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Love Unscripted

Love Unscripted (Love #1)(65)
Author: Tina Reber

“I’m going to go back to the hotel with the rest of them,” Ryan informed. The sadness was evident in his eyes. “I really want to stay with you, but I think it’s best if I go.” His eyes flickered to my windows. “I have to be on set anyway early in the morning.”

I wrapped my arms around his waist as he hugged me. “I don’t want you to go. But I understand why you feel you must.”

“Tar, they know I’m in here. Suzanne told the crowd on her way out,” he whispered in my ear. “I want to make sure that all of our friends get out of here safely, and I’m not ready for the paparazzi to start stalking you too.”

Ryan turned to Pete. “Pete, Tammy, what do I owe you? Do you have a bill for the catering?”

Tammy looked sideways at Pete; she didn’t know what to say.

“Ah, Ryan, Taryn paid us already,” Pete replied.

“How much was the bill?” Ryan asked me.

“It wasn’t that much. Don’t worry about it.” I couldn’t help but feel a little sad that he wasn’t staying.

“That’s not what I asked.” He sort of laughed, but I could tell he was annoyed. “How much was it?”

I just ignored him and started cleaning up.

“Why won’t you tell me?”

“You know, Ryan, I thought you were smarter than that,” Marie commented while piling up dirty glasses on the bar. “Taryn doesn’t want you for your money.”

I turned to her and grimaced.

“Besides…” she continued with a laugh, “she’s not hurting for cash, that’s for sure.”

I knew she was trying to make a point to Ryan, but I still gave her a displeased look. My wealth was something I didn’t like to flaunt.

Ryan pressed his body into my back. “Sooner or later you’re going to have to get used to letting me pay for things, you know that?” he whispered. “There’s no way I’m going to allow anyone to think I’m taking advantage of you – you included.”

“There’s only one thing I need.” I placed my hand on his heart. “The rest is just details.”

“I’m not going to argue with you tonight, but this conversation is far from over.” He lightly smiled and kissed me.

Several of their security team came inside the bar. Ryan had collected his things from upstairs and he walked me over to the steps to my apartment so we could have a private moment in my stairwell.

“Thank you for doing all of this. You were a lovely hostess! Everyone had a great time.” He leaned and gave me a very passionate goodbye kiss. “I’ll call you tomorrow. I don’t know if I’ll be able to make it for poker, it all depends on when we finish.”

I nodded and kissed him again. I didn’t want him to leave.

We all said our goodbyes at the front door; I hugged everyone before they left and they warmly hugged me back. I made some very good new friends today.

Pete and Tammy were staying behind to pack up the leftover food while Marie and Gary helped me clean up.

Two security men walked out the door first; Cal and Kelly led the pack, Kat and Ben were behind them, and Ryan and Shane were sandwiched between three other bodyguards.

The screams from the awaiting crowd were ear-piercing and quite frightening. I took a few steps back, ducking behind Pete while we all watched the camera flashes light up the night sky.

Chapter 13 – Windows

It was close to one thirty in the morning when I crawled into bed. The memories of the last few days swirled in my mind in segmented but vivid pictures. I thought about the most important memory – Ryan’s admission that he was falling in love with me, and how I admitted that I was falling in love with him. It was a huge relief to know that our feelings were mutual and I could now let my feelings for him run free.

I could see that it might be difficult to maintain a healthy relationship with him, but would it really be so different than having a relationship with any other man? No matter who I would get involved with, it would take patience and understanding for love to survive; two qualities that I knew Ryan possessed.

Being in his world, the world of public fame, would take some getting use to. But I was more than willing, after today, to get going on that next part of my life. I could easily see myself by his side, supporting him in his adventures. But on the same token, I did not want to repeat past mistakes;

those mistakes, in particular, when I gave up who I was to be with a man.

I thought of what I might have to give up in order to be with Ryan. Would I have to sell the bar? Maybe I could keep it and have someone else run it for me. I would still want to maintain control to ensure that the Mitchell’s name remained untarnished.

Maybe Ryan would want to live in California like Cal and Kelly? He said that my rooftop was his new favorite place in the world, but would it be his favorite place forever? Would I want to stay in this same apartment forever too?

When I was engaged to Thomas, it was expected that we would stay in my apartment above the bar. That was the plan, considering Thomas wasn’t coming into the relationship with much else to offer. But I had always hoped for more; perhaps a nice farmhouse on a secluded piece of property with mature trees large enough to hold a tree house. A place where my children could run free and play with the family dog. Somewhere I could grow a garden and plant flowers.

What about my friends? Would I have to say goodbye or see you later to the friends I had for most of my life? My parents were gone; I had no siblings, no real ties to Seaport other than the fact that this was where I called “home.” It was my safe haven in a world of uncertainty.

Ryan’s presence in my life had generated a whole new list of questions for me to ponder. I wanted a life with a partner in it and Ryan was appearing to be as close to perfect for me as one man could ever be. He was a guy’s guy, rugged and manly, but he was also loving and tender. He wasn’t selfish like Tim, and he wasn’t opposed to love, like Dean. And most importantly, one lady seemed to be more than enough.

I loved the way he took charge of situations too. The way he spoke to the police this evening – in some bizarre way it actually turned me on to see him take the lead. He wasn’t the type to take a back seat to anyone. He was strong and could handle himself, and he had demonstrated on more than one occasion that he wanted to take care of me. His actions were natural – as instinctual as breathing.

The more I thought about it, the more I decided that whatever path life would take me on it would be worth it, as long as Ryan was by my side.
