Read Books Novel


Author: Jennifer Foor

For the next forty minutes we discussed the process of divorce, and how legally everything worked. Eli convinced me that getting proof of the affair would only protect me in the long run. He told me that he’d talk to his associates and get back to me on when I could start helping him. In the meantime, I had other things to worry about, like finding a job.

For the next seven days I spent my time split between being a mother and wife, and desperately trying to find a means to an income. On the first day I visited the local outlets and put in an application at every single shop that allowed me to. The second and third day I went to the local doctors offices, and grocery stores, minus the one that I’d embarrassed myself in. By the fourth and fifth day I’d stopped at every little restaurant around in hopes of maybe being able to waitress. My last two days were hard. Since I’d heard nothing from any of the places, I went to the fast food establishments and filled out applications. Then I sat in my vehicle and cried, because I was in such a tough situation.

I was so sick of crying. It got me nowhere, and made my eyes puffy.

Charlie seemed to be even hornier than usual, or maybe I’d just never noticed it before. Aside from trying to get me into the sack, he also went out of his way to cater to the kids, buying them gifts for no reason, and over compensating for being the lying son of a bitch that he really was.

Ironically, after pretending that I was going through some kind of hormonal changes, I started to feel bad. I’d made an appointment to see my doctor when I got the call back from one of the places that I’d applied to. I was offered a position being a hostess at a local diner. The pay was seven dollars an hour. Reflecting on the fact that my husband made a healthy six digit salary, the idea of starting so low was not very appeasing, yet I had no other choice, or did I?

It had been quite some time since I’d thought about Ms. Cybil and the offer to make me a high-dollar whore. Of course, each time I imagined it, my stomach churned and I hated myself for considering. There was no way I’d ever be able to sleep with a stranger and live with my actions. It was wrong and I knew better.

Sure, there had always been a secretly kinky side to me, where I imagined doing dirty things and being great at it, but that’s all it was.

My imagination.

So I took the job as hostess, working the morning and afternoon hours so that my family wouldn’t know. I clipped double the amount of coupons and bought Visa gift cards at the store so that I could save the cash that I was stealing from the grocery funds. My husband didn’t have a clue about either, and staying busy was helping me deal with the constant reminder of his indiscretions.

After almost two months passed, I’d saved over eight-hundred dollars and worked plenty of hours at the attorney’s office. I no longer needed to schedule appointments with him since I saw him a few times a week. Eli was very kind. He’d order us food and we’d chat while we ate in his office. Doing so gave us time to get to know each other on a more personal level. In those two months we became fast friends, and it never hurt that he was so easy on the eyes.

Eli wasn’t just my attorney. He had become my only friend during this time, the only one I could trust with my secret agenda to rid myself of Charles Ross, aka Mr. Shit Stains, the lying, cheating, piece of shit that he was.

Speaking of the ass**le, Eli’s goons were able to get enough evidence on my husband and Kate to nail him to the floor. It was up to me when I let the cat out of the bag and left the bastard.

Things were good at first working at both places and still managing my home life. The doctor’s office called and let me know that I had a yeast infection. It was gone after two days on antibiotics, but I milked it for the next two weeks. I knew in time he’d expect me to perform, and the idea of being with him made me cringe. One day while at the attorney’s office, I told Eli about my predicament. After he laughed at me for a few minutes, he did something that caught me off guard.

He asked me to have dinner with him.

As flattered as I was, I knew that Eli was my only friend, who was also helping me with my impending divorce. I couldn’t complicate things by leading him on, no matter how sexy he was. The last thing on my mind was starting up a new relationship, when I still wasn’t free and clear from my current one. Okay, for the record it wasn’t the last thing on my mind. Secretly I replayed him asking me out over and over again. It was definitely something that brought an immediate smile to my face.

After I turned Eli down I felt annoyed with myself. Here was this handsome man that obviously enjoyed my company. As much as I appreciated it, I wasn’t willing to let myself go there with another man.

My kids kept me grounded, while driving me bat-shit crazy at the same time. I ran them everywhere they needed to be, and pretended to be happy-go-lucky whenever I was near them. My focus was always on what they needed, which was more than they were used to. I’d always put my husband’s needs over everyone else’s, and now things were different. I couldn’t care less if he had clean matched up socks, and the last thing on my mind was finding alone time to cuddle up next to that ass**le. Every part of him made me sick.

I no longer looked into his eyes and saw myself. His dark thinned hair that never bothered me before made me laugh now every time I looked at it.

It wasn’t until he got sick that things started to drastically worry me. He’d stayed home from work, which he’d never done before. In turn, I had to call out of my job so that he didn’t find out. While he grabbed a hot shower, I called Eli and let him know that I may not be able to stop by for my normal hours in the afternoon. Then I put myself into the caring wife mode that I’d lived with for so many years. I got him something to eat and went to the pharmacy to get him medication to alleviate his symptoms. When I came home I found him crying.

Out of instinct I rushed to his side. “Charlie, what’s wrong?”

He looked at me with sad eyes. “Do you still love me, Lil?”

“Of course,” I replied, not really even thinking about it. In regards to my feelings, I hated him for so many reasons, but he would always be the father to my children, and for that reason I’d love him.

“I feel like we’re falling apart. You haven’t touched me in months.”

I sat down on the bed next to him and looked down at my hands. Why did he want to be with me when he had Kate next door to fulfill his every desire? Obviously I wasn’t enough for him. “I’ve been going through something. My doctor says that it’s early signs of change of life.” She’d really told me that my problems were derived from stress.
