Read Books Novel

Love Unscripted

Love Unscripted (Love #1)(44)
Author: Tina Reber

“Sounds like you have another great band tonight.” His head bobbed slightly with the music.

“Thanks! I have ‘Far from Human’ playing.” I gestured. “They’re one of the better cover bands in town.”

“They’re really rocking!” he said. “But I can’t deal with a crowd tonight. I’d rather not have anyone know I’m here.” I could see the concern in his eyes and I understood what he meant. I knew he didn’t have a private life. “Do you mind if I hang out upstairs and wait until you’re done?”

He smiled my favorite innocent, smirky-smile, which shattered most of my protective shell. The word “no” no longer seemed to exist in my vocabulary. I motioned with my head for him to follow me.

I squeezed through the kitchen door and opened up the stairwell door, holding my hand out to him. Our eyes met as he gently placed his hand in mine, then I slipped him from one door to another completely unnoticed.

He took his bag off his shoulder and removed his jacket, making a small pile of his stuff on my living room floor.

Instinctively I walked over to my windows and pulled down the shades. I could only imagine the photographers scaling the walls to take pictures.

“How was your day?” I asked, trying to get back to friends mode.

“Busy. We filmed all day. I just got off the set and then a few of us went out for a quick bite to eat.”

“No rest for the weary, huh?” I teased.

“No, not usually,” he agreed. “But I was actually able to have a meal without fans screaming tonight though!”

“Did you use the Ninja cloaking device?” I kidded.

“I told Cal what you said when we went to dinner tonight. He couldn’t stop laughing.” Ryan chuckled.

I laughed with him, remembering one of our sillier conversations from yesterday. “Were you on your way back to the hotel?”

“Yeah, but I decided to take a detour!” Ryan snorted. “Would have been nice to freshen up though,” he said as he rubbed his face.

“What? No cuts on your lip?” I was looking to see if he was still wearing any special effects makeup.

“No.” He grimaced at my comment. “But it’s been a long day. Hey, do you mind if I take a shower?”

My mind went straight to Hell with the visions that instantly appeared in my thoughts.

“No, I don’t mind.” I tried to sound unaffected by his request. “You know your way around, make yourself at home.” Friends sometimes take showers at their friend’s houses, I justified.

Thinking about him being naked and wet in my apartment was too dangerous, especially with a crowded bar to attend to. I hurried down the hall to the bathroom and set out a fresh towel on the counter for him. My mind wandered as I tried not to envision him all soapy and wet in my shower.

I could all too clearly picture him standing in the stream of hot water as the soap lather gathered in the crevices of his muscular frame, washing him clean. Do friends sometimes wash their friends? Naked, wet, hot sex in the shower… could I handle a “friends with benefits” relationship with him? Stop! Bar. Business to run. Focus Taryn.

“I have to run downstairs and make sure Marie is okay covering the bar. I have a new bartender working tonight. I’ll be right back. Can I get you anything to drink while I’m down there?” Back to business mode.

“Yeah, no problem. Do what you have to do.” He nodded at me.

“Ah… if you can bring me back a beer, that would be great,” he said as he wheeled around in a bit of a circle.

“Do you have a preference?” I figured I’d ask.

Ryan smiled. “Surprise me!”

After I settled things with Marie to cover the bar, I returned to him with a six pack in one hand and a bottle of tequila in the other. He peeked up over some papers in his hand; a very sultry grin cracked on his lips as he shook his head at me in disbelief again.

“So what are you reading?” I handed a cold bottle of beer to him.

“I got a new script that my agent wants me to look over.” He briefly held the papers up in the air. “It’s called Slipknot.”

I had never seen a movie script before and I was surprised to see it was a pretty thick packet.

“What’s it about?” I asked, genuinely interested in knowing what types of movies he was being courted for.

“I’ve been told it’s about a guy whose parents and sister are murdered and he has to uncover why it happened and who did it.” He took a sip of his beer.

“Hmm, so it’s a murder mystery? Is that something you’d be interested in doing?”

“I’m not sure. I have to read this whole thing and let my agent know if I’m interested by Tuesday, although it seems like they’ve already cast me for the part.”

“This Tuesday?” I asked, slightly shocked. “In four days you have to give them an answer? It looks like a lot to read in such a short time.”

I didn’t realize that some of these movie deals happened so quickly. “Talk about putting pressure on you. No wonder you’re stressed.”

His eyes flashed over to look at me. “Well, it’s a studio film and they want to fast track it.”

I nodded even though I wasn’t sure what the heck he was talking about.

Ryan was staring at me. “You have no idea what I’m talking about, do you?” he laughed lightly.

I smirked, surprised he was able to read me like that.

“Okay, here’s your lesson for today. Pay attention because there will be a quiz.” He held the script up. “You’ve heard of Paramount, I assume?”

I rolled my eyes.

“Okay… they are the ‘studio.’ ” He gestured. “Without over-complicating it, they’ve got the money. This film has already received a ‘green light.’

What do you do at a green light?”

“You go,” I answered.

“Script… film has been pitched… money is there to back it… green light – go. With me so far?”

I hoped my look got the message across that I’m not an idiot.

“Now this project is in pre-production. That’s when the cast gets hired, budget is determined, and for this film I understand that Jonathan Follweiler is going to be directing. What it means for me are two things.” Ryan counted on his fingers. “One, do I want to do it and two, can I meet the production schedule dates. If I can’t commit to being there, I can’t do the film.”
