Read Books Novel


Author: Jennifer Foor

Where I thought I was spent, he was showing me that my orgasm was still going, taking me to new heights. I never let my fingers stop rubbing on the female, and soon she was crying out. Just a moment later and he, too, was definitively at the end of his rope. I’d made another woman orgasm, and waves of pleasure washed over me, until finally my own body collapsed over her spent body.

I felt him pulling out of me, leaving me vulnerable and exposed, but I never moved. Soon, the female was pulling me up into her arms. Our lips met and she laughed against me. “Are you ready to take off the blindfold?”

As nervous as I was, I wanted to see who’d I’d just been with. I needed to know whether I saw them at the grocery store, or maybe they were parents like me.

I nodded.

“Are you sure, you’re ready?”

I licked my lips. “Yes.”

“You can take off the blindfold, under one condition.”

“Anything.” Though I wasn’t sure how much more I could take.

“Tell me how much you liked it, Lily? Admit to me that you could let yourself enjoy it. I know you did.” She reached down and slid her fingers between my spent folds.

I let out a whimper, unable to hide my emotions. “I did.”

“You’re so wet. I bet you taste fantastic. Smelling your pu**y is making me so hot again.” She shoved her fingers inside of me, at least two of them. “Let’s take a shower together. What do you say?”

I couldn’t say much while she was steady fingering me, gliding her thumb over my swollen clit. I started trembling, as if I was going to lose control at any minute. The idea of showering with a woman, kissing her, and touching her pu**y was too much for me to handle. I cried out again, hearing my voice echo in the room.

When the woman removed the blindfold I looked around the room to see that we were alone. There was no man present, and neither was Ms. Cybil. While I turned to face a beautiful exotic looking brunette, I was taken aback by what we’d just done together. “Where is everyone?”

“The session ended.”

I covered my body with my hands, even though she’d seen all of me. “What does that mean?”

“It means you’re done for the day.” She traced her fingertips over my arm, and I wanted to pull away, but I couldn’t. I found myself wanting to kiss her with my eyes open. “Did I make you feel good?”

How could I lie when she already knew the answer. “Yes.” My face blushed with the admission.

“Just because you experienced a woman doesn’t mean you’re g*y, Lily. You opened your body up to being satisfied. People have been doing it since the beginning of time.”

“I just had sex with two people at the same time. I had a threesome. I should feel terrible.” Oh my God, I was seriously going to Hell. I’d just decided my fate. That damn demon on my shoulder won again.

Just before she could respond we heard yelling coming from another room. I couldn’t make out all that they were saying, but Ms. Cybil clearly said, “I told you no penetration. This was a terrible idea. Get out of my face before I say something I’ll regret. Frankie, you had no business barging in.”

The exotic woman began to laugh. “I had intercourse during my first session. Did you ask for no penetration?”

I shrugged. “She told me that there wouldn’t be any.”

“Your client must want you as innocent as possible.”

“My client? You mean she’s already got someone lined up?” Knowing that made me feel like I hadn’t just had sex with two strangers, I was also about to have sex with someone else. “I can’t believe that I just did that. I’ve never done something so -.”

“Hot? Reckless? Exciting?”


“I think everyone’s first sessions are like that. We want to think that we won’t be able to go through with it, but somehow each of us comes out feeling like it was the hottest sex we’ve ever had. I’ve only heard of one person not being able to go through with it. Ms. Cybil is very thorough. I’m sure she’s got plenty of men on a waiting list.” She stood up in all of her nakedness in front of me. “How about that shower?” I watched her bite down on her lip as she waited for my reply. A fire between my legs ignited when my eyes passed over her hard ni**les. I was dripping with desire to be touched one more time by a woman with my eyes open. Whatever was going on in the next room wasn’t my concern.

I’d been sexually awakened and wasn’t ready to call it a day.

Did I get a shower?

You bet your sweet ass I did.

Although, it wasn’t as sexual as I thought it would be. The exotic girl, who went by Nessa, short for Vanessa, talked my head off about her clients. I sucked in the information like a sponge, and appreciated how professional she was about it. She told me that she had a four year old and was going to college. She needed to be able to make money without being away from her child. Finding a sitter for only a couple hours a night was easy for her. By the end of the shower I’d offered babysitting by either of my daughters, considering they might like the opportunity to do it.

How f**ked up was that?

Once I was dry and redressed I was led to Ms. Cybil’s office and seated. She joined me moments later. “Lily, are you okay, dear?”

I felt weird admitting it out loud. “Yes. I’m fine.”

“I need to apologize to you about what happened earlier. Frankie got out of hand, even after I told you no sex.” She seemed very disturbed over it.

“I didn’t tell him no.” I felt my cheeks turning red. “We got caught up I suppose.” I didn’t want to admit that I enjoyed the encounter, even if I never found out who the man was. It sounded bad, but he’d given me pleasure and nothing more. It was one time, and perhaps it didn’t have to count since I never saw his face, and he didn’t finish inside of me. I was making excuses for being a slut. Epic fail!

Then I wondered something that made me very uneasy. “Protection. Did he use any?”

“Of course my dear. He wouldn’t have gone into the room without it.”

I had to change the subject, so I said the first thing that came to mind. “How did I do? Was I bad at it?”

“One can not be bad at sex. You can be inexperienced, but performance doesn’t mean you’re terrible at it.” She documented something on a piece of paper. “I have rules for a reason, Lily. There was no need for you to have intercourse today. I’m very sorry for that. I like to be a woman of my word. Frankie knew the rules.”
