Read Books Novel

Loving Her

Loving Her (Mitchell Family #9)(60)
Author: Jennifer Foor

The crowd began to laugh and I paused, looking over at my dad, who was standing to the side giving me a thumbs up. I smiled and turned my attention back to the crowd.

“I’ve been thinking about what to say today, contemplating the funny over the serious. The last thing I want to do is stand here and bore you all to death, before you get to experience what’s out there waiting for each and every one of you. I suppose I’m expected to offer advice, but your paths are up to each of you to decide.”

I looked over at my dad, who put down the camera and wondered what I was stalling for. I folded the piece of paper and decided to wing it.

“Before I came out here today to give this speech, my dad pulled me to the side and told me to picture all of you naked, so excuse me for the moment of silence.”

More people began to laugh and my dad winked.

“Look, whether you leave here today and get knocked up, or knock someone up, whether you go to college, or rob a liquor store, it’s your decisions that will guide you to who you become. Make the right choices the first time and if you don’t, learn from your mistakes. Follow your heart and be true to yourself. You’ve already accomplished something great by receiving your diploma today. Keep up the good work and good luck.”

Before I could even finish, the crowd of students began flipping their caps into the air, celebrating that high school was officially over.

I left the stage heading over to the person closest to me. My dad put his camera in his pocket and pulled me into his arms. “That wasn’t the speech you’ve been practicing for the past month.”

I laughed. “I decided to just wing that shit.”

He laughed with me. “You did great, Iz.” My dad reached inside of my gown and pulled the chain that was hanging around my neck. He looked so taken back by what he saw. “I didn’t know you still had this.”

I looked down at the necklace that he’d given me when I was a little girl. I’d had to get a new chain for it to fit my neck, but I’d never gotten rid of something so special to me. “Dad, don’t get all emotional on me today. I don’t want my makeup to run.”

He hugged me anyway. “I’m the happiest father alive, right now.”

I smiled and looked up into his tear-filled eyes. “I love you, dad, but if my boyfriend sees you, he’s going to think you’re a softy.”

My dad wiped his eyes and put on a tough face. I spotted the rest of the clan heading in our direction. He kissed the top of my head. “I’ll still kick that boys ass, crying or not.”

I gave him a funny look and shoved him gently. “You do know I’m going away to college with him. What are you going to do this fall?”

“Go to college with you, of course.”


“Ok, fine. If you break up with him now, I won’t have to break his legs before August. The choice is yours.”

I put my hands on my hips, knowing there was no reasoning when it came to my dad and my boyfriend. In his eyes, no man would ever be good enough for me. I loved him for that. “I will call you every day and come home on the weekends.”

My poor dad had the worst time accepting that I was grown up. If he had his choice, he’d lock me in a tower and throw away the key, just so I couldn’t leave the farm. “I’m going to miss you, Iz. You’re always going to be my little girl, no matter how old you are.”

I hugged him again and whispered in his ear right before the family was upon us. “And you’ll always be my daddy.”

The End.
