Read Books Novel

Love Unscripted

He’s not comfortable with all the attention one garners as a celebrity.” She paused to let Francesca pass us.

“You can’t be the star of a major motion picture and not be in the spotlight, and this movie has surely thrown him into the spotlight! He’s learning how to handle being famous. If you want to be in a relationship with him, you’re going to have to learn with him.”

She nodded her chin in his direction. “That right there is who he really is. But outside that door,” her eyes flashed to my front door, “photographers are waiting on your sidewalk.”

“I know. I wish they would leave all of you alone, especially him.” Ryan and I were looking at each other from across the room. I wanted to run to him and wrap my arms around him in a protective embrace.

“I told him I would help.” She smiled, noticing his glance. “I want to see him happy, and you seem to make him very happy.” She patted me on the back.

Ryan made his way over to me; he was smiling that sexy grin the whole way.

“Hey,” he whispered out. “How are you ladies doing?”

“Oh, you know. We’re just standing here talking about you.” Kelly laughed lightly. She was fearless.

“I sort of figured!” Ryan retorted, running his free hand over my upper arm.

I looked at him, amused. I had been so paranoid, avoiding saying things about him to my friends, but here he’d been talking about me to his friends all along. I surmised that he had shared his thoughts about me with a few people in this room.

“You have anything good to say?” he asked me.

I just smiled and shook my head to indicate my answer. “I’m sorry. I don’t think we’ve ever met. Who are you?”

My words made Kelly laugh out loud. Ryan, on the other hand, pulled me in for a teasing headlock.

“I think I’ll have to refresh your memory later,” he growled in my ear.

“Promise?” I laughed.

“Cross my heart!” He grinned.

I heard his stomach groan while he was wrestling with me. “I think I need to get those steaks on the grill,” I said between laughing.

“Yes. I’m starving,” Ryan agreed.

“Kelly, would you excuse me please. I look forward to talking more with you, but…” I patted Ryan’s stomach. “Right now I need to prepare your meal.”

Ryan followed me to my kitchen and, as promised, he helped me carry all the steaks up to the patio. I opened one of the stainless steel drawers by the grill and retrieved my utensils and my large cast iron kettle.

“See the hook over there in the fireplace? Would you hang this kettle there for me, please?”

“Sure, but you have to kiss me first.” He smiled as he leaned over. His kiss was brief but persuasive.

When he stepped back to me, he wrapped his arms around my waist.

“What’s the timer for?” he whispered on my neck.

It was going to be difficult to grill fifteen steaks with his body pressed into my back like that. He swept my hair to one side, seductively kissing the nape of my neck.

“Grilling is a precision art,” I giggled. Ryan’s warm lips had found my earlobe.

“You know you’re driving me insane,” I whispered.

“No, I believe you are driving me insane,” he uttered seductively.

“Are you here to learn or to distract me?” I grumbled.

“Sorry, sorry. Here to help.” His hands let go of my hips.

I turned quickly to face him and wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him passionately. He responded immediately, holding me tightly.

Apparently he was hungrier for me more than the steak.

I had just slipped my hands into his back pockets when I heard the rooftop door slam and a female voice groan out loud. Ryan released me and I turned to see Suzanne and Francesca walking our way.

“Great,” I murmured, loud enough for only Ryan to hear.

“Are you rehearsing again, Ryan?” Suzanne chided as she slumped back down in one of the chairs at the table.

“I don’t think so,” he answered coldly. “But if you have a problem with it, you can go back downstairs.”

“Oh, don’t be so defensive. I just came up here to tell you that Cal is looking for you,” Suzanne huffed while looking at her fingernails.

“Cal can wait. If he needs me, he knows exactly where to find me.”

A smile broke on my lips. When the timer buzzed, I lifted the grill cover to flip the steaks.

“The trick is to grill the meat for three minutes on each side, then you let it rest for three minutes, and then you repeat the process.” I looked up into his eyes. “Would you please bring the cast iron pot over from the fire? It should be hot now. Here, take this heavy glove so you don’t burn yourself.”
