Read Books Novel

Love Unscripted

even a stretch limo wouldn’t have been as shocking. Instead he had his own personal car waiting… a nice little two door silver Audi.

“Did you have a nice holiday?” Kyle asked. I sensed he was just trying to make polite small-talk.

“Yes, I did. Thank you for asking.” I chuckled lightly to myself, trying to ignore how cute he looked. “But the bigger question is why are you the one who is taking me home?” I was already in trouble just being in this car.

He smirked, knowing I wanted him to explain. He hit the gas pedal to get us out of the airport faster.

“I saw the pick-up request on the assignment log and I volunteered,” he confessed. “I just wanted to see how you were doing.” He looked over at me and shrugged. “Why, is your boyfriend going to be mad?”

The way he said it, I could tell that he didn’t care either way if Ryan was going to be angry or not. He almost sounded like he welcomed the challenge.

I stared out the car window, watching familiar road signs flash by. “Probably,” I whispered. “When I tell him.”

Kyle glanced over quickly. “Then save yourself the argument and don’t tell him.”

“I have to tell him,” I admitted. “Just in case someone took our picture. His PR team will have to be informed.”

“Wow,” he sounded astonished. “You really have gone Hollywood, haven’t you?”

His comment raised my pulse slightly. “Why do you say that? Because I happen to be involved with someone whose life is constantly under public scrutiny? Because I don’t want to give him one more reason to be hurt - that makes me Hollywood?”

“Hey look Taryn, I didn’t mean to upset you. It’s just that you don’t seem like the type of woman who would put herself out there to be scrutinized like that. But who am I to judge? Maybe you like having your picture plastered all over those magazines in the grocery store. What do I know?” he muttered, looking over his shoulder to change lanes on the highway.

I huffed. “I could definitely do without the lies that they print.”

He laughed lightly. “I can’t be sure, but I’m willing to bet those were all things you never had to worry about with other guys before him.”

I thought about his statement, backtracking through my history of failed relationships. “Lies have followed every relationship I’ve ever been in.”

My admission made me frown. “Even the fabricated ones.”

“I don’t know. I thought the stories about our alleged love affair were rather amusing and eloquently written!” Kyle said comically. “I suppose that’s why he got rid of me so quickly.”

“You’d be correct in your assumption,” I whispered.

“So are you tired of all the lies yet?” he asked, shifting his car to accelerate past a few tractor-trailers.

I stared at him. “What kind of question is that?”

His eyes flashed over to look at me before turning his attention back to the road and driving.

“I think you can do better. I think you deserve better.” The tendons in his hand flexed when he tightened his grip on the steering wheel.

“Better than what?” I questioned. If he was going to pass judgement, he’d have to defend his opinion.

“Better than being put in harms way. Better than subjecting yourself to public ridicule. Better than allowing the media to use you like a punching bag.” He glared over at me. “Do you want me to go on because I can make a long list!”

I focused on the landscape outside my window while trying to subdue the burning feeling in my chest.

“No,” I muttered coldly. “I get your point.” My cell phone started to play in my purse. It was Ryan’s ringtone.

“Hi,” I answered, happy to hear from him, but annoyed that he couldn’t wait for me to call him.

“Where are you?” Ryan demanded.

“I’m in the car. We just left the airport,” I lied. Kyle looked at me and smirked, indicating that he caught my fib to Ryan.

“Oh, why didn’t you call me? I’ve been worried!” he continued.

“Honey, I just got in the car. I was going to call you but you beat me to it.” I tried to be quiet, but Kyle was sitting less than ten inches away from me. There was no way to keep this conversation private. I rubbed my face with my free hand. I was getting a sinus headache from this entire experience.

“Well, I just wanted to make sure you landed safely and that there was a car waiting for you to take you home, that’s all.”
