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Loving Her

Loving Her (Mitchell Family #9)(22)
Author: Jennifer Foor

“I don’t want you to freak out, but in case Bella asks, we were together when I was pregnant. I told her you went into the coma and that’s why we stayed in Kentucky until you got better, and we moved in with you and got married. I’m sorry, I panicked.”

“She really asked that? I can’t believe this shit is happening.”

“She didn’t act mad, Ty. She was more curious.”

He didn’t seem to get my reassuring comment. “Jesus Christ, the lies are just piling up.”

“Please calm down. We don’t know if this will amount to anything. Don’t jump to conclusions, babe.” I shouldn’t have even told him, but knew I’d feel guilty if I hadn’t.

“Miranda, this is ridiculous. How much more proof do you need? She’s basically spelling it out for us. She knows we’re lying and it’s only a matter of time before she figures it out, or we get our stories messed up. Stop trying to make it seem like this ain’t a big f**king deal, when you know it is.”

I had to walk away. First, because I didn’t want to get into an argument with him when the family was around. Second, because arguing with him wasn’t going to solve anything. I had to stay on his side, whether I felt he was being irrational or not.

“Miranda, don’t walk away from me.”

I turned around and shook my head at him. “Ty, we’ll talk about it later. I’m sorry I brought it up.”

Van’s dad was already lighting the fire and the kids were looking around for sticks to roast marshmallows. Van was leaning on the picnic table watching them. “What was that about?”

I leaned on the table next to her. “Bella asked me if Ty and I were together when I got pregnant.”

“Wow. What did you tell her?”

“I said we were and then he got into his accident. I know he was with you then, but they don’t need to know that. Besides, I don’t think Colt wants anyone to know he swept in and stole you away while your boyfriend was in the hospital.”

We both laughed.

“You make it sound so scandalous.”

I nudged her. “You were a bad girl. I heard all about that hot sex in Ty’s dad’s truck. Apparently, you two couldn’t keep your hands off one another.”

Van looked over at her husband, who was hard at work. “I wouldn’t change a thing if I could go back in time. Would you?”

I watched Ty and thought about my life before we were together. “If I hadn’t been runnin’ from Tucker, I’d never would have been with Ty. Sure, we probably would have hooked up at some point, but our life is what it is because of all of our trials and tribulations. So no. I wouldn’t trade it. Ty’s a wonderful father and he keeps me on my toes. Besides, you and I both know that behind the comedian, is the most loving man I’ve ever known.”

“True, but I wouldn’t share that secret with anyone else. He likes people thinking he’s a douche. I don’t understand it, but it’s the truth. There’s been so many times where I wanted to strangle him but, at the end of the day, if I need a shoulder he’s always there.”

There was a time when I would have been jealous of their relationship. No woman wants their husbands ex to be one of his best friends, but Van was our family. Her bond with Ty was nothing romantic. Her cancer scare had proven that to everyone, especially Colt, who had to apologize several times for assuming they were involved.

When we heard the screen door slamming shut, we both turned to see Bella and Noah walking outside. They walked up to the guys and looked at the playhouse. Ty grabbed Bella and kissed her on the side of the head. When she didn’t run away, Van and I looked at each other. “That’s a good sign, right?”

I nodded. “Yeah, I think it is.”

“Kids are curious by nature, Miranda. I know you’re both worried and maybe you have good reason, but Bella is a good girl. She’ll probably drop this whole thing as soon as you go home. Think about it. She’s finally heading back to school with all of her friends. Once that happens, she’ll be too busy to worry about some stranger that died a long time ago.”

“I hope you’re right, Van. It would be nice if this all went away. I haven’t seen Ty act like this since he was tryin’ to get those papers. I mean, I know how much he loves her, but that man has risked his life, broken laws, and even put our marriage on the line to give her the perfect life. There’s nothing he wouldn’t do for her. I wish that was easy to explain to a curious eleven year old.”

“Hopefully, one day, when the time is right, he’ll be able to tell her everything he’d done. When that day comes, I can’t see her hating him. She should love him more for everything he’s done to protect her.”

“Let’s pray that’s what happens.”

I sat there with my cousin, watching Bella standing there with Ty. I couldn’t, for the life of me, picture them not being close. I had to pray that Van was right. Hopefully, going home would make this entire nightmare disappear.

Chapter 15


Later that night, Colt pulled me aside. I knew what he was going to talk about, but as my family, I found it important to hear him out.

“Ty, I get that you’re upset about Bella. I can’t imagine what it’s like for you or even Savanna to love a child that you weren’t a part of makin’. When I see her with Noah, I know that there ain’t anything she wouldn’t give to have Noah be her real son. In her heart, he already is. I think that’s why she understands you so much. The two of you have opened your lives up for two children that neither of you had to do. Of course, Savanna and I were married when Noah came into our lives, but you and Miranda weren’t anything. I think we all knew that from the day she was born you had some kind of attachment to her. Helpin’ bring a child into this world will do that to you, but you stepped up. You didn’t just want to be some uncle that visited from afar. When Bella was born, you turned into a man. No matter what happens from here on out, nothin’ can change the bond you have. I’m sayin’ this because I’ve seen my son doubt his feelin’s for Savanna. It took him a little while to see it, but when he did, he knew he’d been wrong to push her away. Savanna is the best thing that could have happened to that boy. He needed a mother, and she stepped in at a moment in her life when things were horrible for her. Ty, you have that bond with Bella. You know it in your heart. If she does uncover the secret, it may take her a while to get over it, but I promise you, she will.”
