Read Books Novel

Love Unscripted

Love Unscripted (Love #1)(187)
Author: Tina Reber

“Oh, Honey, no!” Ellen quickly answered.

“Ellen, I’m so sorry. I’m sorry for disappointing you.” I couldn’t stop the tears.

“Oh, for God’s sake,” Bill huffed. He turned on his heels and hastily bolted for the door.

“Great. Now I’ve offended his father too.” I walked over to the large steel sink that Ryan paid for and ripped a few paper towels out of the holder to wipe my eyes. I had desperately hoped that Ryan and I would try to resolve things before finally calling it quits, but that didn’t seem possible now.

“I think… I have a few boxes,” I muttered, gasping for air between sobs, gripping the counter to hold myself up.

This is it – the moment of truth – it’s officially over.

“Taryn, Ryan didn’t send us. And I’m fairly certain that whatever he has to say to you he will tell you himself. You need to stop crying because everything is going to be okay!”

Bill popped his head around the cracked kitchen door. “Ellen, it’s time. Let’s go,” he barked sharply.

I gasped deeply from the shock. I must have really offended him. Bill didn’t even stick around to say goodbye, go to hell, don’t ever call my son again… nothing.

Ellen smiled at me and then rifled through her purse. “Let me freshen you up a bit first.” She opened up her compact and started powdering my face. “Do you want some lipstick?”

I shrugged, completely confused by her actions. Maybe she felt my customers didn’t need to know I was crying again? Maybe it was her final gesture of being nice to me since I’d never see her again?

Before I knew it, she was rubbing lipstick over my lips. Great… she pities me. Her final final gesture is to get me pretty enough so I could go back out there and get hit on by some drunken asshole who is destined to be my loser husband since I’m obviously single again.

“There!” she said, rubbing her thumb over my lip. Her hand combed through my hair, fluffing one side around my ear. “That’s better! Are you ready to go?”

“Go where?” I followed her out of the kitchen.

My watery eyes had to adjust to the darkened pub atmosphere. Ellen immediately joined Bill, who was sitting down at a table for two near the poolroom with a drink in his hand. Apparently they weren’t going anywhere. What the hell is going on here?

I stood there staring at them, completely dumbfounded by the last five minutes of my life, trying to make sense of it all. I think I was just dumped by my boyfriend’s parents who are here to move him out of the apartment, but yet they are sitting here having a drink? What the…?

An acoustic guitar strummed in the background as the band readied to play their next set. Bill glanced up to the stage. Maybe he wanted to stay and hear the band?

“I wrote this song for the woman I love,” a very familiar voice announced over the sound system.

A shiver blasted down my spine and I gasped from the complete and utter shock of hearing his voice. How could that be? He can’t possibly be behind me… He’s across the country in California!

Quickly, I turned around, covering my mouth with my hands to keep from screaming out in surprise.

“I’m hoping she has the same reaction this time that she had the first time I played for her.” He gently smiled.

There he was, sitting on a stool up on the stage, a very familiar Gibson guitar resting across his thigh. His smile widened when I smiled back.

“This song is called, ‘What Do You Say?’”

He started the soft melody. I stood there, shaking slightly, listening to his mesmerizing voice and his lyrics that touched my soul. My heart pounded in my chest.

If I could put back the pieces and make them right I’d turn back the hands of time with all my might You’d never think that things went wrong If I took the pain away And if I say that you complete me in every single way If I shout it from the clouds above for everyone to hear Could you ever believe me?

If I whisper to you sweetly You say you need a reason But I’ve never gone astray Now if I can once again persuade you To say yes to me today There is just one more question left for me to ask Before we throw it all away What do you say?

Please say yes to me today I gave you my heart, placed it in your hands For our dreams of tomorrow, just like we planned Together as one for the rest of our days But If I’d only showed instead of told you I would have taken this doubt away If I scream it from the sky above So everyone is sure to know Could you ever believe me?

If I whisper to you sweetly You cry out you need a reason But we’ve never gone astray Now if I can once again persuade you To say yes to me today There is just one more question left for me to ask Before we let it slip away What do you say?

Please say yes to me today If you give me your hand, I’ll wrap it in golden bands For a long future together, I’d be a happy man I’ll hold you forever as our story unfolds By my side You’ve been my only lover, let the truth be told If I scream it from the sky above So everyone is sure to know Could you ever believe me?

If I whisper to you sweetly If I say I am your reason And our love will light our way Now if I can once again persuade you To say yes to me today There is just one more question left for me to ask Before we throw it all away What do you say?

Please say yes to me today I stood there in compete awe, my feet frozen to the ground. Tears of joy, tears of pure love, dripped down my cheeks. I covered my mouth with my hands while the crowd exploded with applause.

Ryan set his guitar on the stand, let out a big lung-full of air, and stood up. His eyes were fixed on mine.

Determination like I’d never seen before painted his face with purpose. His legs took long strides, rapidly closing the distance between us. He was headed straight for the big, round table in the middle of the bar.

I wondered for a split second if he actually saw where he was walking? Surely he had to see the enormous table in his way? His gaze was completely locked on my face.

His foot stepped onto the empty chair in front of him, lifting his body off the floor. His next step catapulted him on top of the big oak table, carefully stepping around people’s drinks. He stopped when he reached the center.

All eyes were on him as he stood atop the table. It was so quiet in the crowded bar, you could have heard a pin drop. I could hear my heart hammering in my chest as I stared up at him.

“We’ve made a beautiful mess of things lately, haven’t we?” He flashed that sexy crooked smile at me, which made my heart flutter.
