idea what he was referring to.

“But that will have to wait. You know I’ve signed a few contracts to do other movies. I can’t back out now.”

I wasn’t so sure that Ryan wanted to back out of anything even if he could. He really loved being an actor and he was really good at it! He was able to slip into a completely different persona and actually convince the outside world that he was someone else.
