Read Books Novel


Author: Jennifer Foor

“My lips are sealed.” I felt embarrassed about the comment, wondering if she thought about my pu**y lips being sealed. I know that’s where my mind went.

“Let’s get to business. You’re not going to need a second session. After Frankie’s actions I couldn’t ask you to endure that again. Your client has been prearranged and he’s eager to get started. Honestly, I’ve never seen anyone more eager. He’s driving me crazy, actually.”

“Already?” I figured it would take awhile, but Nessa had been right. “I didn’t know it would be so soon.”

“This client of mine is very dear to me. I wouldn’t assign just any of my girls to him. He requires a strong woman, who wants only to protect his identity. To be honest I’ve known him his whole life and he’s never once asked me for a girl.”

It was so intriguing, but scary. “Am I allowed to know anything about him?”

“He’s between the ages of thirty and forty. He’s very handsome, and kind.”

“Has he been with other girls before?”

“He’s never been with any of my girls. I can assure you of that.”

“Is something wrong with him?”

She slid a few papers over toward me. “Sign these papers. They protect both of us legally.” She was avoiding the question. “This is the key card for room four-hundred at Century Suites. Be there before ten in the morning, clean, shaved and prepared, both mentally and physically. When he arrives you will be required to wear a blindfold. His identity must be a secret.”

I cut in. “Wait. I’m supposed to just sleep with some man and never know who it is? That is insane!”

“Dear, you just did that earlier today. In time he will feel comfortable enough to open up. I suggest you follow his rules if you want to make good tips.”

It was true, but with the client I would be all alone. I wasn’t sure if I was okay with that.


“Yes. On top of what you make, most clients will also tip.”

“What if I can’t go through with it?”

“My client knows that you are his first encounter. He requested you.” He requested me? Had I gone onto some ala-cart escort site? “If you’re afraid of something bad happening, I can assure you that it won’t.”

“Like today?” I’m pretty sure the definition of ‘bad’ wasn’t what I’d experienced earlier. When I leave here I will check the dictionary just in case.


“I asked for it,” I lied. “I wanted that man to have sex with me. I wanted to know what it would feel like, just one time. It’s more my fault than his. Please, don’t be hard on him.”

She began to laugh. “Lily, I know what happened. It was clear that you enjoyed yourself, maybe even too much. I never expected you to be so welcoming. Nessa is trained to go as far as the person allows. I suppose maybe you could have whispered for Frankie to please you, but it was still stipulated beforehand that he wasn’t to do so.”

I knew that I wasn’t in any position to help out the man. Then it actually finally hit me. Just as I was about to leave I burst into tears. Ms. Cybil was standing in front of me and reached out her hand to touch my arm. “What you’re feeling is normal.”

I jerked away, unable to keep my composure any longer. “I cheated on my husband. I’m a slut because I liked it? I liked how it felt to be touched by them. I wanted more, I asked for it. I’m just as horrible as my husband.”

She was probably rolling her eyes and wishing she never laid eyes on me, but her arms wrapped around my shoulders for comfort anyway. “What happened today is the reason why I have these sessions. I need to know not only if you can handle the situation, but also be able to deal with the repercussions. If you can’t get through today, then we’ll have to find my client someone else. I can’t have you getting upset like this in front of him.”

I waited until she let go to wipe my tears away. “I need the money. Please. I’m desperate. I won’t let him see me upset.”

This woman must have thought I was bi-polar, and I was beginning to wonder the same thing. I suppose I felt ashamed for what I’d done. For my whole life I’d been this person to follow all of the rules. The idea that I’d done something so out of my norm was disturbing. Even worse was the fact that I’d been willing to get it on with Nessa in the shower, although our business chat got in the way.

After leaving the office, I headed to a parking lot where I cried for an unknown amount of time. I hated myself, and finally went home to shower again, to wash off the shame I’d brought on myself, that I’d endure for an eternity in Hell.

I ordered pizza and after picking up the kids from the bus, I retreated to my bedroom and shut the door. Luckily Charlie thought I was crying because of what he’d done. Honestly it was the only thing that made me feel better inside. Had it not been for him I wouldn’t have had to become a whore. This was all his fault and I hated him even more.

I tried talking myself out of going to meet my client a dozen times, but yet I got a shower, made sure I looked my best and was on my way to the hotel. Living under the same roof as Charlie was only making me want to commit murder. I needed to get away, but knew I couldn’t go without my children. There was one easy way out of this and it required me to take off my clothes and f**k a stranger. I was willing to do it for as long as I needed to in order to get by. I would make a new life for myself, no matter if it destroyed the person I once was.

I didn’t have to check into the hotel since I already had a room key. Nerves really hit me as I entered into the elevator and then got my first look at the lavish amenities in the room. This wasn’t some hotel that normal travelers stayed at. Every detail, from the furniture to the fixtures was expensive. A fully stocked bar with stools was at one end of the room, and a living room with two couches was on the other side. Further inside was a separate bedroom with a large king size bed. The bathroom within was even more spectacular with a tub that would fit three grown men, not that I was imagining that happening or anything.

I sat down on the bed and then began to fidget. My client would be arriving shortly and I wasn’t prepared. After putting my purse into one of the bedside drawers, I primped in front of the mirror. Finally I walked around the suite and found a note addressed to me.


I hope you aren’t too nervous. In this envelope you will find a comfortable mask to wear. Promptly at ten please make sure the shades are down and you are sitting waiting. It’s okay if you feel scared. I can assure you that I’ve matched you up with someone as equally nervous. Remember, this isn’t about sex. Sometimes this is about listening, and being a companion if even for a short amount of time.
