Read Books Novel

Love Unscripted

“No, it’s all right,” I replied. “You can stay. Just as long as you don’t start anything.”

“Is he here? I guess I should apologize.”

His comment caught me by surprise. He wanted to say he was sorry to Ryan?

“No, he’s not,” I answered, disappointed that I had to say that out loud.

“Off filming again?” Kyle asked.

I glared at him, guessing that he already knew Ryan was in Florida. It was his job to know other people’s whereabouts, and I knew Kyle was more resourceful than that.

Mike was guarding Ryan full time now, but he still worked for the same company as Kyle. That didn’t change. I was pretty sure it was known who was guarding whom.

“Listen, I know I was an asshole the last time I was here and I just want to say I’m sorry,” Kyle said sheepishly. “I really hope you can forgive me.

It was wrong of me to act like that.”

He was quite adorable when he groveled.

“It’s okay. Just be cool about things, all right?” I tossed his empty beer bottle in the trash and served him another, wondering why I had a hard time holding a grudge.

“Okay. I promise!” he swore, like a child being scolded.

We had another thick crowd for a weeknight and I was glad to be distracted from dwelling on the spooky threat letters. Even though I was trying not to keep tabs on him, I still glanced around the crowd to see where Kyle was.

“He’s playing pool,” Marie muttered on her way past me. “And he’s watching you like a hawk.”

I groaned, although in some bizarre way I actually felt relieved that he was on guard, ready to strike if I was in danger.

I was clearing off a table when Kyle approached to say goodnight.

“So is it okay if I stop in from time to time? I’m actually working not too far from here. If it’s not cool, just say so. I don’t want to cause any problems for you.”

Kyle looked so humble, like he was really, truly remorseful. He finished his beer and put his black leather jacket on.

“As long as you don’t specifically come here to cause problems for me,” I warned, hoping he’d get the hint.

“You got it. Best behavior from now on,” Kyle vowed. “I swear!”

He followed me back to the bar. “Before I go, I just want to make sure you’re okay.” He glanced around, determining how many people were within earshot before continuing. “You seemed really nervous before. Are you sure things are fine? Any of his fans giving you problems? I know you don’t have a bodyguard assigned.”

I thought about the new letter that was in my pocket and how terrified I was when I read it. I feigned a smile and lied.

“I’m okay, I swear!” I answered immediately. I knew if I told Kyle about the letters, he’d insist on protecting me. That would never fly with Ryan.

“So his fans have been leaving you alone?” Kyle questioned again.

“Yeah,” I confirmed, hoping to cast off his concern.

“Hmm, that’s good then.” He nodded oddly, appearing distracted by a group of people carrying on by the poolroom. “Well, since everything is fine, I’m going to take off. Have a good night.” He squeezed my shoulder lightly on his way to the door.

I made Marie go to the grocery store with me Friday afternoon; I was a little afraid to go out on my own. I was growing increasingly paranoid and leaving the building was becoming more and more frightening.

“So did you tell him?” Marie asked, buckling her seatbelt.

“Tell him what?”

“About the letters? About Kyle being in the pub last night,” she reminded me.

I stared blankly out the windshield.


“Don’t start. If I tell Ryan that Kyle was in the pub he’s going to flip out and I don’t need him flipping out on me.”

“You know he always finds out somehow. You’ll just piss him off that much quicker if you don’t tell him right away.”

I huffed. I hated that she was right. Ryan was ridiculously jealous of Kyle.

“I’m trying to keep Ryan from getting hurt, Marie!” I justified. “Kyle is a black belt. He’s a walking lethal weapon. I’m surprised Ryan even attempted to fight him New Year’s Eve.”

“Men are so stupid.” She laughed. “Testosterone and beer… makes them feel tough.”

Horrible visions of Ryan fighting with Kyle just like he fought with that stunt actor on the set of Seaside flashed through my mind. I already saw Ryan made up to look like he was in a fistfight and I shuddered to think of the bloodied mess Kyle would turn him into if the two of them ever went at it for real. I had no doubt that Ryan could hold his own in a fight but Kyle was trained in self-defense. Despite Ryan’s best efforts, he didn’t stand a chance to win that battle. I had to keep those two apart at all costs.
