Read Books Novel


Author: Jennifer Foor

That night I waited for him to fall asleep before I made my way to bed. Going through the motions was difficult. When I looked at him I saw failure. My hate for him continued to grow as the affair became more apparent. Clearly he was juggling his sexual activities with Kate, while trying to be the family man when he was at home.

By the end of that next week I’d pushed away my thoughts about Ms. Cybil, and was focused on seeing what the lawyer had to say. I walked into his office feeling confident that I could pretend to live happy with my husband, until I figured out another way to be able to afford both the lawyer and a new place to call home, that would have enough room for all three of my children.

Mr. Polleras was sitting at his desk on the phone when I entered. Unlike the last time we’d met, he was dressed in a polo shirt and a pair of gray slacks. He spun his chair around to face me when he heard me come in, and held up his finger letting me know he’d be another second. I waited patiently, trying not to notice that he was staring at me.

When he finally hung up the phone he opened my folder and got right down to business. “Okay, how have things been going since the last time we spoke?”

I shrugged even though he wasn’t looking at me anymore. “Same. He’s still cheating.”

“Have you thought about proceeding with papers? Separating?”

I shook my head. “I can’t put my kids through that right now. I guess I’m here today to find out what it’s going to cost me, first. I need to know how much money I’m going to need to save to be able to walk away with you paid and a place to call home for me and my children.”

“Have you considered that you could take the house from him?”

“Yes, but he’s having an affair with the next door neighbor, so unless you can come up with a way to make her disappear or move to another country, I can’t go that route.” I paused for a moment. “Mr. Polleras, I -.”

“Eli. Just call me Eli.” His smile was beautiful. It was as if it let off pheromones that caused instant happiness.

“Fine, Eli. I have to think about my children first. I’ve never been one to consider myself a charity case, so please just give me some numbers.”

He stuck his pen behind his ear and leaned back in his chair. I was surprised when he folded his legs and leaned them on the desk. “The first thing you need to do to protect yourself in all of this is to get proof of his affair. While you’re working things out you need to be covered in case he comes to you for a divorce first.”

The thought had never dawned on me, and hearing him say that caused me to breakdown. I felt so awkward crying in front of this stranger, and as I tried to regain my composure, I heard his chair moving and him approaching me. He touched my arm and crouched down in front of me. I looked up and saw that he had a box of tissues. “I’m so sorry.”

“It’s nothing. It happens a lot. Don’t even worry about it.” He waited until I patted my eyes. “I know it’s hard to talk about, but I’m giving it to you straight. If you’re going to be my client then we need to be in the know. I’m not saying that this will ever come out in court. Most of the time the husbands will walk away before they let their dirty little secrets out of the bag.”

I tried to smile, out of appreciation for this man giving me his free time. “I will find a way to repay you.”

“Let’s just talk about what needs to happen. I recommend letting my guys follow your husband and getting photographs, as well as audio to help us prove without a doubt that he is in fact having the affair. It’s not that I don’t believe you, but, need be, we will require undeniable proof. Once we have that, we’ll have leverage.”

I folded up the tissue and finally looked at him. He was so close to me, and his features really were magnificent. His dark eyes looked like he was wearing makeup, when I knew he wasn’t. He hadn’t shaved and his whiskers were dark with hints of gray throughout. When the room got quiet he stood up and kept talking to me. “For the most part, if you want to go about it how you say you do, we need to keep quiet. You can’t tell your closest friends or even your family members about what’s going on. Have you done that?”

I shook my head. “No. I don’t want anyone to know. I can’t hurt my kids.”

“Good. Keep it that way. No matter how hard it is, Lily, it’s important that you keep it under lock and key. Then of course, you’ll need to find some source of income. I recommend getting a day job where you can work around anyone knowing and bank all of the money. I get that you’re inexperienced, but there are jobs out there for anyone, if you look hard enough. Push comes to shove I could probably offer you something here to pay for my time.”

“Like what?” My eyes lit up with excitement to be offered a job.

“Filing and organizing. I share this place with several other attorneys and we aren’t that neat. Our front desk girls are good, but they don’t have the time to do it. I can talk to the guys and see if something like that will work for you, then we can make up a schedule, if you’re interested of course.”

“You do realize that I’d have to work a month to pay for one hour of your time?” I wasn’t an idiot. Attorneys were expensive.

He smiled. “I don’t do this for the money, Mrs. Ross. I get that you’re in a hard place. To be perfectly honest, I do well for myself. I’m to a point where my plate is full. Helping out a few clients won’t hurt me. Besides, you’re not the first woman to come in here with nothing to go on.” I couldn’t help but wonder if he ever slept with a client. Obviously women would have noticed how handsome he was. I was only natural to assume. “I get how hard it is. I see firsthand what women and even some men have to go through.”

“I don’t want a handout. I can work.”

He put up his hand. “Before you get too excited keep in mind that working here will only pay for my services. You’re still going to need to figure out a way to secure a place for you and your children to live.” Way to be professional and make me feel like every other hard up wife that walked through the door.

He was right. Working for him only paid for me to have a lawyer. How in the hell was I going to be able to work off my attorney fees and have a job to save up for a place, without anyone finding out?

“I understand.” I knew how hard this was all going to get, but I wasn’t willing to live my life with a liar and cheater. I had to find a way to make all of this happen for me.
