Read Books Novel


Author: Jennifer Foor

“You’re not going to tell me what you did, are you?”

He was going to push until I caved and the thought of telling him that I was whoring myself out wasn’t something I ever wanted to admit. “No.”

I could tell he was pissed. His jaw tightened and his forehead creased. “If you change your mind, I’ll be around.”

“If I promise to still come and file, will you let me go home?”


“Then I promise.”

He took a step back and reached to open the van door for me. I climbed in and watched him closing the distance between us. His hand touched my leg, and before I could protest, his lips were on mine. I loved the way he kissed me, almost like Frankie did. Charlie was always so fast, but these two new kissers were slow and passionate. When he pulled away I still had my eyes closed. “Look at me, Lily.”

I opened them and gazed into his. “When I look at you I see a man that I wish I could have more with.” My bottom lip began to tremble as I confessed. “I didn’t want to come back because I know I won’t be able to stop myself from wanting you. I’m trying to be strong and do the right thing, but then you kiss me like that and all I want is for you to take me home with you and make love to me over and over again.”

He let out a chuckle and leaned in to kiss me again. With his mouth touching mine he spoke. “Do you want to take my car or yours?”

I was shocked. I’d spent two hours in a hotel room with a stranger, hours before. Sure, I didn’t have sex, but it was still foreplay. Now Eli wanted to take me home with him for an afternoon delight. As much as I knew I shouldn’t, I couldn’t say no without hating myself. Maybe if we made love one time I’d be able to get him out of my system and move forward. “You know I can’t. I have to get the kids off the bus soon.”

“Tomorrow? Meet me tomorrow at my house? I’ll text you the street address.”

I put my head on the steering wheel as I spoke. “Eli, just get in the van.”

We took some short cut to his house and he had me pull into his garage. Once inside of his house I looked around. It was a large two-story, and the kitchen was to die for but looked as if it had never been used. A dog came out of nowhere but never barked. The short and stubby English bulldog came over and welcomed her owner. Eli bent down to greet her. “Hey sweet girl. Daddy’s home.”

“What’s her name?”


“You’re kidding? My dog is named Samson.”

We both got a good laugh out of it, before Eli got his serious look on his face. He cleared his throat. “Come here, Lily.”

I stepped forward breaking the distance between us. He ran his hands over my cheeks and then my lips. I closed my eyes and felt our mouths touching. His tongue began to mingle with mine. He pulled away with this puzzled look on his face. “This isn’t right. I shouldn’t have brought you here.”

“I drove.”

“Lily, I want you, but not like this. Just go home and do what you have to do. I’ll call you tomorrow when you have a fresh head.”

“Did I do something wrong?”

He leaned down and kissed me softly. “No. This time it’s all me. I told you before that I didn’t want to be a regret.”

“But I want this.”

“Yeah, but I’m willing to wait for it.”

It took me a while to accept that he wanted me to leave. I’d promised to pick him up in the morning so that he could get back to his car at the office, albeit I knew that being alone with him made me want things that I couldn’t ever have.

My life was in shambles, and in order to put it back together I was going to have to keep my priorities straight. Eli was an unfortunate bump in the road that I couldn’t afford to get involved with, no matter how much I wished I could.

Chapter 7

That night after taking the kids where they all needed to be, and feeding them dinner, I headed upstairs to soak in the tub and think about my situation. Honestly, I just wanted some alone time to take in the day that I’d had. Aside from Eli I’d gotten involved with my first client, who happened to be my boss’s son. On top of that, he had some sick obsession to protect me, and I didn’t understand why.

Charlie came in the bathroom and sat on the edge of the tub. When he knew that I’d seen him but wouldn’t say anything he spoke up. “We need to talk, Lil.”

I put the rag over my face. “I have nothing to say to you, Charlie.”

“How long are we going to go like this? Don’t you think we should call a therapist or something?”

I took the rag and put it in the water, then turned my attention to him. I looked him right in the eyes as I spoke. “As far as I’m concerned right now I don’t like you. It’s going to take me a long time to be able to look at you without seeing what you’ve done. If I were you, I’d keep your mouth shut and your dick in your pants.” I put the rag over my face. “If you’ll excuse me, I’m trying to relax from a shitty day.”

He got up and left without saying anything, and by the time I climbed into bed, he was rolled over and appeared to be asleep. I found it hard to fall asleep with so much on my mind. I’d created a clusterfuck of situations and if I didn’t gain some kind of control I was going to surely lose my mind.

It was almost morning when I finally closed my eyes. A little later I woke to the kids getting ready for school. Charlie was up and already dressed. He came over to my side of the bed. “I’ll take them to the bus stop on my way in.”

I started to get up. “You don’t have to.”

“It’s fine.”

As soon as he left the room I fell back asleep.

My cell phone woke me up and when I saw what time it was I knew it was the diner calling. My first decision of the day was to tell them that I wouldn’t be coming back in. I felt terrible, but my mind was made up. I was going to see my client once a week, for both the money and sexual pleasure. I’d be lying if I didn’t want both. Even in the awkward first encounter, I’d found myself drawn to Frankie. It amazed me, but clearly I didn’t need to know someone to enjoy myself.

Didn’t I deserve some kind of release?

As soon as I ended the call my phone rang again. This time it was Eli.

“I overslept.”

“Were you dreaming about me?”

“You’re funny. Actually I didn’t sleep last night.”
