Read Books Novel


Author: Jennifer Foor

“I miss you, Lil. I miss making you smile, and the way you feel when I’m holding you.”

Was he lying? I felt so conflicted.

“I’m sorry.”

“Come here. It’s just us. The kids won’t be home for a few more hours.” He shook his head and reached out his hand.

“What about your cold?”

“Nothing can keep me from wanting my wife.”

Admittedly my heart skipped a beat hearing him say that to me. I’d felt so rejected and he was emotionally pleading with me to spend time with him. As much as he’d broken me, I needed to feel like I wasn’t worthless. I wanted to feel what was once only mine.

My body fell against his chest as he wrapped his arms around me, kissing the top of my head. I looked up to find his eyes fixed on mine, his lips coming down to kiss me. Tears filled my eyes as my emotions ran wild.

I needed this.

I needed to feel like I was the only woman he was in love with, even if I knew it was only a temporary fixation.

Charlie removed my clothes with little effort, exposing my naked body before him. He nestled his mouth over one of my ni**les, sucking hard on it and then licking at the tip. I let my head fall back as my desire to be with him again began taking over the decision making. I reached down and tugged on his boxers, wanting so much for him to be inside of me. We wrestled around until I was lying on my back. Charlie pushed down his boxers and climbed on top of me. He entered me without a single kiss or affectionate embrace. I watched the veins in his forehead protrude as he pumped into me. He lurched his head forward, finally touching my lips for the first time. While his pace began, so did the rationalization of what was happening.

I’d denied myself pleasure for so long that I was enabling the man that had betrayed me to have his way. I pitied myself and immediately became an emotional wreck. Charlie never noticed my breakdown as he pounded inside of me. Nearly two minutes later, and I’m not even kidding about that, he collapsed and fell beside me on the bed. I rolled over and cried silently as he ran his fingers through my hair. “I needed that.”

He needed to be inside of me, blowing his load after only two minutes, because apparently that was all I was good for. It was in that moment when I started to think about Ms. Cybil again. First I thought about watching her and that handsome man f**king in her living room. Then I imagined what it would be like to finally get away from my husband, and never look back.

I spent the next half-hour crying alone in the shower, while my husband slept in the next room. Once I calmed down, I dug through my purse, and with shaky hands I pulled out the business card and dialed her number.

“You’ve reached Cybil. Leave a detailed message after the tone and I will return your call as soon as possible.”

I started to say something, but chickened out and hung up the phone. There was no way I was going to be able to sleep with a stranger, so wasting her time wasn’t the answer.

Why was I even considering it?

It was a good thing that I didn’t leave a message, because as the day passed I changed my mind a dozen times. I sat downstairs and made a chart of how long I’d have to work to be able to afford a place of my own. I’d need a place to call home, even if it had to be fixed up in time. I’d make my kids proud, even if I had to work multiple jobs to do it.

That next morning Charlie called out of work again. He was intent on doing work from home, while in bed. I was keeping myself busy downstairs, after texting Eli and letting him know that I wouldn’t be in the office again. He messaged me right away letting me know it was fine, but he also told me to be careful and make smart choices. I found it odd that he cared what I was doing with my husband, but shook it off knowing nothing would ever come out of our friendship than what we already had. I had to think of my kids first, and taking on a boyfriend wasn’t in my cards.

Around lunchtime Charlie came downstairs and found me in the kitchen. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me on my neck. Then he turned me to face him, and I did my best to put on a smile for appearance sakes. “This is kind of nice, being home alone with you every day. I’ve thought about talking to Ed about working from home a couple days a week. How would you feel about that?”

I wanted to tell him that it was a terrible idea. I had money to save, and I couldn’t be calling out of work, because he couldn’t know I even had a job. “It would be different. I wouldn’t get anything done, and neither would you.”

He ran his hand through my hair and kissed my forehead. “You’re probably right. Though, it would give me a reason to get you naked.”

I tried to change the subject. “Charlie, you know you need to rest. You’ll never get better if you overexert yourself.”

He lifted me up and sat me on the kitchen countertop then wedged his way between my legs. “There’s only one kind of medicine that I need, Lil.”

He grabbed my shirt and lifted it over my head, while pressing his erection against my sex. My bra was removed next, and then I felt my shorts being tugged off of my legs. “We can’t do it in the kitchen. What if someone walks in?”

“Who is going to come here in the middle of the day and walk in? Stop complaining.”

I got ready to find another reason when I saw Kate’s car pulling in her driveway. Suddenly I was overwhelmed with a need to get revenge, for whatever it was worth. I didn’t know what they meant to each other, but I was a woman, and I knew I hated to even consider that I was sharing my man with someone else. The window from the kitchen looked out into her driveway, and I knew Kate enough to know she’d be curious. I pulled Charlie’s shirt over his head and shoved my lips against his, keeping my eyes peeled for hers the whole time. I wrapped my legs around my husband’s ass and felt him entering me. Charlie pushed me back until my head hit the upper cabinets. He ran his hands over my br**sts and pinched at my ni**les, leaning in and sucking one of them into his mouth. It felt good to be touched, but even better when I caught her getting a glimpse of him f**king me, just knowing that she’d seen us made me react. I started getting loud, crying out his name, and attempting to get off quickly. The more I got into the role, the hotter I was making myself. I wanted this, not just to pay her back, but for some sick desire that I was having.

Charlie came fast, thrusting one last time inside of me before he froze in place. I accepted his sloppy kisses and how his limp body lingered over mine. Once he was finished, I headed upstairs for a shower.
