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Loving Her

Loving Her (Mitchell Family #9)(57)
Author: Jennifer Foor

I remember how innocent she was before she’d gotten sick. Everyone used to tell us how perfect she was and how they wished their daughters would be like Bella. It made me feel so good about the way we were raising her and how lucky she was to have a father that loved her wholeheartedly. It was such a shame that the terrible truth had come out; all because Ty went out and bought his mourning family a puppy.

My brother showed up at my doorstep a little while later. I refused to answer the door, so he located the hidden key and came in himself. “Randa, where are ya?”

“In my room,” I said in between sobs.

He came in and sat on the edge of the bed. “Amy sent me over to check on you. She said she’s been tryin’ to call for hours. Where’s your phone?”

I shrugged. “Probably in the kitchen.”

“Look, I know you’re goin’ through some crazy shit, but cryin’ ain’t goin’ to solve nothin’.”

He would have been crying too if his daughter hated him. “You wouldn’t understand.”

“I get it. I know how hard it is. Did you forget that I’m with your husband as much as you are?”

“No, I didn’t forget.”

“Randa, do you want to go to Kentucky?”

I shrugged again. “I can’t leave the boys.”

“Amy already went over and got them. They’re stayin’ at our place tonight. Now, pack a couple things and I’ll drive your ass to the airport. Colt called earlier and asked me to get you there. He said Ty needs you and I agree.”

“He bought me a ticket?” Bella must have not taken Van’s story well. I feared for my family and what had taken place. “When is my flight?”

“In about two hours. Get yourself together and meet me outside. I’ll look after things here until you three get back.”

“Bella’s stayin’ there.” He knew the plan.

“No, she ain’t. She’s comin’ home with her parents where she belongs. This idea of yours is stupid. I should have come to you sooner with my opinion. Look, sis, Bella needs to know who is in control. You’ve given her too much freedom in all of this. You need to get your ass there and demand that she change. Show her who is the boss. So what if she’s mad? She’ll get over it. You and Ty are bein’ so ridiculous. You’re in control of this situation. If it hasn’t fixed itself yet, make it happen.”

“It’s not that easy.”

“It is. She’s a kid. You’re the parent. Make it happen.”

I hated arguing with my brother, but he was right about me needing to be there. I got up out of bed and packed a couple things. We were on the road ten minutes later and I was more nervous than upset.

I didn’t argue with Conner in the truck, knowing he wouldn’t shut up until I admitted he was right. Since I wasn’t willing to do that, I said nothing.

We pulled up at the departures and he unlocked the door. “Have a safe trip. I’ll see you when you get back.”

“Who is pickin’ me up? Do I call Ty?”

“No! Don’t call him. He doesn’t know you’re comin’. Colt said he turned off his phone and went to the guest house. In my opinion, Van probably offered to go after him and Colt put his foot down. He may be better with the two of them, but he still gets jealous sometimes. Don’t tell him I said that.”

I shook my head and laughed. “I won’t.”

“Anyway, Colt is comin’ for you. Look for his truck when you come out.”

I hugged my brother. “Thanks for this.”

“Don’t thank me. I’m just a messenger. Besides, you need to be with your husband and daughter.”

After finding a customer service representative, I had a boarding ticket and was ready to go. Thirty minutes later I was boarding the plane. I tried to focus on the flight and getting there in one piece, but all I could think about was my need to be with my husband.

Conner had been right about my cousin being there to pick me up. My flight was a little over and hour and Colt was there waiting for me in the arrival lane. I climbed in the truck and reached over to hug him. “How bad is it?”

“We ain’t seen Ty all night. I know he’s over at the guest house, but he won’t answer the phone. Bella’s bein’ stubborn. She refused to eat dinner. Van’s a mess. She thought she was helpin’ and now she’s afraid she’s made things a lot worse.”

“It’s not your fault. None of this is your fault.”

I was being driven into a mess and I didn’t know who I needed to comfort first; my messed up daughter, or my broken husband.

Colt drove us to his house and I wasted no time getting out and running up the porch steps. Van was in the living room, sipping on a cup of tea. She chippered up when she saw me standing there. “Hey.”

I walked over and hugged her. “Stop blamin’ yourself. This ain’t your fault.”

“I feel terrible.”

I looked around and didn’t spot any kids. “Are they all sleepin’ already?”

She shook her head. “The little ones are, but I think Noah and Bella are in his room, playing a video game.”

I walked upstairs quietly and opened Noah’s bedroom door. He was sitting on the edge of the bed playing a game, but Bella wasn’t in the room with him. “Hi, Aunt Miranda. I didn’t know you were here.” He looked like he was up to something.

“Where’s Bella?”

He shrugged and looked even more guilty. “I don’t know.”

“Noah, your mother said she was up here with you.” I put my hands on my hips demanding him to answer me.

“She told me not to tell anyone.”

“You better tell me, right now!” I was raising my voice, demanding an answer and I wasn’t leaving his room until I got one.

“She said she wanted to be alone and for me to not come lookin’ for her.” He knew he was in trouble when he admitted it.

“So, you don’t even know where she is?”

He shook his head. “No. she went out the back door with her bag and a flashlight.”

“WHAT?” I couldn’t believe he let her go outside all alone.

I ran down the stairs, alarming Van and Colt immediately. “She’s gone. Noah said she left a while ago claiming she wanted to be alone. She’s out there somewhere, all alone!”

“Calm down. Maybe she’s with Ty?”
