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Loving Her

Loving Her (Mitchell Family #9)(38)
Author: Jennifer Foor

Ty came in the room and jumped on the bed. The pile scattered off the bed and onto the floor. As I bent over to pick some up, he grabbed me and pulled me on the mattress. “Let me work.”

“Sex first than I’ll be your slave all day.”

I turned at looked at him, wondering if he meant it. “Seriously? If I give you some, you’ll do whatever I ask, all day long?”

He slapped me on the ass. “Yes, ma’am.” He starting dry humping me rapidly, like a dog. “I’m going to hit it like this.”

I laughed and tried to move away, but he grabbed my arms and pinned me down, hovering over my body. Finally, I rolled my eyes and gave in. “Fine. Do what you must.”

He kissed me on the lips and pulled away when I didn’t reciprocate. “You have to participate. It’s your wifely duty.”

A laughed escaped me. “My duty? Ty, I give you sex all the time. You’re hornier than anyone else on this planet. I can’t bend over without you getting behind me and humpin’ me. I have to change in the closet, because I know if you see me naked, you’ll attack me. When you don’t get you’re even worse. You walk around mopin’ and actin’ like your life sucks. You’re ridiculous!”

He grabbed my shirt and pulled it, forcing me to lift up my body and be face to face with him. He looked right at me, trying to figure out if I was annoyed or kidding.

“What’s wrong, babe? Did I hit a nerve? Are you afraid I might leave you and become a lesbian?”

Ty shot up and looked at me like I’d been infected with a disease. “Please say you’re kidding. You wouldn’t?”

I burst into laughter. “You should have seen your face. Oh my Lord, your pride would have disintegrated. You poor thing. What’s wrong? You can’t take a joke can you?”

He pinned my arms above my head and leaned down. “Don’t joke like that. My meat is still good and you know it.”

“Your meat is getting old,” I teased.

“It never expires.” He dragged his erection over my leg.

“I think it’s defective. It’s been overexposed.”

The more I joked, the more offended he became. I couldn’t help but laugh at the way he acted like his penis was such a prize possession. He finally rolled over and put his arms above his head. “I feel worthless now,” he pouted.

I rolled over, placing my body over his. “I’m just teasin’ you.” I reached my hand down his pants and got a hold of him. “If the house wasn’t a wreck, I’d spend the whole weekend in this bed with you, because it’s what we both need. We’ve been through hell, and it’s not gettin’ any better. I just want it to be the way it was before. I want us to feel whole again. We’ve tried to be mean, nice, hurt, and desperate and none of it fazes her. I don’t know what else to do. We’ve taken all of her favorite things away and she doesn’t care. We’ve started therapy. I feel like I failed her, Ty. I know that inside of that hard-headed body, there is a little girl that longs to run right back into your arms.” I ran the back of my hand over his cheek. “You think she hates you, but you’re so wrong. She’s doin’ what I would. She’s shuttin’ down so she doesn’t have to deal with it.”

“I’d like to do that. This has been the worst couple months of my f**king life.”

“You know what they say? The pyramids weren’t built in a day, babe. I have to believe that things will get better. How much worse can they be?”

Ty grabbed my hand and kissed it. “I have an idea. In lieu of everything that’s going on, and since the kids have something to do all weekend, what do you say that the two of us get away? I know you think we need to clean and do shit here, but we both need a break from reality. I say we pack a bag and we just go. I don’t care where and as long as it has a bed, I’m good.”

I looked around the room, at the bed and then back to Ty. Getting away sounded nice and I wanted to unwind. Ty really needed to. “Do you promise to help me clean Sunday?”

He crossed his heart. “Promise.”

“Then let’s pack a bag and get out of here.”

We both jumped up like we were on the run and the cops were closing in on us. I had no idea what I was throwing in the bag, and I didn’t care. Ty was right. As long as we had a bed, I didn’t care where we went. This weekend was long overdue and I had a feeling it was going to help us both immensely.

Chapter 25


It was so spur of the moment that, even after we were in the car driving, we still didn’t know where we were heading.

We drove east, both aware that we were going in the direction of the ocean. Since it was fall, the crowds of tourist would be gone, and we’d have our pick of hotels to stay at. I think once Miranda knew where we were going she seemed a little giddy. We hadn’t been to the beach alone in years, and although we couldn’t swim, it still seemed exciting.

“I have dad watching the house and feeding the dog. I told him we’d be back by Sunday afternoon.” I reached over and grabbed her hand.

She smiled at me and leaned her head on my shoulder. “This is goin’ to be good, babe. I think we need to get our heads in the right place.”

I looked over at her and couldn’t help myself. “I know where your head should be.” I pointed between my legs, and she sat up and smacked me.

“You need to see a sex therapist.”

“What?” I couldn’t stop laughing. “I’m alone with my wife, on the way to a hotel, where I know we’re going to be naked, a lot. There’s no harm in getting things started while we’re driving.”

The more annoyed she became, the more I kept taunting her. Not only was it funny, but it also distracted me from what was still lingering in the back of my mind. I was worried about my daughter, and regardless how far away I drove, or whatever I was doing to stay distracted, it wasn’t going to change.

I knew the weekend getaway was going to be good for both of us, but it wasn’t going to make anything better. Sure, we could all use time apart, but I had this feeling that healing wasn’t going to be that easy for Iz.

Miranda ran her hand over the inside of my thigh. I let out a chuckle and smiled. She brought her lips close to my ear and unbuckled her seatbelt. The sun was just setting, and we were on a road in the middle of nowhere. I focused on the road as she unbuttoned my pants and began to giggle.
