Read Books Novel

Love Unscripted

“So I have a question I’ve been meaning to ask you,” I said as we took our second shower.

Ryan leaned into the stream of water, rinsing the soap off of his shoulders. “What, honey?”

“How is it that you’ve been able to slip through my back door unnoticed by the paparazzi? I know they follow you everywhere, but somehow you’ve managed to hide from them.”

He smiled. “It’s complicated. Do you know what a shell game is?”

“Yeah,” I said. “The coin or whatever is underneath one of three shells.”

“Exactly!” he confirmed. “Most of the time I switch cars. Like last night - we got driven back to the hotel, but then I slipped into a different car in the private parking deck and we drove out the public exit.”

“Clever!” I smiled and wrapped a towel around my body. “So, are the photographers going to follow the cast here today?”

“Probably. Too many people are coming here,” he said while rubbing his towel over his hair. “Believe me, I thought about canceling this just to keep the extra attention away. But if the cast is coming here, we’ll just say that we had a private cast party in your facility.”

“You know you won’t be able to leave with them tonight, right? It will be obvious if you’re not with them when they arrive but if you’re seen leaving...”

“I know, I thought about that… after I got here last night. I’m sorry.”

“Nothing to be sorry about. Oh, wait. Does that mean I have to sleep with you again tonight?” I gave him a teasing shove and ran for the bedroom.

“I could make you suffer!” he yelled while chasing me. He caught me by the waist and swept me up in his arms. With a few quick movements he had me pinned to the bed.

“Promise? Don’t toy with my emotions, Ryan Christensen!” I giggled.

He leaned down and kissed me passionately again.

“Keep this up and we’ll never get dressed,” I murmured on his lips.

“Sounds like a plan!” he chuckled, his eyes looking down at the new bulge pressing from behind his towel. “I’m quite sure I could toss you around this room for another hour or so.”

“What time is it?” I asked. I couldn’t see the clock on the nightstand.

He had to crane his neck to see the time. “Almost eleven thirty.”

“Hmm, it is awfully early.” I smiled and twined my fingers into his wet hair. “We have several hours to kill, actually.”

He flashed his sexy grin at me and then placed his lips back on mine.

Ryan wasn’t kidding when he said he could toss me around the bed for another hour. Our lovemaking this time had become even more adventurous as we learned each other’s bodies.

“Holy shit,” he gasped, crashing into a heap next to me on the bed.

I was still trying to catch my breath.

“I need… another shower… after that!” He breathed out a lung-full of air.

“Me too.” I wiped some sweat off of my forehead. My body was tingling all over from the incredible ecstasy he just unleashed on me - again.

“Put your hand on my chest,” he requested.

I had trouble with this simple request. My hand slapped down on his skin.

“Ow!” he yelped.

“Sorry, can’t feel my arms just yet!”

“Feel that? You did that,” he panted.

“What did I do?” I muttered. My heart was pounding just as fast as his was.

He rolled over on his side and pulled me closer. His eyes locked on mine.

“You made my heart beat again,” he said with a glorious smile. His lips softly kissed my lips and I could feel all the passion that he meant to convey with each touch.

I gazed into his eyes and lightly brushed my fingertips across his face. Three little words flashed through my mind as I looked at him, but there was no way I’d say them out loud.

Ryan gathered my hand in his and folded my hand to his lips. I wondered if he had three little words in his mind too and if one day I might hear him say them out loud. At this moment it didn’t matter; the way he looked at me was good enough.

I pressed his hand above my breast. “You did the same for me.”

He kissed my fingertips and smiled.

“Come on… let’s go get freshened up… again.”

He took me by the hand and pulled me up off the bed.

“When do you have to be back on set?” I asked. I turned the tub water on and tested the temperature with my hand.

“I have to be in makeup by seven. I have a fourteen hour day scheduled,” he muttered, placing our towels on the counter.
