Read Books Novel


Author: Jennifer Foor

I cocked an eyebrow. “Excuse me for being rude, but I didn’t come here to talk about your daughter. I came here to tell you to not direct deposit my check like we discussed. I don’t want Eli’s money.”

She began to laugh. “May I ask how you found out? Did my honest boy finally come clean?”

I leaned over her desk and looked her right in the eye. “It doesn’t take a whore to know one man from another.”

“Darling, you are the one that thought you were sleeping with both men.”

She had a point. “Does it even matter? Your son is sick, and I never want to see him again. You both knew my situation.”

“In his defense I can tell he did it because he cares about you. Though I don’t believe in the term anymore, I’d say he was in love with you.”

“So he says.” I looked the other way. “I’ve said my peace. You can take the blood tests, the private investigators, and your threats and shove them up your ass. I’m done with you and your son.”

I left the mansion without looking back, even passing Eli on the road. I didn’t look back to see if he’d turned around, because I didn’t care. He’d lied to me, and disgraced me when I thought he was my closest friend. I thought I loved him, but I didn’t know him.

For the next two weeks I went into a state of depression. I couldn’t eat, or sleep and I certainly couldn’t be the mom that my kids needed me to be. Finally one night my son asked if he could talk to me. He led me into his room and locked the door behind us. For a moment I could have sworn that he was going to tell me that he got a girl pregnant. With my luck it was bound to happen when I felt like nothing else could bring me down.

He sat down on his bed next to me and grabbed my hand. “I know why you’re so sad.”

“Everything is fine. I’m just going through changes,” I lied.

“Mom, I saw them together. I know about dad, and I know you know.”

“What do you mean?”

“I know about him and Kate. I’ve known for a long time, and so has Violet.”

I looked over at him and started to cry. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

He wiped away his own tears. “Because I didn’t want to believe it at first. Then I couldn’t bring myself to hurt you.”

“How did you find out?”

“Last year when you took my phone away I found where you would hide it. When you’d go up to bed I’d sneak down and go outside to call my girlfriend. I saw dad coming downstairs and hid behind the pool so he wouldn’t catch me. I watched him sneak over to Kate’s and saw them kissing before he went inside. He didn’t come out for another hour, and in that time I saw her bedroom light going on and the shadow of two people. I’m not stupid.”

I felt so bad for my son and my daughter. “What about Violet? Did you tell her?”

“No. A few months ago she came to me crying. She said she saw them together when she was out with one of her friends. She said they were at the movies making out. She didn’t tell you she went because the movie was R rated and she knew she wasn’t allowed to see it.”

I played with my pants while I spoke to him, unable to look him in the eyes. “I just found out a few months ago. I didn’t have the heart to tell anyone. You kids mean everything to me, and the idea of our family breaking up hurt me so much. I’ve been trying to find a way to get a place, for all of us to be able to start over. I don’t know what to do anymore.”

My son put his arm around me. He leaned his head on my shoulder. “I can get a job. Maybe I could help.”

“You are sweet, but I can’t ask you to help me. I’m just glad you’re okay.”

“Me and Violet talked about telling you. I can’t look at him without wanting to punch him in the face. Seeing you so upset is what made me decide to tell you, Mom. We’ll figure something out.”

My son was growing into a man, and I was proud of him for being so strong. “I love you.”

“I love you too. So what happens next,” he asked.

“I saw a lawyer. He’s helping me figure things out.”

“Do you need me to be with you when you tell dad?”

“No. It’s something that I need to do alone.” I put my hand on his knee. “Thank you for offering.”

“Are you going to be okay, Mom?”

“Yes. We’re all going to be okay. I promise.” It hurt me that he hated his father, but my son was old enough to make his own decisions.

I didn’t know how, but I was going to find a way to make things right.

Chapter 9

Two weeks later I still hadn’t made any type of effort at anything.

My monthly pay for three weeks of being a fake whore still sat in an account untouched. My tips were hidden in a shoe box where I kept high school memorabilia. I refused to spend Eli’s money, but until I could see him face to face, I wasn’t going to return the money.

He hadn’t tried to contact me, and as much as I needed the time to think, I still missed him. He’d lied to me about so much, but somehow I understood why. It didn’t change the fact that I was still angry with him, but I was able to understand his desperate attempt to save me from myself. It almost made me feel embarrassed about my last encounter. I’d given up hope on life and thought that being a whore would bring me some kind of release. It was horrible to even admit to myself. With two of my children already knowing my predicament I regretted the fact that I’d let myself stoop that low to provide for them.

I finally gained the courage to face him. I’d made a plan and was determined to see it through no matter how much it hurt me.

After going to the mall and purchasing what I needed, I was staring at myself in the mirror wearing only a pair of black leather hot pants. Even I could admit that I looked hot in them, and was proud of my figure, even though it was on the thin side. Shirtless, I walked downstairs in my tiny shorts and a pair of heels. When he spotted me I swayed my hips around, giving him a show of what he was going to be missing.

Looking at Charlie across from me only reminded me of how much I’d come to hate him. Eli may have lied, but it was to keep me an honest woman. Charlie lied because he couldn’t keep his dick in his pants. There was a huge difference.

I ran my hands over my ni**les. “I sent the kids to their friends so we could talk alone.”

Charlie looked up at me and smiled. He reached his hand over to grab mine, but I pulled away.
