Read Books Novel

Love Unscripted

“How many of those offers do you get a day?” I asked.

“Don’t worry about it. All you need to know is how I reply back.”

“How many?” I asked again.

“How many guys ask you out each day?” he sharply retorted. “I’d say we’re just about tied.”

I stood at the sink, washing some of the dirty dishes while hoping that the overwhelming jealousy would burn away my other insecurities. He had met thousands of women, dated well-known actresses in the past, traveled the entire globe and visited exotic locations… why he would want to settle for just one woman when he could have so many was beyond me.

I thought about what I would do if the situation were reversed. If I had his opportunities, would I be out there playing the field or would I want a relationship with one person? Well, that was an easy question to answer. Of course I’d want a meaningful relationship with one man. But men are different creatures.

I peered at him through the corner of my eye. He was sitting at the wooden dining table drinking his coffee while trying to do the crossword puzzle in the newspaper. The famous celebrity who just won three awards for his acting skills was just sitting there in a wrinkled T-shirt and sweatpants. His bare feet were scrunched up on his toes, bouncing his heels up and down as he chewed on the tip of the pen.

He had no idea of the damage he just caused in my brain. That little text message felt like just another nail in my coffin. He wasn’t interested in that one, but what would happen if he got another offer he simply couldn’t refuse?

Ryan was beyond jealous of Kyle, hence why Kyle was dismissed from being my bodyguard so quickly. How easy it was for Ryan to eliminate the true competition with a simple phone call. Despite how attractive and sweet Kyle was, I used my brain and heart to rationalize my feelings.

Men however don’t always think with the brain that sits between their ears. All too often it’s the little brain in their pants that they listen to. Would Ryan’s love for me stop him dead in his tracks before he listened to the devil that lived in his pants?

“Shoot,” Ellen grumbled.

I quickly turned my head in her direction. Her butt was sticking up in the air while she rummaged through the refrigerator.

“I don’t have enough cream cheese,” she groaned.

I tried to shake off my other thoughts.

“What are you going to do with the turkey? I think it’s just about completely thawed.” I poked it with my finger. She had it setting in the other sink.

“There’s no room in the fridge,” she announced. “I don’t know.”

“You should soak it overnight in brine and ice. That will make it nice and juicy tomorrow.”

She looked at me, perplexed. “Brine?”

Ryan escorted me to his dad’s office so I could print off a recipe from the web. I really think he wanted to make sure I didn’t Internet surf while I had the chance.

“Here’s the recipe.” I handed it to Ellen.

“I have to run to the store. I don’t have some of these things.” She sounded stressed. “Janelle is bringing Sarah over soon. You two will have to watch her for me.”

About twenty minutes later, Janelle came through the door with Sarah in one arm and a diaper bag containing an arsenal of baby supplies in the other. She was running late for her appointment.

Ryan was on the floor playing with Sarah when Janelle darted out the door. He was helping Sarah stack up little wooden alphabet blocks. She was concentrating so hard; her angelic face showed her determination.

I couldn’t help myself; the sight of him playing with the baby overwhelmed me. I shut the mixer off and joined them on the floor. Ryan patted me on the thigh a few times before clamping his hand down on my leg.

“What do you say? Think you want one or two of these someday?” he mused, twisting his finger into Sarah’s ringlets.

“I think you already know my answer.” I smiled.

Ryan grinned widely. “Two would be cool.”

“I’m surprised though,” I continued. “Someone in your position… I would have thought that having kids would be the last thing on your list.”

“Why would you say that?”

I was surprised that he questioned me. “I don’t know… you’re young. You’re a famous celebrity. You travel the world.”

He rolled his eyes at me.

“Sometimes I’m surprised that you even want a girlfriend. Why have one when you could have so many.”

Ryan rolled onto his back and groaned. “Not this conversation again. I thought we were beyond this?”
