Read Books Novel

Love Unscripted

Love Unscripted (Love #1)(115)
Author: Tina Reber

“All women?” Ryan questioned, raising an eyebrow at me.

I looked at him, knowing exactly what he meant. “I’m sure you have your fantasy list too. But I don’t want to know who’s on that list in case you ever have to work with one of them.”

“Who’s on your list?” he goaded.

“Just one. Ryan Christensen. He’s so dreamy!”

His parents were laughing hysterically at my comment. “I think you’ve met your match, Son!” his father bellowed.

Ryan made a special effort to model his underwear around the guestroom when we all departed for bed. He was trying to get my attention.

“I wish I would have brought the script with me. I’m going to need to run lines. Do you think you’d like to help me do that when we get home?

Follweiler wants me to screen test with a few actresses out in L.A.”

Ryan crawled under the covers and I snuggled up against him. “Sure. I’d be happy to help, although I don’t know how good I’ll be at it. I mean I’m not an actress.”

“You don’t have to be, although Follweiler thought you were. It’s no big deal, Honey. You just need to read the lines.” He yawned, his eyes examined my face. “What’s wrong?”

My worry must have been showing.

“I don’t know. I guess I feel at a disadvantage that I’m not that familiar with all this acting stuff. Sometimes I feel inadequate.”

“It will come. You’ll end up knowing more about it than I do one day!” Ryan twisted my hair in his fingers.

I shrugged as he held me.

“What’s really bothering you?” he asked, concerned.

I sighed heavily, unsure of whether I should really tell him.

He tilted his head, waiting.

“Actors… actresses. You usually don’t hear about actors and tavern owners,” I whispered. I figured it was a safe start.

Ryan frowned at me. “Taryn, I really like that you’re not an actress. I like being able to separate my personal life from the craziness. I think it’s a big part of why I’m so attracted to you. You make me feel normal. I can just… be myself.” He rubbed my arm. “So don’t let that worry you.”

He slipped his arm out from underneath me and rested his head on his hand.

“The fact that you’re a smart and savvy business owner is definitely, definitely more appealing to me.” His eyes departed from my face and followed his finger as it trailed down my chest.

“Your parents are in the next room,” I reminded him. His fingertip was tickling the skin underneath my lace bra.


“You tend to be loud!” I teased.

“Me? I don’t think so! Let me show you how quiet I can be.”

It was silent in our room, all except for the sounds of our rough and labored breathing from our passionate kisses.

Ryan’s clawed hand slipped the strap off my shoulder. “Let’s take this bra off,” he whispered on my lips.

I rolled slightly to allow his hands to reach, but a faint noise in the background was distracting me.

“Shh.” I held my finger up for him to wait. “Do you hear that?”

“Hear what?” he whispered, trying to open the clasp.

“Wait. I hear something.” I jumped out of bed and tiptoed to the door.

Then I heard what I thought I heard originally. I waved to Ryan to join me. A huge smile broke on my lips.

We stood there quietly listening to the steady rhythm of the thumping noise until we heard his mother moan.

Ryan sprinted back to bed and ducked under the blankets. “Oh my God!”

“What? So your parents are getting some. Must be something in the mountain air that inspired them!”

I crawled back into bed. “Are you still feeling inspired too?” I figured since his parents were being so open-minded… “No!” he fired quickly and shuddered from the thought. “How the hell am I supposed to look at them tomorrow? That’s my mom and dad!”

“Well at least you know that when you get to be your father’s age, you’ll still be… um… active!” I giggled.

Ryan covered his eyes with his hands. “They’re my parents, Taryn! They’re not supposed to… I don’t want to think about them doing that kind of stuff.”

“Just as much as they don’t want to think about you doing that kind of stuff?” I shouldn’t have teased him. “Oh, Honey! Do you want to watch some television?”

“I’m gonna need fucking therapy after this weekend,” he muttered.

He was totally freaked out and our moment was now ruined by his mental torment. There was no way he was going to sleep tonight either. I knew him well enough to know how he dwells on things.

Time to create a distraction. I got out of bed and started to change.

“Where are you going?” he asked.

“Beach,” I answered coyly, pulling his sweatshirt down over my naked body.

“Good morning!” I greeted his mother in the kitchen. She was primped with all her hair sprayed into permanent position. Not a single hair was out of place. She returned my smile with one of her own. We both had our secret reasons for smiling; just mine wasn’t as loud as hers was last night.

I had a hard time looking at his father though with a straight face. Visuals of Bill getting all up in Ellen last night was almost comical. The four of us stood in the kitchen in uncomfortable silence; eyes glanced back and forth from face to face over cups of coffee. Ryan looked like he was in pain. I couldn’t stand the silence any longer.

“Ellen, there’s a few antique stores I was thinking about going to today while the men are out on the lake. How does that sound?”

“Sounds wonderful! We can go wherever you want.” I think she would have been content to go anywhere that involved looking at stuff on shelves.

I patted Ryan’s stomach. “I’m going to make some breakfast first so you have fuel in your tank to catch all those fish today.”

He smiled and gave me a soft kiss.

It didn’t take long to drive to the big, red barn filled with local antiques. I was relieved that Ellen and I got along so well. She wasn’t the probing, busybody type; not like some of the mothers of my past boyfriends.

Along the way, we talked about what she does to manage Bill’s dental office; it sounded a lot like what I have to do to manage the bar, minus dealing with all the insurance claims. It was comforting to know that we could relate to each other beyond the fact that I was dating her son.
