Read Books Novel

Love's Suicide

Love’s Suicide(69)
Author: Jennifer Foor

After calling to the front desk, I was brought a phone book in which I started sorting through. There had to be a lawyer that could help in a desperate situation.

I’d made three calls with no luck getting a same day appointment. When my phone started to ring, I jumped off the bed before realizing it was Brooks. “Hello?”

“Hey, I’m just calling to check on my girls.”

I considered not telling him what was going on, but knew how that always turned out. Besides, Brooks wasn’t just my lover, he was my partner, my best friend. “I listened to my messages.”

“I imagine he’s pissed about now. He knows you’re with me and he ain’t going to lay a hand on you ever again.”

“Pretty much.”

“Listen, I have a plan to keep you both safe. I’m meeting with my commanding officer in an hour to see if I can take a few days off. I’m due, so it shouldn’t be an issue. Considering the circumstances, I doubt he’ll have a problem. He’s got a family, so he knows how important you are to me.”

He was making me nervous. “Am I going to like your plan?”

“Do you trust me?”

“With my life.” I did and I knew whatever he had in mind would be for the best.

“Kat, I’m going to keep you safe. I need to go. Stay inside until I get back. I love you.”

“That will never get old.”

“It better not. I’ve been practicing it in front of a mirror since I was twelve.”

When we hung up I had a smile on my face.

I went from playing with B, coloring, and watching cartoons, to looking for more lawyers that could take me on right away. My urgency was more important every single time I looked into her little blue eyes. Her safety was everything.

I finally found one that would see me at four that evening. Brooks would be back and take me. Since I needed to get out of the room for some fresh air, I decided to take the phone book down to the front desk. We climbed in the elevator and I let her push the down button. She got a kick out of thinking she was big girl.

The elevator doors opened and I saw him right away. Bobby was standing there with Dave arguing with the concierge. “I know she’s here. I tracked her by her phone. Now tell me what room she’s in. She’s got a baby with her and a soldier friend.”

The woman was very kind, considering his tone. “I’m sorry sir, there’s no one here by the name you’re referring to, and even if there was, I can’t give out personal information.”

“I ain’t leavin’ here until you give me a damn room number. This is my wife we’re talkin’ about.”

I hit the up button and tried to move out of the way before he turned to see who was coming out of the elevator. Our eyes met and he came running toward us. I held on tight to B and pushed the close button. Sheer relief came over me when I felt us moving up. The only problem was that I didn’t know if he’d be waiting for me. I hit the emergency stop button and frantically pulled my phone out of my pocket. The service was crappy, but I had one bar.

I dialed Brooks back, hoping he wasn’t meeting with his boss.

“Sergeant Valentine.”

“Brooks, he’s here at the hotel. B and I are in the elevator. I hit the emergency stop button. He’s going to hurt me. You’ve got to call the police. Tell them he’s going to hurt me.”

“I’m coming.”

“No! I don’t want you hurt. Please, stay there.”

“Kat, I’m coming and you’re not going to stop me. Whatever you do, don’t let that elevator start moving. You hang tight. I’ll be there in less than five minutes.”

”I’m calling the police.” After I’d hung up on Brooks I dialed the police. B was starting to cry because she knew I was upset about something.

“9-1-1 what is your emergency?”

“I need the police. My husband, who beat me up yesterday, got out of jail and came after me again. I’m at the Hartfield Hotel on Weston Street. Please hurry. I’m stuck in an elevator and he’s waiting for it to open. Please, I have a little girl with me.”

The operator assured me that help was on the way. Once I hung up, I never took my eyes off of the control panel. If we started moving, I was going to hit the stop button again.

It was difficult trying to calm B and knowing she was upset because of how I was acting. “I’m so sorry, baby. Daddy’s coming to rescue us. He’s going to keep us safe.”

My phone started ringing again. “Brooks? Do you see him?”

“They already called the cops on Bobby. Him and his friend left right before I came in. I’m pretty sure he saw me, though. I saw a trucks brake lights as I pulled in. Listen, they’re going to start the elevator again. Hang tight and we’ll get you out of there.”

It took them a few minutes. Once we started moving, the doors opened and I was greeted by Brooks. He wasn’t alone. Another soldier in fatigues was speaking to the woman at the front desk and a police officer. “We’re going to make a statement and get some papers drawn up. Are you alright with that?”

I nodded and let him lead me toward the officers.

“Kat, this is my commanding officer, Ferris.”

I smiled, feeling stupid for having him know my business. It didn’t help that I had a lingering bruise on my cheek.

“It’s great to meet you, ma’am.” He turned his attention to B. “You must be little Brooklyn. You sure do look like your daddy.”

I smiled when I saw the look on Brooks’ face. He held out his arms and she went right to him, laying her head on him as if she knew he’d lay down and die for her. “You need to go give a statement to the officer. I’m going to go up and get our things. I’ll meet you down here in a few minutes.”

I smiled and started walking toward the police officer. The man turned around and had already written a bunch of information down.

It took longer than I thought, but after him being arrested and then coming after me in public, the officer assured me that I’d have a protective order against Bobby within the next seventy-two hours. I knew I wasn’t out of immediate danger, but it did give me a little relief.

When I met Brooks back in the lobby, he was standing there holding B while talking to his boss. Our things were at his feet. I walked up and B leaned in for me to take her. “What now?”

“We go back to the base. I’ve got to fill out some forms and then we’re going on a road trip.”
