Read Books Novel


Author: Jennifer Foor

The zipper to my dress was moving down before I even knew he had a hand on it. “I’m scared,” I whispered. “You said you wouldn’t touch me unless I asked.

“No sex,” He whispered back. “Promise.”

While trying to focus on the man’s voice that he clearly wasn’t revealing to figure out if I even knew who he was or if he was just making me think I did, I allowed him to unzip my dress. With ease it fell to the floor, leaving me in only a bra and panties. My hose were only for added sexiness. I’d bought them years ago and never even tried them out for Charlie. Here I was bearing all to a complete stranger who was promising not to have sex with me, even if he was paying a ton of money for two hours of my time. It really made no sense.

Unless he was impotent.

Maybe he couldn’t get it up and having me come in was his way of seeing if the c**k would respond to me differently. I really didn’t know, and I wasn’t about to ask him about it.

My bra was unhooked and I felt my br**sts being freed as it fell to my feet. The stranger spun me around but didn’t touch me. I started to put my hands over my chest and he grabbed them. “Don’t,” He said softly. “Just let me look at you. I want to see all of you,” he whispered.

When I let my hands fall to the side he’d already put his thumbs in my panty line. I was shaking terribly, trying my hardest not to cry. Slowly, he pulled them down over my hips. I felt so naked. I mean, I know I was naked besides the thigh high stockings, but this was different. It was like when you’re walking down a dark ally and you know someone is watching you. It was creepy.

“Now what?” I wasn’t about to be comfortable standing there for a long period of time. He could have been taking my picture and putting it on websites.

Hands ran over my ass cheeks and I felt breath being blown over my pu**y. “Shh”, was all I heard him say before he kissed me right on it. Before I could say for him to stop, or keeping going, I felt his tongue licking my folds. Then he spoke again, as quiet as before. “Are you still afraid that I want to hurt you?”

You can’t ask a woman that question when you’re tongue deep in her pu**y. “No.”

His tongue lapped up my clit, flicking it so forcefully that my knees began to buckle. He kissed me one more time before standing up and bringing his face close to mine. “I won’t hurt you, but someone else could,” he whispered, so low that I could barely make out what was being said. I felt him putting the straps of my bra over my arms and reaching behind my back to fasten it. Next he helped me put my panties back on. He stood, his mouth brushing over mine, making me taste myself as he did it, and then he disappeared. I could feel that his presence wasn’t anywhere near me.

“Did I do something wrong?”

I heard typing again. “Sit down.”

I did as he told me and waited for another reply. “I can do better. Please, I need this money. Don’t change your mind. I’ll do anything you want.”

“You can call me, Frankie. It’s what my mother calls me.”

“Your mother? What the…I don’t understand. You’re Cybil’s son?”

“Yes,” the digital voice responded.

I felt angry and hurt that Cybil would lie to me about him being her son, and even more confused about my first session. “You let your mother watch us? You-,” I stuttered. “You slept with Nessa.”


“I was there. I think I know what happened.”

“Did you know there were four of us there? I was not the only man in the room.”

I was more confused now than ever. “What? Nessa didn’t tell me that. I don’t understand.”

“I don’t work for my mother, and I don’t agree with what she does for a living.” More typing.

“I’m taking off this mask right now if you don’t start explaining to me what’s going on. Is this a test? Is this my second session?”

“You weren’t getting a second session,” the computer responded. “I won’t have it.”

“Buddy, you aren’t in control of me. I don’t know who you think you are, but -.”

“I’m protecting you from yourself.” I heard him typing so I waited for a reply. “I saw you leaving the first night you visited her. She didn’t know I was home. When I confronted her, she lied to me. I made her tell me what you were doing, and I convinced her that I would be your only client.”

“Why? I don’t know you. You don’t know me, well not really. Why, if you hate her lifestyle, would you want to be a part of it for me?”

“It doesn’t matter. I walked in during your first session and forced my mother and that little bastard out of the room. Nessa knew not to say anything to me, or I’d ruin her.” I heard an air-filled laugh escape his lips like he knew he had power over what was happening. “You were going to let him f**k you and I couldn’t have that.”

“So you did it yourself? How brave of you.” I was getting pissed. This wasn’t anything that I’d prepared myself for. This was horrible, and I knew I’d made a terrible mistake.

“You liked it.”

He was right. I did. I’d thought it was the hottest encounter I’d ever had, even not knowing who was in the room, and what had gone on while I was bearing it all. I didn’t respond.

“I wanted you to be with me.”

“You’re her son. Did she watch us? Tell me the truth. She said she did.”

“If she did then it was on camera, because I made her leave, Lily.”

“Don’t call me that.”

“I’m not calling you Lustly. It’s not your name.”

“Why can’t I look at you?”

“I don’t want you to yet, not until I know you can handle this relationship.”

I started to laugh, forgetting that I was sitting in my bra and underwear. “Relationship? You’ve got to be kidding me. This is a business deal. That’s it.”

“Fine.” I heard him close the computer and then felt his hand on my knee. His face was close; I could feel his breath on my face. “Kiss me,” he whispered.

“I’m going to kiss you because the money is going to save my family, not because I like you at all.” I leaned in and pressed my lips over his. Right away he stuck his tongue in my mouth. I started to pull away, but I was met with a familiar pace. I’d kissed him during my session. His slow rhythm was addictive, and I found myself reciprocating. His hands wrapped around my waist and he lifted me into his arms. Frankie carried us across the room and I was soon being sat down on the bed. I could feel the spring of the mattress as he did it. He licked my ear lobe and kissed his way down to my br**sts. I grabbed his chin and pulled him back up for another kiss. His wet lips brushed over mine as well as his tongue. With each kiss the heat increased between my legs. I wanted to be mad at him, but for some reason his touch felt too familiar. His gentle palms caressed my skin as they made their way inside of my panties.
