Read Books Novel


Author: Jennifer Foor

“That guy earlier? He works for you? You have men working for you?”

“Yes. Women need company as much as men. My male employees have been taught to satisfy a female’s every desire. I know because I taught them myself. I also hand pick all of my employees. It helps weed out the bad apples. I know who needs to be successful. You have to understand that I offer them a good lifestyle. My employees have routine physicals. They’re tested and taught to be safe. My clients also have to go through a full medical evaluation before they can be considered. I do background checks, and require legal counsel regarding the sanctity of my business. My clients are fully aware that if they betray our agreement they will also be ending their careers. I’m doing them a public service, and they appreciate it. Besides, there are no other places where one with no work experience can make so much money.”

This woman was crazy. I couldn’t believe I was sitting in front of a whore. Why had she invited me there to listen to her story? I’d work at two McDonalds before I’d belittle myself into a lifestyle like she led.

“I never thought I’d meet someone like you. Even though we clearly have different opinions on our futures, it was nice visiting with someone that’s been through what I’m going through. You’ve given me hope, and I appreciate that. It’s getting late and I better get going.”

“Lily, I’m afraid you don’t understand why I asked you here.”

The room got quiet. It only took me a second to realize what was going on. This bitch was crazy. She was bat-shit f**king crazy if she thought I was going to want to sell my body for sex.

My eyes doubled in size. “Whoa. Wait a minute. Did you invite me here to offer me a job being a…a…” I couldn’t even say it.

“Perhaps I was wrong to assume that you need help?”

“Not that kind of help. I’d never…I can’t even imagine being with another man.” I stood up and started to walk out of the room. “Look, I get why you did what you did. I’m not you, and I refused to let you threaten me into a situation that I don’t want any part of. I’ll figure things out on my own, and if you’re worried about me telling anyone, don’t. I wouldn’t dare share something like that.”

As I hurried toward the door I heard her saying one last thing to me. “You know where to find me when you change your mind.”

Fat chance for that. I climbed in my van and drove as fast as I could home, shaking the whole way, and contemplating sending an anonymous message to the police about what was going on with that woman.

Then I remembered that she had my address. She knew about my family, and probably even more. I couldn’t say anything in fear of retaliation. How could one fantastic hair cut get me in so much trouble? I know I’d promised that girl I’d go back there, but I was cancelling my next appointment as soon as the sun came up in the morning.

Chapter 4

That night I tossed and turned in bed, getting no real sleep at all. My mind was in so many different places. One minute I was thinking of all the vibrating devices in Kate’s love drawer, and the next I was picturing Ms. Cybil bent over in all of her glory¸ taking it from behind. At least it was better than thinking about my husband, and what he was doing with Kate. An ache in my heart reminded me of how pitiful my life was destined to be. I sat up in bed at about four a.m. and looked around the room. Aside from the dog snoring, it was quiet. The other side of my bed, where the love of my life rested his head at night, was cold. I didn’t have to touch it to know it.

Fresh tears filled my eyes as I imagined it being empty forever. I wondered if I could do something to make him stop his illustrious affair. I thought about letting him know that I knew what had been going on. Maybe if I confronted him he’d feel so terrible that he’d push Kate away. Then again, she lived next door. Unless I wanted to uproot my family, or burn her house to the ground, there was no permanent solution. Besides all of that, I’d be constantly reminded of what he’d done behind my back. Realizing that trust is the key to a healthy marriage, I knew in my heart I’d never have that with him again.

Then my mind went back to Ms. Cybil. She’d created this life for herself, this world of lavish possessions and endless possibilities. Out of her own desperate situation she’d won the battle. Not only was she not homeless, but she was reigning in the money. She’d built an empire out of nothing but sex. As much as I wanted to hate the idea, I was utterly amazed by it.

Plus the woman was still being satisfied with men half her age. I was no saint so imagining that someone half my age would find me attractive was unbelievable. It was also very weird. I didn’t think I’d ever be able to see someone the same age as one of my children. High five to her though.

My irrational thinking didn’t end when I climbed out of bed that morning. Days passed and soon my husband came home from his fake business trip. He blamed the airport parking lot for destroying the paint job on his vehicle, but conveniently dismissed it when I offered to call them and raise hell.

His first night back he came on to me. It was after we’d eaten dinner, in which I’d made my famous chicken and dumplings.

Yes, we ate chicken a lot.

It was cheap.

Once the dishes were done, and the lights were turned out, I got comfortable on the couch and started reading a new book, about a famous wrestler falling in love with an average girl. If only life were so perfect that people met by chance and fell deeply in love like that. I wanted that kind of excitement, and I thought I’d had it before. Now I knew different.

Love bites, just like the Def Leppard song from the eighties said it did.

My husband cozied his way on the couch and flipped on a sports network before drawing his attention to me. First his hand was on my leg, running it up my shorts until he hit panties. I pulled away. “What are you doing?”

“I missed you. The kids are upstairs, Lil. Come on. They won’t hear us.”

I felt like slapping the shit out of him. Did he really just spend days f**king my neighbor only to come home and want to stick that dirty thing in me? I wondered how many times he’d done it before. I may as well have been f**king Kate myself.

Maybe if I went over there and came on to her I’d feel better about it all.

Yeah right.

“I’m not in the mood, Charlie.”

“You’re never in the mood anymore.” He got up mumbling something under his breath.

I pulled a throw cover over my legs and watched him head upstairs. The nerve that he had thinking I would happily spread my legs as soon as he walked in the door. Perhaps if things were different I would have, but not anymore.
