Read Books Novel


Author: Jennifer Foor

The last straw was when I finally decided that I needed to know how long it had been going on, and if she was the only one.

It took me literally two attempts to figure out his personal password on his separate bank account. Once inside I had to sift through charges that coincided with when we weren’t together. Sure enough, there were local hotel stays when he’d said he was working out of town, including the one he was currently staying at.

Two miles away.

That son of a bitch had been f**king my neighbor in a hotel that was within walking distance of our house. Anyone could have seen him.

After pacing around the kitchen, flailing my arms and talking myself into a stupor, I decided that I had to get myself together. My mother, who was in a nursing home, after suffering from a stroke, was no help to me. My aunt, who’d always been the second person I’d turned to, was on a cruise with her new husband, and my brother was in Afghanistan working as a medical pilot.

None of them could help me.

I picked up my phone and sifted through my contacts, wondering who I could call for advice, but after considering that most of my friends were my children’s friend’s parents, I knew I didn’t want them knowing my business.

I was going to have to take matters into my own hands if I wanted my kids to be able to come out of this without having to go into therapy.

I don’t know what made me snap. Honestly I was fine one moment and the next I was in my mini-van driving straight to the hotel like a bat out of hell. Now, a smart person would have hidden their vehicle out of plain sight, or at least worn a disguise to prevent the person they were spying on from catching them.

Obviously I wasn’t worried about being smart. Hell, if he would have walked out of that hotel the moment I spotted both of their cars I think I would have run them over, repeatedly, and then sped off, while they bled out.

Reaching degrees for a boiling point was hard for me to do. I’d had years to practice being patient, tolerating more than a fair share of fights, sicknesses, and kid drama. I knew how to walk away and take a few breaths before losing control and doing something that I’d regret, but still some part of me needed a reason to feel empowered. I needed some kind of release, and I’m not talking about sexually.

With no regard for who might be watching, including my f**kstick of a husband, I stepped out of my mini-van and walked over to his shiny BMW. We’d sacrificed a new kitchen so that he could splurge on that car. I knew exactly how much it meant to him to have it looking pristine all of the time. I assessed the vehicle, walking over to the passenger side. With my elbow, I knocked out the passenger side mirror, giggling when I looked back and saw how it was shoved into the component. For a women in her late thirties, I felt like a teenager, doing something I’d definitely ground my kids for doing.

The mirror wasn’t enough for me though. I wanted the wow factor when he noticed the damage. I wanted his mouth to drop, as if he’d walked in and saw me blowing the pool boy or better yet, one of my son’s friends.

For a moment my mind went to Mrs. Robinson and I wondered if I still had that kind of hotness.

I found a rock on the ground, small, but large enough to scratch the paint to hell. Being rational, I knew I couldn’t write cheater, or ass**le without him knowing I’d caught him. Until I figured out how to pay for a lawyer and get my ducks in row, I wasn’t going to let him know I was onto his secret affair.

Just as the rock made contact with the shiny black paint, my phone began to ring. It startled me, causing me to move my hand away from the vehicle.

“Hello?” I assumed it was about my children.

“Hey, honey, it’s me. I’m just checking in.”

That mother f**ker was in the hotel across the lot from me pretending he was away on business. It took everything in me not to blast him with the obvious truth and be done with it all. “Are they keeping you busy?” In other words, did Kate have her lips around his cock?

“Yeah. It’s pretty intense. I don’t know if I’ll be able to call later. I’ll shoot you a text before I go to bed.”

“I’ll wait up.”

“Great. You’re the best, Lil. Love ya.”


I stared blankly at the perfect paint job on his car. “Yeah, love you too.”

With no regard for who could see me I took that rock and drew circles all over the door panel. The nerve of him was atrocious. He deserved much worse than I was giving him, and I needed to sort out my business before I could make any decisions.

After driving away, and pouring all of my tears over the steering wheel of the mini-van, I decided that I needed to speak to an attorney before I could jump into any plans with my future. We had a hefty house payment, and the utilities alone were enough for someone to need two jobs. Then there were my children. As their mother, I wasn’t willing to spend one single day without them under my roof. I’d be damned if that son of a bitch was going to have them.

However, I had no job; no means at all to make money. Sure, I could sue him and collect alimony, but my kids would still have to move; they’d be devastated over the breakup and I’d be taking them out of the only home they’d ever known. Someone like me, with no job experience could never afford to live anywhere remotely near where we resided, and I felt sick over imagining them choosing to stay with him over me.

I used my cell phone to look up the names of lawyers that offered free consultation. I knew they probably weren’t the best at what they did, but it was definitely a start. I needed options and advice, before I picked my kids up from school and drove as far away from my husband as possible.

Out of dumb luck, an attorney’s office had a cancellation right before I’d called. They told me if I was able to make it there in the next fifteen minutes I could get in to see one of the lawyers.

I drove across town and was in the parking lot of the building within minutes. Then I just sat there, staring at the building and realizing what I was going in there for. Was I ready to end my marriage? If given the choice, would my husband choose to stay with me? Could we resolve things without breaking up our family?

The answer was easy when I closed my eyes and pictured my neighbor’s lips sucking up his stiff dick. I climbed out of the mini-van determined that there was no way in hell I’d ever forgive him.

The attorney’s office was busy. Two front desk girls sat next to each other, one having people fill out forms while the other stayed on the phone. After signing in, I sat down across from this woman that was applying lipstick and double checking her makeup. I found it odd that this was a divorce lawyer and she was primping, as if she were going to look her best for a divorce.
