Read Books Novel

Love Unscripted

Love Unscripted (Love #1)(97)
Author: Tina Reber

Several new girls got in line and now the new total was closer to twenty.

“Mike, he’s had enough,” I whispered. “Two more and that’s it. He has a headache and he has dinner waiting.”

“Okay, Taryn.” He turned to the ladies. “You two and then we are done. No more.”

I watched as the bad news was whispered down the line. Quite a few of them left out loud “awes” but I didn’t care. He served his fans enough today. Ryan patted Mike’s shoulder when he was finished. “Thanks man, I owe you one!”

“No problem, Ryan. I’ll see you at six. Go get some rest.”

Ryan smiled and waved briefly to the ladies who were still waiting in line; their cameras clicked like crazy. He turned his back to the waiting fans and quickly darted through our stairwell door.

Chapter 19 – Entrances

“I love you for getting me real soda,” Ryan said enthusiastically. The can hissed when he cracked the pull-tab. “So how was your day, Honey?”

I turned and shoved a taco chip in his mouth, stifling his sarcasm. He smiled and cracked me on the butt.

“I got a birthday card for your mom. It’s on the table.”

He grabbed another chip and dipped it in the salsa. “Oh, cool! I completely forgot to get her one.” He read the card quietly to himself. “Awe!

She’s going to get all mushy on me after she reads this.”

Ryan wrapped his arms around my waist, hugging me from behind.

“Thank you,” he whispered, kissing me on the neck.

I turned in his arms and slid my hands over his shoulders; I was waiting for my proper hello and was relieved I didn’t have to wait a second longer. He tasted salty and tangy, just like taco chips. It made me hungrier but not for food.

“Thank you for defusing your legion of followers,” I said warmly. “I really appreciate what you did, and I was surprised to see how many of them left once they got a chance to meet you.”

He crunched into his taco. “Mmm! Just like I imagined it would taste. I was so hungry for this; I was thinking about it all day.” He had apparently moved on mentally from his previous business mode.

“I got you a present today.” I pulled my purse off of the back of my chair. “Here.”

“Keys?” he asked with a mouthful of food, and then it dawned on him what they were.

“Back kitchen door is silver and the gold one is the apartment door. Now you have your own set.” I tried to hide my smile as I bit into my dinner.

He quickly leaned over the table and gave me a kiss. “Thanks! So what else did you do today?” he asked.

“My bank teller wanted to know if I’m really dating you,” I snickered.

He looked surprised. “What did you say?”

“I told her that we weren’t dating; I said we’re just having unbelievably incredible hot sex with each other instead.” I figured that would make him laugh.

“You did not say that!”

“Oh and I also told her how sweet and considerate you are and how you always make sure I have a mind-blowing orgasm first. I thought that would make her day.”

He smiled at me while he chewed.

“She didn’t seem too happy when I dropped my pants to show her your autograph. I could tell by the way she slapped my deposit receipt down and told me to ‘have a nice day’ through her teeth that she wasn’t pleased.”

“Now I know you’re full of shit!”

I smiled back at him. “She told me she could keep a secret and I told her so could I,” I corrected. “And how was your day, Honey?”

“I killed Susanne several times today. I thought after I stabbed her mentally with a big knife that she’d die, but that bitch kept on getting back up!

So I got the pick axe and slammed it into her forehead, you know, right here?” He pointed. “But she wouldn’t stay down!”

“Babe, did you not learn anything from me? Did you try the poison?”

“Poison?” he scoffed. “Takes too long and I wasn’t in the mood to wait. I put real silver bullets in my gun. She took twelve in the chest.” He shoved the last bite of his taco into his mouth.

“And? Did that do it finally?”

“I wish! I don’t believe there is any way to kill the anti-Christ,” he laughed.

After we were finished eating, he helped me clean up the kitchen and put food away. I was glad that he didn’t expect me to be his servant or housekeeper. He took a few extra minutes to inspect the inside of the refrigerator, checking out all the items I gathered at the store.

“Look in the pantry, too. I hope I got the right chocolate chip cookies. You weren’t specific.”

“Ah, look at this!” he said excitedly. “Just like home!” Ryan ripped open the cookie bag, shoving one in his mouth and palming one for later. “Did you have enough money?”

“Your contribution was about half,” I muttered. I started washing the dishes.

“Liar!” he breathed in my ear. Ryan turned the sink water on for me so I could rinse a plate.

I smiled. He was right, I was fibbing. I spent almost four hundred today getting all this stuff.

“Maybe we can bang out the finer details later? Come to some mutual agreement?” I wondered aloud.

“You want to negotiate the terms of our contract?”

“Contract?” I questioned. “I didn’t realize I was under contract.”

“Well of course you are. I’ve already signed on the dotted line back here.” He brushed my rear with his long fingers. “I’m locked in. It’s an ironclad contract, by the way.”

“Question? Is there a no competition clause written in this contract?”

“Absolutely! There is no competition either. None.” He took the wet plate from my hand to dry it.

“I’m not sure. There was quite a line forming today. All of them so willing to negotiate.”

Ryan’s eyes narrowed on me. “Honey, in all seriousness, tell me. Did that, what happened tonight, bother you? Tell me the truth!”

“No,” I answered immediately. “The fan appreciation didn’t bother me at all. What bothered me was some of the comments that were made. I mean I think it’s public knowledge why you’re holding court in my pub and why they all knew they could find you here. But when these girls are sitting on the other side of my bar, talking about wanting to have sex with you right in front of me, it’s a little aggravating. It’s sort of like a slap in the face,” I admitted. “I don’t know how to explain it.”
