Read Books Novel


Author: Jennifer Foor

The smile on my face was that of accomplishment. Take that you slut!

Two things happened after I locked the door and turned on the water. The voices out the window let me know she’d confronted him. I didn’t know how she’d gotten his attention, and I didn’t even care. Without her noticing, I peered out the window watching them argue with a fence between them. I laughed to myself, knowing I’d caused them turmoil.

Then something happened to me.

My body felt so hot all of a sudden. Beads of sweat formed on the skin between my br**sts and my pu**y tingled, craving more attention than it had gotten just moments before. I looked in the mirror and stared at my naked body. I’d lost some weight, and my normal thin figure was even more pronounced. I’d been blessed with nice sized br**sts, and an ass that always received compliments. My hand ran over one of my ni**les as I felt the silkiness of my own skin.

After stepping in the shower hoping to cool myself down, I ran the soap over my pu**y and about screamed. I was soaked with my own desire, hot for attention, and since there wasn’t anyone else to do it I dropped that bar and began massaging it myself. My back hit the shower wall as I looked down and watched the way my two fingers coursed over my clit. It was so swollen that the more I touched it, the more it pulsated. I wanted to make myself cum, and I was determined to watch myself doing it.

My leg lifted up resting on the small bench seat, spreading me open. With my free hand I separated my folds and shoved three fingers deep inside of my pu**y. I dropped to the shower floor, unable to hold myself up. The harder I f**ked myself with those fingers the more turned on I got watching my clit being massaged. Just as the urge to cum occurred, I stopped rubbing it and stood to move the shower stream away. My ass fell down on the bench and I lifted my leg to prop up and spread out on two opposite walls. From there I could watch my now three fingers penetrating my throbbing sex. Once again I brought myself to the brink and slowed my pace.

When I removed my fingers out of my pu**y they glistened with my own wetness. I rubbed it all over the outside lips and watched it shine against the lights. My clit was so sensitive and I couldn’t refrain from touching it. I pinched it between two fingers and tugged, causing my whole body to shudder. I slapped it and then shoved my fingers deep inside again, this time so hard that I cried out and lost all control.

When I finally realized what I’d done, I started to laugh. I didn’t need a man to satisfy me, not when I could do a fantastic job all by myself.

Charlie was still outside arguing with Kate when I dressed and made my way down stairs. They could see me through the window and walked away from each other almost immediately. Even them being together couldn’t kill my mood of feeling satisfied. My pu**y was still pulsating reminding me of how good it felt to touch myself. It was a shame that Charlie couldn’t pleasure me that way. In the big picture of things I wondered if any man could give me that kind of fulfillment. It was a question that I wasn’t sure I’d ever find out, not with the way my life was going.

Charlie came inside and sat quietly across the kitchen counter from me. I was cutting up some vegetables for dinner and kept my focus on the knife. It wasn’t until I heard his sniffles that it dawned on me that he was upset. It was weird to see him like that again, considering in our years of marriage he’d only cried when the kids were born. “You alright over there?”

“I need to tell you something. It’s eating me up inside and I can’t live with it anymore.”

Holy shit! He’s going to come clean.

I cocked my eyebrow and stared into his sad eyes. “What’s wrong?” I played it off like I didn’t have a clue. If this bastard was confessing I wanted him to feel like the scum of the earth. He’d ripped out my heart, and there was nothing left to hold on to.

“I did something, but it won’t happen again.”

“Charlie, what are you talking about?” I needed to apply to be an actor.

He reached across the counter and grabbed my hands. The knife dropped and I considered picking it up and stabbing him in the back of the hand. “Lil, I had an affair with someone when I was away on business a long time ago. It happened one time and I regretted it ever since. Baby, I swear it had nothing to do with you. I was just lonely and after a couple drinks it happened.”

I clenched my jaw and considered my options. Clearly he was lying through his teeth. The affair was still going on, and it wasn’t with a co-worker. He was f**king Kate, and I had proof that it happened a lot more than one time. If this was how he thought he could clear his conscience he had another thing coming. “So, how long ago did this happen?” I looked away, trying to conjure up tears that just wouldn’t come. “How could you do this to me?”

“It was last year. I’ve been living with this for a long time. I just can’t take it anymore. I can’t look at you and know what I’ve done.” He started crying harder, and I couldn’t believe that he was making up this story, instead of telling me the damn truth. “I love you so much, Lil. I never stopped.”

I could have picked up the knife and chucked it at his head, but it wouldn’t have gotten me anywhere. He was lying to me again, and I had a choice to stand there and take it, or walk away to figure out what I wanted to do. “I need to leave.”

“Please, just tell me that we can work this out. I’ll go to counseling. I’ll do anything. Just don’t tell the kids. They’ll never forgive me. I couldn’t live with that guilt, Lil. I feel so bad. I’m sorry.”

His mumbo jumbo was beginning to piss me off. Of course he didn’t want the kids to know that he was a lying, cheating son of a bitch.

I wiped off my hands and tossed the rag on the counter. “Make sure you get the kids off the bus. I’m going out to think. Don’t try to call me, Charlie. Just leave me alone.”

He followed me to the door and put his hand on my arm. I yanked it away. “Don’t you touch me. I can’t look at you right now.”

And the Emmy goes to…

He held up both hands. “Okay. I’ll give you time,” he cried. “Just don’t tell me it’s over.”

Of course it’s over, you stupid f**ker. “I’m not saying anything right now. Just don’t forget the kids, you know, the ones we made out of love?” I slammed the door behind me and never looked back as I walked to my van.

As pissed as I was, I knew that Charlie wasn’t a man of his word. Sure enough, after pulling onto the next road and parking, I watched my very sad, pathetic husband walk over to Kate’s house and go right in without even knocking.
