Read Books Novel


Author: Jennifer Foor

He let go and lifted me up, sitting me back down so that I was reverse cowgirl. He pulled my back against his chest and squeezed my ni**les. The slap of my ass moving up and down splashed the water all around. I reached my hands backwards and ran them through his hair holding it while my body lost control. His mouth found mine as the lower part of my muscles contracted. I reached down with one hand and rubbed over my pu**y. I started to shudder, and he held me closer, still kissing me while I lost control.

When I finally was able to move, I spun myself around and kissed him hard on the lips again. Our tongue matched a pace, hungrily wanting even more than we’d already had. I started rocking my lower body again, letting him know I wasn’t nearly finished. If he wanted me to be his whore, I was going to give him the f**k of his life.

I rocked my body hard over his, slamming all of my weight onto his legs. I kissed his face, his neck and then sank down, pulling my body off of his cock. I took him into my mouth, shoving it in as if I was starved for it. Rubber and the taste of my release covered my tongue. He grabbed my hair and responded with a loud moan. I pulled away and licked the tip. “Is this what you want? You want me dirty? You want me to be your whore, Eli?”

I’d been blind not to see it what was obviously right in front of me this whole time.

All of a sudden he froze. He lifted me by my hair, but didn’t do anything as I lifted the mask from my eyes. I sat there, his dick still in my hand, waiting for him to say something to me. “I can explain.”

“You better, because I have a handful of dick that I’m about to rip off your body.”

He let go of me and put his hands in the air. “Lily, just let me talk before you freak the f**k out.”

“Freak the f**k out. Are you serious? For three weeks I’ve been spending time playing some sick game with you. Have you no shame? You talk about f**king lying and look at you.” I took my other hand and smacked him in the face, before shoving him away and climbing out of the tub.

He followed behind me, almost busting his ass on the porcelain floor. I wanted to laugh but was too freaking pissed to consider it. “Lily, you have to understand. I was protecting you.”

“Protecting me from being f**ked?” I started to put on my regular clothes but he spun me around.

“I was trying to protect you from making the biggest mistake of your life.”

“You, my sick and twisted friend, are the biggest mistake of my life.”

I shoved him away, only to have him grab me and force me onto the bed. He held my arms as he spoke. “I’m not going to hurt you, but you need to listen to me. I’d never hurt you and you know it.”

“I don’t believe you, Frankie, or Eli, or whatever your name is.”

“It’s both. My name is Elias Franklin Polleras. My mother calls me Frankie, she always has. I took on my first name when I went to law school to become someone else. I wanted to get away from her. I told you this story already.”

I thought about our last meet and all of the things he’d said to me. It was all starting to make sense. “Last week you text me while you were sitting here with me. Then you caused an argument with me over me being here, when you knew damn well what had happened. You took advantage of me.”

“No, I didn’t. You have to understand that when I saw you at the mansion talking to my mother I about shit myself. Of all the people for you to run into you happen to meet my mother. I confronted her that night and she assured me that she wouldn’t pursue you. Then I showed up at her house again and saw your van. After that I was determined to protect you, no matter what I had to do. So you can stand there and act like I’m this piece of shit, but think about everything I’ve done for you, Lily. I saved you from my mother. I saved you from becoming a whore.”

“You f**ked me during my first session, and made me think you were a stranger. How could you think any of that was okay?”

“I couldn’t tell you that she was my mother. You needed the money, and I found a way to help you without you knowing. Don’t you see, I’ve done all of this for you.”

“Why? I’m just a woman that wants a divorce. When you walked in here today I thought you were a different man. How does it make you feel knowing that I wanted him to f**k me?”

“Clearly you’re pissed at me for how we left things.”

“You’re damn right I am. I’ve tried to call you. I needed you and you weren’t there, but you sure as shit showed up today.”

“I never would have slept with you today. You made it too hard to resist. How was I supposed to handle walking in and seeing you spread eagle for me.”

I pointed to him. “I hate you right now.”

“Lily, I’m in love with you. Like it or not I’m not going anywhere. You need me, and you know it.”

“I hate liars.”

“You lied to me too. You told me little lies to appease me.”

“You pretended to be someone else. My little lies don’t even compare, you prick.”

He reached in his pants that he was about to put back on. “You’re right. I f**ked up, but it was the only way I knew you’d let me help you. No way I spin this is going to help me. If you want to hate me it’s your damn choice, but everything I did was to protect the good woman that you’ve always been. Sure, you thought you were an escort. You played the part terribly, by the way. Had I been a real client your ass would have been fired the first five minutes.”

“Screw you!” I tossed his shirt toward him.

“It’s true.”

I was shaking so badly, unable to come with an ounce of energy to see past what he’d done to me. “I’m leaving. If you try to give me money, I’ll cut off your dick and serve it to your dog.”

Eli watched me dress and leave the hotel room. I didn’t bother waiting to watch him leave. I was so confused, hurt, and angry. I drove straight to his mother’s house, eager to give her a piece of my mind.

By the time I’d arrived, I’d cried and screamed a dozen times. She greeted me at the door, already having heard what happened from her son. “Dear, this was all his idea,” She confirmed.

“It doesn’t matter. You both conned me. I told him before that I didn’t want his money. This is bullshit!”

She motioned for me to sit down. “My son and I don’t see eye to eye. He just started having dinner with me again last year. I think he only did it for his sister’s sake. They don’t get along either, but he’s always tried to save her from whatever catastrophe she’s gotten herself into. I suppose most of it is my fault. You see my daughter wanted fortune, but she didn’t want to have to work. She threatened to work for someone else if I didn’t give her a job. She fell in love with her first client and married him, after he divorced his wife. I told her it was a terrible idea, but she did it anyway. Now she’s got kids, and she’s up shit creek again.”
