Read Books Novel

Love Unscripted

Love Unscripted (Love #1)(91)
Author: Tina Reber

“Of course!” Marie answered immediately.

I knew exactly what she was thinking just by the way she looked at me. It was a combination of “Oh my God” and “Holy Shit” followed by a lot of high-pitched, excited screams. This was a big step – Ryan freakin’ Christensen was introducing me to his parents.

I hadn’t even told her that he was sort of staying with me. That round of screaming would have to wait.

I had serious doubts whether or not they could handle Halloween weekend on their own. This was a big occasion for Mitchell’s Pub, and I felt guilty as sin for sticking them with it.

“I have bands booked for Friday and Saturday. Cory will be working every night this week too.” I looked at Marie and sighed. She smiled and winked at me.

“I can help out,” Tammy added. She was also grinning excitedly at me.

“Are you guys sure? I really feel bad…” I started my apology but Marie cut me short.

“Taryn! It’s okay! We can handle it. Pete will keep a head count. We’ll just make sure that we don’t overcrowd the place, that’s all,” Marie confirmed. “Besides, we can always post a sign out front that says he went away for the weekend so don’t bother looking for him in here.” She pointed at Ryan.

“If you think it will help!” Ryan winked.

Pete cleared his throat. “Well, as long as we are sharing good news, Tammy and I have an announcement to make.”

For some reason when he spoke I wasn’t surprised. I knew something was up. All night Pete and Tammy were gazing lovingly at each other, like they were protecting some deep, dark secret.

“Tammy and I have officially set a date for our wedding!”

“We’re getting married on Saturday, September 4th!” Tammy gushed, looking into Pete’s eyes.

I noticed Ryan fidget in his chair. The air that he breathed out of his nose was audible, but a little smirk appeared on his lips. I wondered which word did him in.

Was it the word “married” or “wedding” that caused him to squirm?

Chapter 18 – New

My hand stretched to hit the snooze button. It was way too early to be awake, but Ryan had obligations – he had to get in the shower and go be a movie star.

“Ten more minutes,” he groaned, nestling his face on the back of my head. My eyes closed and I drifted right back to sleep, but the buzzer on the alarm clock wouldn’t allow it to last.

“Babe, it’s five thirty. Your car will be here in a few minutes.” I rubbed his back to wake him.

“Mmm!” he moaned. “That feels nice.”

His cell phone rang, forcing him to reach. “Morning Mike. Yeah, I’m up.” He got out of bed, rubbed his eyes, and looked out the bedroom window. “The alley looks clear. See you soon.”

I smiled to myself while I made him a cup of coffee. I was so in love with the man who woke up next to me and was now getting ready for his day in my shower.

I thought about how different things were since the first time he spent the night. How I wrestled with the thoughts of not allowing myself to get hurt again versus the burning desire to love again.

“I have a twelve hour day scheduled. I’ll call you when I’m on my way,” he said happily as he dried himself with a towel. “What’s on your agend a today?”

“I have to drop off the deposit at the bank and I was going to do some grocery shopping. I’m almost out of coffee and there’s really no food in this place.”

“While you’re at the store, would you pick up a couple of things for me? I’d really like some sort of soap that doesn’t smell like fruit.” He sniffed the skin on his arm. “Just pick out something for me please? Oh, and make sure you keep your cell phone with you at all times, just in case.”

In the kitchen, he wrote a small list on a piece of paper. “Here’s some money. It’s all the cash I have left on me after losing to Gary last night.” He pulled a random mix of bills from his pocket and laid it on the table. “Use it!”

We waited by the back door in the pub kitchen for his driver. I punched in the numbers to shut the alarm off. “The code is 283091 and then you hit this button here.”

He repeated the number. “You may have to remind me; I don’t know if I’ll remember it.”

“It’s my birthday but in reverse… remember? 19th of March in 82. You should at least remember the year.” I nudged him.

“I remember when your birthday is,” he droned kiddingly. “Do you remember mine?”

“November seventeenth.” I grinned. “Three more weeks.”

His driver honked once and he kissed me goodbye. “Got to go. I’ll call you later.” The annoying cameras started clicking the moment he stepped one foot out the door.

By the time I reached the apartment door, I heard my cell phone playing Ryan’s ringtone.

“I forgot something,” he said, sounding a bit regretful.

I hurried to the kitchen. “You need me to add something to your list?” I already had the pen in my hand.

“No!” he said amusingly. “I forgot to tell you that I love you.”

My heart skipped another beat just hearing him say those words to me. “I love you too!” I whispered.

I plunked down in the kitchen chair and took a moment to revel in his words; his grocery list was still in my hand. I scanned over the items he requested – typical items that you use every day – shampoo, razors, body soap, and contact lens solution. I chuckled when I read ‘man-scented shave cream.’ Poor guy! All the products I had in my bathroom were definitely scented for women.

I did an inventory of the things I had on hand in the pantry and added a lot to his list. The last item he had noted was raisin bran cereal. His needs were simple.

I turned my computer on to check the balance of my accounts before going shopping, just so I knew how carried away I could get. I pressed the icon to open up my Internet connection; the second my finger clicked my mind flashed to Marie telling me I was on the Internet.

Search: Ryan Christensen I hesitated before hitting Enter on my keyboard. My pinky finger hit the key anyway.

It was like opening up the floodgates to Hell. There were over sixty two million different hits for websites with his name. At the top of the page, there were several items listed under “News results.”

Ryan Christensen’s steamy nights in Seaport Ryan and Suzanne – their devastating breakup Trouble in Paradise! Split could ruin the next Seaside It’s Over! – Ryan moves on Ryan’s New Love I clicked the last selection and was redirected to some gossip news website in the UK. There was a picture of Ryan and me as we were coming back from Cal and Kelly’s. I could tell when it was taken by which side of my body was facing the buildings. I read the article.
